5 Toxic Zodiac Couples Who Shouldn’t Be Together

Some zodiac couples simply shouldn't be with each other. This is because, as you already know, every zodiac sign has its own individual character traits.

Some signs therefore fit better and others are more likely to lead to quarrels. Read on to find out which zodiac couples shouldn't be together:



Leo and Cancer

Leo and Cancer

When it comes to compatibility, Leo and Cancer are at the top of the list, but in practice, things aren't quite as great as they appear to be.

They have this natural chemistry and they are attracted to one another; however, the reality behind it is ugly. Both zodiac signs actually expect similar things from their relationship.

Leos wants companionship and understanding, as well as a safe space where they can relax and be themselves. Cancers want to create a serious connection, one in which they can communicate their genuine and deep emotions.

This causes their relationship to be the best when it is at its peak and the worst when it is at its lowest point. Cancers take everything way too seriously, making them easily offended, whereas Leos are pretty straightforward.

Even if Cancers don't show their partners that they are hurt, they are. Since they suppress their feelings for a long time, Cancers eventually develop an aggressive side to their personalities.

Then the relationship will explode, and it may come to an abrupt end. Sadly, it is impossible for this couple to have a future if both signs are unwilling to make changes in their behavior.



Libra and Taurus

Libra and Taurus

Their similarities is the reason why this relationship cannot work. These two zodiac signs are just too similar, they see their own flaws in their partner – it's like looking in a mirror.

Both have strong wills and a lot of passion. However, Taurus' loyalty is too much for the fun and social Libra. In addition, Taurus cannot deal with Libra's bossiness, which can drive them completely insane.

Compromise is not an easy task, and if they have even the smallest argument, it will make their lives much more difficult.

This relationship will undoubtedly come to an end at some point. Because of this, you need to give some serious consideration to whether you should try it out.



Sagittarius and Cancer

Sagittarius and Cancer

These two signs are completely dissimilar to one another, therefore it makes sense that they shouldn't be together.

Cancers are homebodies who are wholly devoted to their partner and relationship. They usually do everything together, while Sagittarians are anything but at home.

Sagittarians are adventurers who enjoy taking on difficult tasks, unlike Cancer. Even though they have such a big difference, they are still in love with each other, but they also know their relationship is doomed to fail in the long run.

It is only a matter of time before one goes off and leaves the other alone.



Gemini and Pisces

Gemini and Pisces

When it comes to relationships, Pisces are far too selfish. This is because they want their partner all to themselves. Gemini's personality does not agree with this.

People born under Gemini are adventurous and have a lot of energy. Pisces does not want to follow Gemini's example and if Gemini changes plans at the last minute, Pisces becomes heartbroken.

Pisces are usually very sentimental and will take things that you may have said or done carelessly and take them very seriously. They tend to read too much into everything.

This is the reason why the relationship is doomed to fail. In the end, it doesn't matter how you twist and turn it, the relationship will end. Pisces is not the right partner for Gemini because Geminis need someone who can keep up with their energy.



Scorpio and Aries

Aries and Scorpio

If you are interested in a relationship full of arguments, this is the one. Your relationship will run smoothly for a while, but sooner or later, it will burst into flames.

It is impossible for Aries to get along with Scorpio because Scorpio is the most sexually mysterious sign in the zodiac and they like to be in charge.

They want to have as much say as possible when it comes to the relationship's decisions. Both signs are very passionate, and as a result, they don't get along with one another.

Not to mention their stubbornness. This will result in problematic fights that, in the long run, can only lead to a breakup.

Aside from that, dealing with a Scorpio's temper can be exhausting. Therefore, it is better for Scorpios to find someone who can and will deal with them.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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