An Unfortunate Phase Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On The New Moon On August 16th

The New Moon of August 16 brings a period of growth and stimulates our senses. The energies are directed forward and do not look back.

This is an important new beginning in life for some zodiac signs, giving them the mental strength and assertiveness they need to take on new challenges.

On this day when the New Moon occurs, a bad phase comes to an end:




Taurus 4

This new lunar cycle gives you a wonderful opportunity for personal growth. You need to focus on using this potential.

It's easy for you to recognize your strengths and build on them. You can also isolate yourself from the influences of the outside world and remain almost unshakable.

The clarity and serenity that the New Moon bestows upon you are gifts that, you can maintain for a long time. Its energy reawakens the desire for change within.

Whether it be in regard to your personal appearance, your professional situation, the routines you engage in on a daily basis, your home, or your relationships, you have a strong desire for change.

It's okay if you aren't absolutely certain about where and how you want to make these changes, that's perfectly normal. There is no need to rush things, as things will become clearer as time passes.

Whether at work, in love or in your private life. It may be that you have often backed off in recent weeks.

However, the New Moon gives you confidence, which paves the way for you to focus more intently on satisfying your needs and advancing your personal growth.

Now is a great time for new endeavors! Nevertheless, you be careful because there can be errors. Therefore, it is good to double-check things and think before you act.

Have faith in yourself! Make sure that you make the most of your skills and accomplish your goals. Arm yourself with reason and discipline, get organized, and rest assured that nothing can knock you off course.

When it comes to relationships, it's easy to make a mistake in either what you say or what you do, which can result in misunderstandings and lead to a whole host of uncomfortable situations. Be as clear as you can.




Pisces 4

You'll feel a lightness and lightheartedness that is related, among other things, to the surge of energy that the New Moon brings.

You are now putting your time and effort into the things that are truly important to you, which means that you are setting your priorities in order.

This New Moon offers you support in sorting your relationships, whether they are romantic or platonic, and determining where you stand in relation to your loved ones.

This is a valuable and essential building block that you can use to build your self-image. You now clearly feel what you want from other people and what you yourself are capable of giving.

From this, you can derive priorities that will be beneficial to your overall energy balance and set limits that will still allow you some degree of freedom.

You've been under a lot of pressure lately. You had a hard time finishing things on time and committing to deadlines.

Nevertheless, with this New Moon, you will receive a new source of energy that will make it possible for you to accomplish an important personal goal.

This will not only get problems solved, but it will also give you a confidence boost. During this time, you'll feel ready to take on new challenges.

Stay true to who you are and listen to your intuition. It will get you to your destination!




Scorpio 4

The New Moon will provide you with important realizations and insights that will help you move forward. Your thinking becomes broader and you see the bigger picture of the universe very clearly.

You feel braver and less vulnerable than usual, which gives rise to a desire for change and a willingness to experiment with new things.

You have nothing to worry about, so don't let your bravery intimidate you. Nothing bad will happen. The stars indicate that risks may pay off for you in the near future.

You benefit from the innovative energy of the New Moon. You may feel free, like a bird, because you can now free yourself from crushing baggage and blockages.

You let go of others' expectations and demands now that you understand that they do nothing more than take away your breathing space.

Even if it's just a realization in the beginning, it can open up wonderful opportunities for you.

When it comes to your professional life, the universe occasionally put obstacles in your way professionally and thwarted your plans. This is why you are no longer following the structured path that you usually do.

You will, however, put an end to the negative series and have the courage to start again. You will find the strength to refocus on what is truly important and define new goals for your professional life.

The romantic life you've always dreamed of is finally becoming a reality. You feel energetic, cheerful and full of appetite for new adventures!

Your partner will help you see things from a new angle, which will most likely result in a more optimistic outlook on your relationship. Your relationship dynami will benefit from this.

The New Moon is a good time for you if you are still looking for that special someone; they may be much closer than you think they are.

Always keep your eyes open, be genuine, and be open to having conversations with people you don't know.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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