4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Take Their Ex Back

One of the worst parts aspects of ending a relationship is feeling like everything is your fault. We feel like something is wrong with us or that we could have done better.

Even though it's perfectly natural to think about what went wrong, this often leads to an endless parade of counterproductive “what-ifs” in your head.

Sometimes the only person to blame for a breakup is our partner, and we could have done nothing to prevent the breakup, even though we tend to think we are the ones in the wrong.

We have to admit that physical appearance is the first thing that attracts us to a partner. After that, we fall in love with their actions and personality, and in the end, they reveal their true dark nature.

We all have our own dark side and if we don't like our partner's dark side, the relationship will definitely suffer. Everyone fights their own battle, and even zodiac signs have their developed and dark form.

In many articles, we have talked about some zodiac signs and portrayed them in a negative light. However, in those articles, we haven't really talked about these signs in their developed form, but about their dark form.

A dark zodiac sign is one that has more bad traits than good ones. A dark Cancer, for example, might not be sensitive at all but rather very cruel and self-centered, and a dark Aries might be completely insecure and arrogant rather than confident and humble.

When examining your ex-partner, it is important to consider the presence of dark zodiac signs.

You are dealing with someone whose zodiac sign is in the dark if your ex has a history of manipulating you, lying to you, cheating on you, and doing other terrible things.

Dark zodiac signs should not be taken lightly. They are going to need a lot of help, patience, and work on themselves in order to overcome their destructive tendencies and thrive as a person.

Regardless of how many times they let you down, your ex is still the person who won your love and trust. Some zodiac signs are particularly prone to taking their ex back:




Cancer 4

People born under this sign don't let anyone past their tough exterior that easily. Cancers are very empathetic and sensitive.

When their relationship comes to an end, they suffer a lot because they fall in love so quickly and passionately. Since you're so great at empathizing with others, Cancer is one of the most devoted in the zodiac.

If you truly love someone, you would sacrifice anything for them. You are also repulsed by all forms of negativity and hatred, and would rather not be constantly exposed to it.

Cancers find it difficult to turn their feelings on and off because their love is very strong and intense. They have an unwavering commitment to the person they love thus they are willing to overlook their errors.

You often find yourself taking care of your complicated love partners, which often results in you neglecting yourself and your own feelings.

This can cause Cancers to get stuck in unhealthy partnerships and emotional patterns. Your feelings of nostalgia make it more likely that you will bring an ex back into your life.




Virgo 4

This earth sign strives for perfection and is not afraid to put in the work necessary to hone its skills.

Although a Virgo's aspiration is to excel in everything they do, it is important to keep in mind that the constant pursuit of the ideal can be destructive when applied to self or others.

They're aware of this trait and tend to think that it may be the same behavior that pushed the other person away. This sign wants to be in charge of everything, and that includes the tendencies of her love partner.

Any sort of behavior that can be classified as toxic will bring out the worst in Virgo and make her think that the breakup was because of her obsession and that the relationship should be perfect.

The fact of the matter is that Virgo was not treated fairly in any way and that her own nature was used as a weapon against her.

When you employ this method of manipulation, Virgo will believe that they are the ones who ought to change rather than the other way around.

This sign will likely make changes to their routines and try to re-establish contact with an ex. As creatures of habit, the decision will be even easier to make.

In fact, we shouldn't change for anyone. It is important to love the person for who they are, and if we try to change someone, we are not entering into the relationship with honest intent.




Libra 4

People born under this sign try to maintain harmony in their romantic partnerships and are willing to go to great lengths to please their partner.

This sign is more of a giver than a taker. The problem is that Libras will put their partner's happiness and the health of the relationship ahead of their own needs and desires.

They have a tendency to forget about themselves, which can result in resentment toward their partner and the relationship over time. Libra also do not like to talk about their feelings.

You end up taking your ex back because you don't really ever leave them and you continue to keep in touch with them even after the breakup.

After a breakup, you can still call your ex and act like you are in a relationship with them without any hard feelings attached to the breakup.

Libras have this tendency with their relationships with friends, lovers, partners, and even business associates.

The truth is that the breakup has a great impact on you, but still, try to carry on as if nothing has happened.

So if they are offered a reunion with their ex, you will gladly accept it.




Pisces 4

Pisces is the most idealistic and forgiving sign of the zodiac, and they are able to endure more pain than is reasonable without expressing dissatisfaction or taking revenge.

However, even this sign has its limitations, and you'll part with them after you took them for granted. Pisces knows that everything in life is only temporary because they view life through the eyes of an experienced and wise old man.

Relationships come and go, and despite the fact that you may be feeling hurt on the inside, you should know that the end of a relationship is only a small part of your life.

You are set to go with the flow when it comes to life, so reconciling with a person who has hurt you before is not out of the question.

You're also one of the few signs of the zodiac that recognize the value of life's simple pleasures. So when you think back to all the beautiful memories you created with your ex, you can develop a sense of longing for them.

Pisces may have an optimistic outlook on life and the possibility of getting back together, but the idea is actually that you keep your word and teat your partner better this time.

If you've ever had a good time with them in the past, you will do so again, but only if you are willing to learn from your past mistakes and make the necessary changes.

Once Pisces forgive their ex, things will return to normal.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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