A Period of Prosperity Starts in October for 3 Zodiac Signs

The month of October will be exceptional for 3 signs of the zodiac. The Full Moon in the sign of Aries and the retrogradation of Jupiter will be favorable to the success of the natives of these 3 lucky signs of the zodiac. 

Their business evolves and their projects are successful, to the delight of their bank account. Indeed, they will be able to bail out their finances and experience a period of prosperity. Discover the 3 zodiac signs that will experience dizzying success in October.

Astrologer Pavel Globa, who is well-known in Russia, forecasts that the month of October will be a fortunate one for people born under three different zodiac signs.

They will be able to manage their projects with unnerving ease and will be able to live up to the responsibilities and missions that have been entrusted to them because of the dynamic that they will experience at work.

During October 9, a Full Moon will occur in the sign of Aries. This lunar phase is an opportunity to concretize the ideas that inhabit our minds. The energy of Aries pushes us to take action and carry out the projects we hold dear.

Until October 29, Jupiter retrogrades in the fiery sign of Aries, then continues its movement in the sign of Pisces, until November 24. This planetary movement is an opportunity to review our objectives and focus on our desires and our passions.

The retrogradation of Jupiter is also favorable to the realization of our projects. This astral configuration will benefit these 3 zodiac signs.




The native of this sign will experience significant changes during the month of October. Their responsibilities will increase tenfold,  and they will have several tasks to manage at the same time.

This renewed activity would not displease Gemini. Indeed, this dynamic sign of nature,  hates routine and monotony. Endowed with an adventurous spirit, they like to embark on new experiences. Gemini may at times feel overwhelmed by the workload, but  this mentally strong sign won't give up on difficulties.

For the natives of this sign who are looking for a job, they can approach this new month with serenity. Indeed, the stars allow them to give a good impression  and to be confident and creative. They will have a good chance of finding a good job.

Recommended: These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Soon Find A Better Job.





The native of this sign will not have to worry during the month of October. Indeed,  the stars will be on their side throughout the month.  At work, everything will go according to their wishes.

This Fire sign might even get a raise or promotion  as a reward for hard work. Moreover, Leo is an ambitious sign by nature, which always seeks to stand out in its field,  in order to shine in the limelight.

The natives of this sign who are looking for a job will also be favored by the stars during this month. They will be able to find a job  in which they will feel very fulfilled.





During this month of October, the native of this sign will shine in their professional life. They will be in great demand at work,  and several missions will be entrusted to him.

This earth sign won't complain about the workload. Moreover, Capricorn is a hardworking sign by nature, who gives himself body and soul to his projects,  to the point of abandoning his personal life, at times.

During this month, Capricorn will be very creative and determined in their tasks. They will also have the chance to generate good profits and improve their financial situation.

Recommended: Mercury Retrograde Autumn 2022 Will Favor These 3 Zodiac Signs.


Charles Lapine
Charles Lapine

Having studied energetic healing, counselling, coaching, yoga, and Buddhism, Charles is a teacher of practices that support others to move forward and heal by holistic means.

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