A Lucky Period Starts in March 2023 for 3 Zodiac Signs

This month will see some monumental changes on a cosmic scale. First, on March 2, Mercury will enter intuitive Pisces, which will heighten your sensitivity and bring to the surface any thoughts that have been buried deep within.

During the analytical Full Moon that will occur in Virgo on March 7, you may discover information that was previously hidden or unknown.

As Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, you will be challenged to develop greater emotional maturity as a result of the lessons you learn regarding boundaries and self-discipline.

On the other hand, the transit of Venus through sensual Taurus on March 16 will brighten your mood and encourage you to explore sensuality and romance in your relationships.

When Mercury travels through Aries on March 19, conversations could become heated. When speaking with passion and enthusiasm, pay attention to the intonation you use.

As the Sun follows Mercury into Aries, a courageous new season will begin, and it will invite you to step up to the challenge.




Aquarius 2

You'll have the power to change the world.

The season of rebirth has arrived and you're ready Aqyaruys. According to your horoscope for March 2023, you are about to enter a new phase that is rich in introspection and aspiration.

You are nearing the conclusion of a long journey as Saturn's current transit through Aquarius draws to a close. During this time, you have learned to develop the confidence necessary to be true to who you are.

However, this is only the beginning of a chapter that will have an even deeper significance. On March 7, Saturn, the planet of karma and responsibility, will travel into your second house, sssociated with money and values.

This will prompt you to examine your sense of self-worth more closely. You do not feel like you are making sufficient progress. Perhaps you haven't earned as much as you expected, or perhaps you don't feel like you're getting the recognition that you believe you should.

You'll put in a lot of effort, and you'll keep doing it, and the only thing that will cross your mind is, “Hey, how productive am I?”

When Saturn moves into the mundane second house of your chart and you take the time to work on your feelings, you will finally be able to see what has been preventing you from achieving what you want.

At the end of the month, when Mars, winks at Saturn, the planet of stability and commitment, a surge of ambition and energy will fill you, and you will be able to take on any task.

You will find yourself rekindling old passions that you have either neglected to act upon or have set aside temporarily for the time being.

You will be surprised at what you are able of achieving if you are willing to put in a lot of effort and practice self-control and perseverance.

When Pluto, one of the most powerful planets, travels through your first house of self on March 23, it will initiate a process of transformation that has the potential to affect your entire life.

This is just a taste of a very impactful transit that will take place a few months later because Pluto will be leaving again. In either case, the changes occurring within you will behave like magma, slowly bubbling, forming, and advancing beneath your feet.

You could find yourself employing unconventional strategies or experimenting with a different appearance. People will find you intense, determined, and confident, although you may feel rejected and minimized.

You will be faced with a conflict between the things that are under your control and those that are outside of it, and this conflict will keep you preoccupied with questions of power and control

Aquarius, show this new version of yourself as much compassion as you possibly can because you are now ready to expand and thrive!




Libra 2

Good fortune is coming, so welcome it with open arms.

Libra, the scales will eventually tip in your favor! According to your horoscope for March 2023, you'll have a prosperous month financially, and be on the lookout for the one you love.

Have faith those wonderful things are on their way to you because you so richly deserve them! Your ruling planet, Venus, will immediately start to dance with Jupiter, and this will bring you a surge of good fortune and positive energy.

Now is the time to put yourself out there and connect with new people, as you never know what opportunities may present themselves.

You might stumble upon a lucrative investment opportunity or be surprised with a present. Additionally, as your confidence grows to new heights, you'll find that more people are paying attention to you. You might find a new partner in the near future.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn on March 17 will increase your desire for a committed and genuine love relationship.

If you are in a relationship, you will make efforts to demonstrate your commitment and dedication while keeping your partner's happiness at the forefront.

You'll meet someone new if you're single. Even though you have a strong desire for love, you will have the ability to pursue this new relationship in a Saturnian manner, remaining sensible and rational the entire time.

Not to mention the fact that it is a great aspect of achieving financial goals such as saving money or paying off debt.

Your sex life, relationships, and desire for profound connection will all intensify as Venus moves into your eighth house of personal relationships and inheritance.

You will be prepared to put in a lot of effort into maintaining your relationships. A financial boost is also on the way.

At about the same time, Venus and Pluto will engage in a challenging aspect, which will cause power imbalances and control issues in your romantic relationships.

Insecurity can stem from jealousy on either your part or the part of your partner, and it can be very present in either case.

If your relationship is strong, you will be able to work through these challenges, and your connection will grow stronger as a result of the transformative experience.

If this does not occur, a dramatic breakup may occur. Regardless of what happens, you will ultimately prevail.

With the beginning of Aries season on March 20/21, the Sun will move into your seventh house of relationships, putting an emphasis on your desire to develop through the relationships you have with other people.

You are at the point in a relationship where you can finally recognize your potential and really see what wonderful qualities you have to offer. Libra, pay respect to yourself so that you can attract healthy, genuine love into your life.




Taurus 2

Expect major improvements in your love life and finances.

Taurus, are you prepared for some much-deserved magic in your love life as well as changes in your small wallet? This month, both love and wealth will be very present in your life, as predicted by your horoscope for March 2023.

You should expect changes on the financial front, in addition to a heightened sense of romantic possibility.

At the beginning of this month, the energy of fortunate and abundant Jupiter will be absorbed by the planet of love and beauty, Venus, which is also your ruling planet.

Karma will work in your favor, which is the best possible situation to live in. Your finances, your social life, and your romantic life will all benefit from your good luck at the beginning of March.

When Venus moves into your first house of self on March 16 and forms a challenging aspect with Pluto, things are going to get a little bit more difficult for you.

Make preparations for the changes that will occur in your partnerships. If you are already in a happy relationship, this will be a beneficial change that opens the door for you to deepen your connections with others in life.

If your relationship is already fragile, then you can expect the powerful Pluto to make things even more difficult. Whatever new developments emerge will be for the best in the long run.

Saturn, the planet of responsibility, and Venus, the planet of love, will smile at each other, asking you to be more practical in your approach to relationships with others.

You are not interested in a fleeting fling but in genuine, long-lasting love. Regardless of the changes that Pluto brings about, they will bring you closer to the kind of romantic partnership that you truly desire.

Not to mention the fact that Saturn and Venus will help you in accomplishing your monetary objectives, whether that be eliminating debt or making funds for the future.

Uranus, the planet of innovation and eccentricity, will dance with Venus in your first house at the end of the month, bringing a desire for new experiences and thrills.

Expect a lot of attention and potential new relationships if you are currently single. If you are in a relationship, you will have an increased desire for independence and time away from your usual activities.

Keep in mind that this is just a fleeting feeling; there is no reason to allow this energy to dictate the course of your life. This desire can also be channeled into creative pursuits and hobbies that you enjoy doing.

Perhaps now is the time to treat yourself to a vacation or to purchase something unique and just for you. You might be surprised by some interesting gifts and offers you will get.

Taurus, if you want to be drawn into this energy, all you have to do is allow yourself to be loved!


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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