5 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Worst Liars

Your zodiac sign probably has something to do with how you lie and whether or not you are the best or the worst liar.

It is easy to see which zodiac signs are the worst liars. Yes, this is something that can be immediately apparent.

Since the zodiac sign under which we are born can influence many aspects of our personalities, including our tendency to lie.

Some individuals believe that it is acceptable to tell lies on occasion, particularly if doing so will protect another individual from getting hurt.

However, others believe that telling a lie, even when it is justified by the circumstances, is a precarious course of action that can result in additional difficulties.

When it comes to most people, the more they lie, the more comfortable they become with the act. On the other hand, some people are just naturally terrible liars, and no matter how many times they lie, they never improve.

They have hints that can be used to identify them. Her eyes are drawn more to one side than the other, and her voice cracks occasionally.

However, the lie that is most likely to succeed is not always spontaneous. In fact, the reason why some people are poor liars is that they have not done the necessary preparation.




Capricorn 2

Capricorns hate lying, and when they are forced to lie, screw it up with their timing. They take far too long to tell their lie. Why do they take so long, you may ask?

First, they have to make the decision to lie, which is a mental battle that goes on nonstop in their heads.

Then, they have to think of something that is at least a little believable, so that by the time the lie comes out of their mouths, it is obvious to everyone that they are lying.




Aries 2

Aries suffers from the opposite issue of Capricorn: they respond too hastily and don't give what they are going to say very much thought, which can lead to confusion.

Aries don't have much impulse control, so if they feel the need to say something honest, even if that bit of truth can cause them a lot of trouble, it will be hard for them to stop it.

They haven't really given it much thought when they lie, so the result is something that makes no sense at all.




Pisces 2

When they are lying and their emotions are clearly shown on their face, Pisces feels awful about themselves.

They are known to be very expressive, which is a wonderful trait to have when they are communicating honestly; however, it is a huge warning sign when they are attempting to lie.

Their words tell one story, while the expression on their faces tells a different, possibly contradictory one. In addition, the lie will continue to weigh on Pisces until they admit it and tell the truth. They certainly don't have a poker face.




Virgo 2

You would think that Virgos would at least be good at lying because they plan out their story, do the research needed, and even try to trick themselves into believing that what they are saying is true.

What gives her away is her tone of voice, which is either monotonous or really erratic depending on the situation.

Virgos have a strong desire to keep their lies under control, but the reality is that they either have too much control or none at all.




Leo 2

Leos are known to be straightforward individuals who have no problem telling the truth. Whenever they try to lie, it not only seems forced and strange, but it also comes across as false.

Then, when the person they are speaking with asks any kind of inquisitive questions, Leos are completely thrown off course, and they find it difficult to keep their words and details straight.


5 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Worst Liars Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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