4 Zodiac Signs Receive Much-Needed Signs from the Universe in July 2024

The month of July brings with it many changes, foreshadowing some challenging transits in August. Four zodiac signs will feel strong impacts from these transits and receive much-needed messages from the Universe.

The month begins with Neptune retrograde on July 2nd, followed by Mercury entering Leo on the same day.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 5th will be a time of emotional awareness and reflection. Venus enters Leo on July 11th, bringing much-needed fire energy—a time when we can feel empowered to express ourselves and ignite our passions.

Mars will enter Gemini on July 20th, adding transformative energy that will help these signs strive for victories. The second full moon in Capricorn will occur on July 21st, another time to reflect on our relationship with power and control.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, and Mercury will be in Virgo from July 25th. The signs listed below need to learn to listen to the messages of these transits before Leo season begins:




At the beginning of the month, the planets in Cancer signal a time to relax and take more methodical steps. You possess immense power, but it's time to channel this energy in a way that helps you feel balanced and renewed.

The concentration of planets in water signs will focus you on emotional healing, and the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th will keep your attention on home and family.

It may feel strange, but you must learn to slow down if you want to continue being successful in your career. As a sign that likes to go full throttle, Saturn Retrograde from June 29th will make you experience life through an emotional lens.

Before we enter the magic and power of Leo season, it's essential to add grounding and calming energy to your routine.

Embrace this period of introspection and emotional growth. By doing so, you will be better prepared to reach for the stars and achieve your ambitions with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

Take this time to nurture your inner self, focus on your emotional well-being, and create a solid foundation for the exciting times ahead.





The New Moon on the 5th will highlight how you have been caring for your relationships, especially whether you have been there for the people you love.

This month initiates a period of analysis and honesty with yourself.

With two full moons in your sign this year, the message is clear: it’s time to take more responsibility for your actions. The full moon on the 21st will allow you to reflect on what you uncovered seven months ago when the new moon was in your sign.

Cancer season encourages you to focus on your partnerships, but also to nurture your independent side.

As a cardinal sign driven by achievements and success, you’re now being asked to consider what’s best for you and to listen to your body as your ruler, Saturn, turns retrograde on the 29th.

This is a time for introspection and balance. Reflect on your relationships and personal goals. Use this period to nurture both your connections with others and your own well-being.

Embrace the opportunity to align your ambitions with your emotional health, ensuring a more balanced and fulfilling path forward.





The new moon in Cancer on the 5th encourages you to embrace emotional transparency. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions during Cancer season.

This is your time to build a stronger emotional connection with your partner, just before the Sun enters Leo and transits your relationship house.

On the 8th, the Moon will oppose Pluto, offering opportunities to improve your relationships, provided you work on personal healing. Being more open and honest with friends or a close partner will help you develop intense bonds.

This period also brings focus to your 12th house with the New Moon in Capricorn, allowing you to reconnect with your dreams.

Although this may seem like a challenging transit, the full moon will enable you to close chapters before the Sun enters your sign. When the Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, you'll experience fruitful connections and can focus on your goals.

Embrace this transformative time, Aquarius. Open your heart, heal past wounds, and strengthen your relationships. As you move through these transits, you'll find deeper connections and a clearer path to your aspirations.




Your ruling planet, Mars, will be in your house of partnerships at the beginning of the month, which can cause conflict in your relationships if you are not willing to compromise.

The same themes will repeat when the Moon in Leo opposes Pluto on the 8th. Listen to your friends or partners and learn to see all sides of the equation.

With Mars moving into Gemini on the 20th, you might experience frustration. However, you can take the lead in school or work because Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all be in Leo this month.

While everyone can see you, you might still feel hidden as Mars in Gemini presents its challenges.

But you're a sign that understands the value of patience and hard work. You will succeed as long as you are not pressured to rush ahead. The mantra for this month is to move forward calmly and steadily, ensuring you finish the race without rushing.

Embrace the balance between visibility and introspection. Your ability to navigate complex emotions and situations will serve you well.

Stay composed, listen intently, and take measured steps towards your goals. This steady approach will help you achieve success and maintain harmony in your relationships.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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