4 Zodiac Signs Will Undergo Major Changes on the December New Moon

You don't need to wait for New Year's resolutions to get your life in order; the New Moon in December will be the ideal time for you to do so.

The last few days of December are typically filled with frantic activity as people try to meet their various commitments, celebrate joyful occasions with their friends and family, and think back on the previous year.

However, there is a pragmatic and forward-looking New Moon just over a week before the year 2022 comes to a close. This New Moon asks you to lean into your more ambitious side as you begin to plan things for the weeks ahead.

This lunar eclipse, which occurs on December 23 in Capricorn, is designed to amplify your drive, diligence, and ability to organize yourself.

You will then be in a position to move on to a different chapter with a clearer head and a strategy that is superior and more realistic.


This New Moon Will Push Us toBe Efficient

When the Sun, which provides life and energy, and the Moon, which represents emotion, are in the exact same location, according to astrological principles, a New Moon occurs.

This provides an invigorating blank canvas on which you can create your most audacious dreams for the future. These are opportunities for you to seize what you want to accomplish in the days ahead.

Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign and one of the most ambitious signs in the entire zodiac, will be the sign in which the New Moon of December 2022 will occur.

Because of this, now is one of the best times to think about what you want to achieve in the future and then make an effort to get started on achieving those goals.

Because, in contrast to his fellow cardinal sign, Aries, who would rather put the pedal to the metal at all costs, Capricorn is perfectly content, if not more comfortable, taking all the time necessary to reach the top of the mountain on which he has set his sights.

Despite the fact that Capricorns are ambitious, they usually concentrate on a target that is within their grasp. In the end, Capricorn thinks that being resolute and disciplined should lead to being recognized for one's efforts and achieving one's goals.



Maintaining Boundaries Will Be Difficult

The New Moon occurs at 1 degree Capricorn just after forming a tense square with Jupiter in Aries. This square was intended to motivate and inspire action.

On Tuesday, December 20, Jupiter, which has a tendency to amplify everything it comes into contact with, has just moved into the sign of Aries.

It is not necessarily the connection between the Moon and Jupiter that will bring you luck or drama, but it could encourage you to be less discriminating about what you invest your time and energy in.

When dealing with this go-getter cardinal energy, you could find yourself tempted to go overboard. It's possible that in your haste to ascertain the outcomes as quickly as possible, you've put yourself in a position where you could commit to or overestimate something that you simply cannot afford.

It is important to keep in mind that Mars, the planet of activity and energy, will remain in its retrograde motion until January 12, and that Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter its retrograde motion in Capricorn just a few days after this New Moon.

Before picking up your pace, you should make sure to take your time, slow down, relax, and give yourself some space to think about what you want to do before listening to your intuition.



Chiron Goes Direct on the Same Day

This New Moon will not only provide you with the opportunity to find a practical approach to working toward your most important goals, but it will also take place only a few hours before Chiron, finishes its retrograde period.

As Chiron moves forward in Aries for the first time since July 19, think back to any inner work that relates to an area of your life in which you face heightened sensitivity and insecurity.

 If you've done this work, you're probably experiencing a greater sense of self-awareness, which will undoubtedly come in handy as you take action to bring your New Moon intention closer to becoming a reality.

There is a good chance that these 4 zodiac signs will experience changes as a result of their experiences.




Gemini 2

Since the New Moon is occurring in your eighth house of relationships, you will want to be especially generous with a close friend or partner. To feel more at ease, it would be in your best interest to establish some new limits for yourself.

Gemini, things are starting to heat up in your house of partnerships, which is a welcome change of pace after the recent retrogrades, which caused you to be forced into hibernation.

Capricorn's energy is one of hard work and pragmatic solutions, so if you want to regain power in your relationships and at work, let your guard down and use it.

This New Moon will be the ideal time for you to tune into your emotions, express everything that's on your mind, and then put the past in the past.

Clearing your head can be as simple as writing down some New Moon intentions or as involved as participating in a cleansing ritual designed to release your anger.

Jupiter in Aries will also bring expansion and new opportunities to your social circles. Because you are the social butterfly of the zodiac, you place a high priority on continually making new connections, and this transit encourages you to develop those connections in a way that is invigorating and exciting.

This time of year will present you with opportunities to broaden your professional and personal ties, whether you are getting involved in a new group endeavor or a new organization.




Virgo 2

Having fun can be a top priority now that the New Moon is occurring in your fifth house of romance, fun, creativity, and playfulness. If you are willing to speak up for yourself and share what you want, you will usher in a new chapter that is filled with fulfillment.

Virgo, as of late, you've been keeping a lot of things a secret. Continue making plans and sowing seeds; the New Moon will assist you in getting back to your roots and turning your attention to taking action.

Keep in mind that you don't have to do everything on your own; you can ask your family or close friends for help.

You'll be able to see things in a different light thanks to Jupiter's New Moon. It's possible that you feel like you can finally take a deep breath and look at the situation with fresh eyes. Take your time, and grant yourself permission to enjoy the good feelings you're having.

During the course of this week, you will be given the invitation to participate in brand-new creative endeavors that are centered on long-term objectives and aspirations.

As an earth sign, much like Capricorn, you feel your best when you're productive (even when you're supposed to have fun), and this Moon is the perfect opportunity for you to let loose while focusing on being as productive as possible.

Anything new that you begin right now, whether it be an artistic endeavor, a hobby, or even spending time with a new love interest, is sure to lead you to success in the future.




Sagittarius 2

Because the New Moon is currently in your second house of income, you may feel compelled or pressured to begin a new financial endeavor, or you may feel the need to reevaluate an existing one.

If a current strategy for earning money isn't quite in line with your core beliefs, it may be time to start thinking about other options.

Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is moving into the sign of Aries, which means that opportunities for growth and expansion will arise in the fifth house of your chart, which is associated with activities that are entertaining and creative.

You always look forward to your next adventure because you are a fire sign like Aries, and this transit is sure to give you good energy for engaging in new hobbies and projects

You are sure to be experiencing an all-time high level of inspiration right around the time that Christmas rolls around.




Aquarius 2

Aquarius, you will always fare better if you put your faith in the people in your neighborhood and social network.

However, the upcoming New Moon will serve as a gentle reminder of the significance of pausing for reflection and taking things at a more leisurely pace, especially in light of Mars's retrograde motion through your fifth house of amusement and recreation.

You might be feeling more introverted because of everything going on in your life, including work, school, friends, love, and popularity. Don't fight it; rather, give yourself permission to feel lighter for a while, and don't waste your energy doing so.

This New Moon will occur in your twelfth house of spirituality. This will be a call for you to let go of rationality and make use of your imagination. What you can envision may serve as a surprising and effective foundation for an action plan or a project.

Capricorn season is also a time to rest and reflect on your current habits and routines before your own season arrives, so don't feel too bad about the fact that you need some time for yourself during this time of year.

Your mental health may suffer during the holiday season despite the fact that people tend to be more social during this time of year. Make sure you get enough rest and examine any routines you've been following that might be holding you back.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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