User Posts: Helen Felix

There are some people who, despite their best efforts, are simply incapable of forming meaningful relationships with others. Either they are seeing the ...

Are you doing things that prevent you from getting to know someone and developing a romantic connection with them? Do you often ask yourself, "Why am I still ...

It's a new astrological year! We have the Gregorian calendar that runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year. The astrological calendar begins on the ...

Are you not enthusiastic about the possibilities that the future holds? The first few months of 2023 were definitely turbulent, but thankfully, we are getting ...

Although every zodiac sign is unique in its own way, some of them are more special than the rest, especially with regard to how they feel about things and ...

The arrival of Spring means that it won't be long before we move forward the clocks by one hour. If you're interested in astrology, you're going to be thrilled ...

These are a match made in hell. Let's be honest, there are some romantic relationships that are doomed to fail. The chemistry just isn't there, and it doesn't ...

The lunar cycle has many ups and downs, but each stage of the process is essential in its own right. If you're one of the signs of the zodiac that are most ...

Even though we all know it's wrong, we all tell lies from time to time. The problem with lying, however, is that the more you do it, the simpler it gets, and ...

Mercury, the planet that rules thought, communications, and messages, changes signs approximately once a month, and on March 19, it will move into impulsive, ...

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