5 Zodiac Signs With The Martyr Complex They Always Take On The Role Of Victim

Everyone has had the unlucky experience of dealing with a person who, whenever things get difficult, always plays the victim. This is also called the martyr complex.

These people consistently feel that nothing good ever happens to them and that anything negative that happens in their lives is always because of others.

Those who suffer from the martyr complex are constantly looking for pity and are willing to do anything to get it, from fake nervous breakdowns to overdramatized scenes.

If you look at astrology more closely, you'll see that each of these types can be defined rather precisely. This is because certain zodiac signs tend to have a martyr complex more.

People who have this victim mentality are in constant need of attention. The most effective way to deal with them is to avoid giving them the attention they want, not feel pity for them, and not encourage them to keep going.

This “poor me…” mentality affects almost every aspect of their lives, which is why we should avoid associating with them. They put a strain not only on their romantic relationships but also on their friendships and their ability to communicate with others in general.

These are the types of people who always expect the worst-case scenario, and even when things are going well for them, they literally wait for something to go wrong.

Some try to comfort those suffering from the martyr complex and try to drive out this victim mentality. It's more likely that they will drag you down rather than stop being a victim.

Read on to find out the 5 zodiac signs most likely to have a martyr complex:




Cancer 1

Cancer may develop a martyr complex if they don't receive the praise or recognition they deserve. They go out of their way to help others.

This complex develops to a greater degree the more they do. The more they help other people, the more they believe that everyone else is selfish except themselves.

However, Cancer does not realize that whatever he lets out, comes back to him; specifically, his negative thinking gives him negative energy.

He is absolutely convinced that the reason for his misfortune is connected with what he does for these cold and heartless people.

You have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone shares the same compassionate nature as you.

Some will take advantage of your kindness and give you nothing in return, while others will reward you twice as much. However, neither of these things should be used as an excuse to play the victim role.




Libra 1

When Libras feel like they're being taken advantage of, they tend to keep it to themselves until it eventually bursts out of them.

Then, she will make a big scene and explain that her dedication, time, and effort are not being appreciated in the way that she deserves.

Libra will play the victim to gain recognition, even though this is not necessary. People should give praise and compliments of their own accord.

If you are a Libra and you feel that you're not being valued or respected, avoid playing the victim role and stop begging for approval.

It will be easier and less stressful for you if you distance yourself from the people who do not appreciate or respect you.




If something bad happens or if they are unsuccessful in anything, then Pisces will deflect blame away from themselves. In the end, they only “meant well.”

And sure, maybe that's really the case, and they didn't mean anything bad to anyone, or maybe they just didn't think along, but in the end, they were never at fault no matter how you spin it.

Pisces tend to be gullible, and they also act or speak without thinking about the consequences of their actions.

That is how things often go wrong, and they start playing the victim, even though most of the time it's unconsciously.

They stubbornly refuse to accept they are to blame, but until then they stubbornly remain in the victim role and blame everyone but themselves.




Virgo 1

Because Virgo is so conscientious and has such high standards for themselves, it is not their fault if something goes wrong. At least according to their opinion.

If a situation does not go according to plan, Virgo will blame fate, others, or the entire universe. This is because she is such a perfectionist that, in her mind, nothing can ever go wrong.

If it does happen, she will analyze everything and always come to the conclusion that she is not to blame. She then starts the “Oh poor me…” thinking that only someone who is in the victim role has.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn has a big problem with trusting others and is usually very suspicious. He has suffered a lot, and he is making every effort to make sure that something like this never happens again.

He believes that everyone has ulterior motives or bad intentions so it's hard for others to get close to him.

He has built a big barrier around himself, and if he gets hurt, it's not because of him, it's always because he wasn't vigilant enough.

He would never consider the possibility that the reason for this is that he's literally conjuring it up with his negative thinking to be disappointed.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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