6 Zodiac Couples Who Have The Most Painful Breakups

Do you know which zodiac couples are destined for tears and pain and who are most prone to the most painful breakups? Astrology can provide us with a great deal of information about a person's behavior and how they relate to the outside world.

It can show how you flirt with someone when you're attracted to them, how you express when you're attracted to somebody, and also your exit strategy.

Some signs, such as Leo and Gemini, are overly dramatic and want attention to heal from their post-breakup circles. Other signs, such as Virgo and Pisces, want to heal love and affection from their closest friends.

Still, other signs try to avoid the feeling of heartbreak by acting as if the relationship never existed (Sagittarius and Aquarius).

Some signs, such as Cancer and Capricorn, require a significant amount of time to recover and move on from a breakup, while other signs, such as Aries and Scorpio, are quick to form a new intimate relationship.

Taurus and Libra are looking for another serious relationship. The fact that you and your partner approach the breakup in completely opposite ways can be entertaining.

If you are the type of person who wants to discuss everything in detail and seek closure, but your partner is the type of person who has a completely icy attitude toward any display of emotion and acts as if they've never met you, then this situation will only serve to multiply the amount of pain that you are experiencing.

It should come as no surprise that the approaches to problem-solving that people who are born under certain zodiac signs take are very dissimilar, given the fact that their personalities are diametrically opposed.

These are the zodiac signs that are most likely to have the most difficult and emotionally draining breakups:



Aries and Taurus

Aries and Taurus

Aries are like babies. They have a need for attention, are prone to temper tantrums, and are very easily bored.

They view dating as a competitive sport and don't want to come out on the losing end because of their nature.

Because they don't want to be dumped, they will be the ones to do it first if they sense that there is growing tension in the relationship.

Taurus, on the other hand, is an earth sign and is known to be very loyal and firm in its relationships. They are resistant to change and have long-term commitment goals for the relationship.

They will do everything in their power to fight to save the relationship, but once they have exhausted all of their options, they will not look back; they will become unwavering in their decision and will not reconsider.

They enjoy the drama and adrenaline rush that comes with being overly dramatic, whereas Taurus despises drama and prefers to avoid confrontation. Aries are also known to have a highly explosive temperament and are often blunt about expressing their emotions.

Aries often has second thoughts about their hasty behavior and makes attempts to revive the relationship, but Taurus has almost always already moved on and doesn't look back on the past.



Leo and Scorpio

Leo and Scorpio

Leos are extremely devoted and caring, and they want to do everything they can to make their partners happy. However, when they sense that the relationship has lost its passion, they initiate the breakup because they don't want to be the ones who are dumped.

They are often able to quickly move on from the breakups they initiate, but when they are the ones on the receiving end of the breakup, it is a different story.

After being dumped, Leo is in a state of extreme shock and denial about the situation. They are in excruciating pain as a result of it, and they look for attention from those in their circle in order to alleviate their suffering.

Scorpio is a very passionate sign that has a difficult time letting go of relationships, whether they are the ones who choose to end things or are the ones who are being dumped.

In an effort to exact revenge on his ex-partner, he is prone to developing obsessive and possessive tendencies, as well as engaging in behaviors that are destructive.

A Leo-Scorpio breakup can be a living nightmare because it often devolves into a titanic struggle of egos. Both signs are control freaks, and breakups bring out their respective control issues.



Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius

Both Gemini and Sagittarius struggle with bonding issues, They also share a passion for traveling, meeting new people, and discovering new things.

Once they stop caring about one another, they just vanish out of existence. They go cold and do not wish to get into a confrontation or make any statements.

They might just disappear without a word to their partner or end the relationship over the phone, email, or text message.

When they do end up confronting one another, they have the potential to be extremely explosive and destructive without making fun of each other's feelings.



Cancer and Everyone else

Cancer and Everyone else

Cancer is the zodiac sign known to be the most compassionate and loving. When it comes to their relationships, they are extremely protective, nurturing, and giving.

It takes them some time to gain someone's trust and begin a serious relationship, but once they have, this sign does not want the relationship to come to an end.

They refuse to give up and keep trying to make the relationship work. They are utterly heartbroken and experience a great deal of sorrow when, despite their best efforts, the relationship is unsuccessful.

They would sit and think for hours about what went wrong in the relationship from beginning to end, ruminating on what they might have done wrong or how their partner should have behaved.

In the end, they would mentally and emotionally wear themselves out. When you break up with a Cancer, you might find yourself releasing a flood of strong feelings.

They exhibit a wide range of feelings, from agony to rage and back to anguish again. They might scream, sob, thrash about, or switch off completely and completely withdraw from the situation.

If they believe have been treated unfairly, it takes a long time for them to heal and it can cause problems with trust and intimacy.

Do not mess with a Cancer woman's feelings or heart if you are not completely committed to her. These delicate beings need a significant amount of time to recover and move on.



Libra and Capricorn

Libra and Capricorn

When it comes to relationships, Libras have a very grounded and straightforward approach. When they become interested in something, Capricorns have a difficult time moving on to other things.

Capricorns have a tendency to become excessively controlling, which does not mesh well with the laid-back and adaptable attitude of Libra.

Capricorn will become confused as a result of this, and as a result, they will cling to the relationship too tightly and make every effort to make it work. The breakup could be initiated by Libra in a very distant and detached manner.

When Libra and Capricorn decide to end their relationship, it quickly devolves into a vicious power struggle that is excruciatingly unpleasant for both of them.



Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces

Since Virgo and Pisces break up in completely different ways, their breakup can easily turn into something very unsightly and unpleasant.

Pisces are known for their emotional depth and sensitivity, while Virgos are known for their logic and practicality.

Pisces are unable to keep their feelings in check because of the heightened sensitivity with which they experience them, whereas Virgos prefer to end a relationship with a level-headed and reasoned conversation.

They might have a nervous breakdown, lash out at their partners, or turn to self-harming behaviors instead.

Pisces, like Cancer, have a difficult time getting over a breakup, and it can take a very long time for them to heal and move on from the experience.

Since Pisces is unable to understand Virgo's approach to breaking up with someone as well as their point of view on the matter, they judge her to be extremely heartless and insensitive, which in turn causes Virgo to experience feelings of guilt.


6 Zodiac Couples Who Have The Most Painful Breakups Pin


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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