11:11 Portal Of 2022, What Is It, How Will It Benefit Us & How To Take Advantage Of It

On November 11, an important portal known as 11:11 will open, a moment in the year in which we can connect with the universe, with its energy and sensitivity.

We present you a little more about this phenomenon that only occurs once a year, in addition to taking advantage of this moment to improve your future.


What is the 11:11 Portal?

It is a date in which two worlds connect to mark a before and after, so it is recommended to pause to reflect on the present, make the necessary changes to have a better future, as well as to expand awareness for introspection.



What does the 11:11 Portal mean in Numerology?

11 is known as the Master number, that is, it has an important force that connects with daily life to achieve the desired objectives. Especially it is a sign that leads us to concentrate on the positive and on the dreams we want to realize.

While individually, the 1 symbolizes the most sensitive part of each person that connects with the emotions, the heart, the romantic life, and everything that excites us. It is an invitation to be you again, to connect with the essence to show it to others.

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How to Energetically Benefit from the 11:11 Portal?

My recommendation is that you dedicate these hours to be alone, start meditating, read a book and write about all those things that have been spinning around in your head. Remember that small actions can bring many positive changes.



Tips to Take Advantage of the Energy of this Event

Today (November 11), a very important energy portal will open because it symbolizes one of the master numbers in astrology which means intuition, introspection, and everything related to the spiritual world.

November, being the eleventh month of the year, is also symbolized by the same number as the day, giving us 11:11. This portal translates into freedom and energy, which makes it the perfect time to let the good vibes flow and enter your life.

Do you want to know how to achieve it? We tell you 5 tips to take advantage of these vibrations.


Tip 1: Take the Opportunity to Manifest

It is the perfect time for you to manifest everything you want in your life. Remember that the best way to do this is to write as if it already happened. Do not forget to thank the universe, this is fundamental in the manifestations.


Tip 2: Meditate

It is a portal that also transmits a lot of peace and will help you to better concentrate your energies. It is the perfect opportunity to meditate and reflect on the good things you want in your life.


Tip 3: Tap into Your Intuition

The energy that will be there during this day will help you to connect with your intuition, so it is ideal for you to practice tarot or any form that helps you to connect with yourself and your thoughts.

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Tip 4: Start New Things

As it is a day when everything aligns, it is a good time for new beginnings. You can start planning what you have been dreaming about or follow up on what you put on hold months ago.


Tip 5: Heal

Take advantage of the portal to release, let go energetically and receive good vibes. Let go of everything that no longer connects with you and is bad for you.

The 11:11 portal is one of the strongest of the year, so don't miss the opportunity to carry out any of these actions to attract good energy.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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