User Posts: Marci Barr

Have you ever been confronted in your life with challenges that you just couldn't find a solution to, no matter how hard you tried? The reason for this is ...

With the Moon spending the day in Libra, we seek more harmony and balance in our own lives. Around midday, the Moon forms an opposition to both Jupiter and ...

When we are in tune with our guardian angels and able to comprehend the messages they send to us, it is much simpler to proceed along our chosen path in a way ...

The Moon will remain in Virgo until midday. We want to improve ourselves as well as our situation due to the Moon harmonizing with Pluto. After midday, the ...

You are presented with a straightforward prediction for the near future. Find a moment to spare, examine the pictures in great detail, and select the ...

Today the Full Moon rises in Virgo. There's potential for a significant realization, turning point, or upheaval. This Full Moon compels us to strike a ...

Angels often come to us when we least expect it and in times of need. We have all heard tales of guardian angels watching over us, protecting us from harm, and ...

The Sun is sextile Uranus, which encourages us to be more open to new experiences, ideas, and situations that are unfamiliar. We think of original answers ...

The Sun and Pluto are in a half-square aspect, so we may crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and circumstances, and we may become irritated ...

With the Moon in Leo during the day, we tend to be more positive and open. This transit encourages us to show our more trustworthy, honorable, and loving side. ...

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