User Posts: Marci Barr

In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, it can be challenging to understand how we are being perceived by those around us. Are we seen as ...

Today, The New Moon Solar Eclipse takes place. In the last degree of Aries, this Moon shifts our focus to our personal projects, courage, independence, and ...

There is no denying that we all face different paths in life that lead us to unique experiences and opportunities. Some of us may have a clear vision of ...

The Moon spends the day in fiery Aries. It is best to take it easy and refrain from starting anything new before the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Instead, ...

What is the most appropriate course of action and what is the path of righteousness to tread upon? Discovering the answer to this question may not always be a ...

The Moon spends the day in bold Aries. With Venus forming a semi-square aspect with Jupiter this morning, there may be some dissatisfaction with our ...

We all face moments of uncertainty and confusion in our lives. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when we're confronted with difficult decisions or unfamiliar ...

The Moon will remain in Pisces until tonight. It aligns with Neptune, which stimulates the need to relax, go with the flow, or accept and forgive. The Moon ...

The Moon is in Pisces throughout the day, which stimulates our need for spiritual rejuvenation or escape. This is a good time to decompress, relax, and connect ...

The Moon will stay in Aquarius until this evening and will form a harmonious aspect with Jupiter and the Sun at noon, which will encourage cooperation, ...

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