3 Zodiac Signs Will Have Trust Issues During Moon Sextile Mars Starting January 27

During the Moon sextile Mars, which began on January 26/27, 2023, trust issues are to be expected for 3 zodiac signs. They won't be able to trust anyone.

The Moon sextile Mars in Gemini is one of those celestial transits that, if there is one celestial transit that was designed to make us anxious and paranoid, it would be this one.

After it occurs, we won't just think about whatever comes to mind; we'll also be quick to judge and criticize. We don't trust things, we don't trust situations, and above all, we don't trust others.

We might experience an extreme lack of confidence in both romantic relationships and professional endeavors. When we have problems with trusting others, we may even experience feelings of possessiveness or greed.

This is because, on some level, we are unconsciously attempting to shield ourselves from the “big mean world.” We just want to be left alone to pursue our own interests without having to answer to anyone.

This sextile aspect tends to bring out our fears, which means that even when we are with the nicest people, we will have a tendency to see nothing but a dark forest of betrayal ahead of us.

When we don't trust, others won't trust us either.





Gemini, you are usually very outgoing and enjoy spending time in the company of friends and others who share your interests and values. What you hate, however, is disagreeing.

When the Moon is sextile Mars, as it is now, the friction that is caused by disagreements is too much for you to handle. Someone will make a suggestion to you that you will not only find absurd but also questionable and potentially dangerous.

Someone may advise you to do something risky, which may cause you to view it as a threat. You'll think this individual does not care about you and puts you in danger.

The reality is that no one is going to force you to do anything; rather, they will simply make suggestions. However, because the Moon is sextile Mars, you might view their suggestion as something that could start a conflict or even a war.





Libra, you are without a doubt one of the kindest, sweetest, and most understanding zodiac signs; however, you do not wish to be bothered.

You strive to present an image that is one of steadiness, equilibrium, and an easygoing demeanor. You, however, don't want to prove who you are, which is why you find it so convenient to hide behind the mask of “kindness.”

However, because of this sextile, someone will strike a chord, and you won't be able to keep the same attitude. On top of that, you won't think you should remain friendly.

You're feeling hostility and apprehension towards others. This transit is going to bring out your stubbornness and resentment. Those who want to mess with you will definitely learn their lesson.





Sagittarius, you will think that you do not need the help of others in order to make progress in your life. Because you have everything you need, there is no reason for you to trust someone who consistently messes things up.

During this sextile transit, you will feel very committed to your choice to withdraw from the outside world, even if it's just for a short period of time, a few days for example.

You will not find solace in the words of those who are only trying to help; you won't even be able to understand why they're trying to help you in the first place.

You won't need anyone, and despite the fact that you might feel lonely at times, you are going to continue with this plan until you decide that it is too much.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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