User Posts: Marci Barr

Today, the Sun will form a trine with Uranus, which will encourage change and motivate us to seek out and embrace new experiences. Unique or unconventional ...

In the vast realm of human interactions, understanding how others perceive us remains an enigma, as elusive as the moon's reflection on a tranquil lake. ...

This morning we have a Venus-Jupiter sextile, which encourages us to relax and look for more ways to have fun. This is a soothing and pleasant force that ...

Ever since ancient times, people have believed that clover possesses the most extraordinary magical properties. Ancient Egyptian mirrors often featured a ...

During the day, the Moon will be in Gemini, which helps to keep things active and moving. People will feel compelled to engage in conversations and they will ...

Mercury sextile Neptune this morning makes it easier for us to see things from other people's perspectives. The Sun forms a trine aspect with the North Node ...

The beginning of the New Year is marked by a Venus-Pluto alignment, which encourages connection with our most fundamental wants and needs. However, as the day ...

The Moon will continue its transit through fiery Aries for most of the day, then it will move into stubborn Taurus. When in Taurus, the Moon is simple and ...

For centuries, the Egyptians have been renowned for their ability to see into the future and discover what it holds. It is believed that their secret lay in ...

The Moon spends the day in Aries. The Sun is forming a quincunx with Mars retrograde today, which may cause some minor difficulties and occasionally disrupt ...

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