Autumn Equinox 2022 Will Be Best for These 3 Zodiac Signs

The arrival of autumn on September 23 will significantly change the financial situation of the natives of 3 zodiac signs. They will be favored by the stars, and will be able to generate large sums of money, able to enrich them. 

The energy of Jupiter will propel the careers of these astrological signs and allow them to live in opulence during this new season. Discover the 3 zodiac signs that will earn big money in autumn.

3 signs of the zodiac will be favored by the stars during this fall. From September 23, Mercury and Jupiter favor the affairs of the natives of these astrological signs. The profits they will derive from their projects will allow them to grow rich and experience a period of prosperity and opulence.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system in astronomy. In astrology, this planet represents success and luck. When in transit, Jupiter often brings good news and also success. The energy of this planet will be favorable to the enrichment of these 3 signs of the zodiac.




The native of this sign will be persevering during this fall. From the start of the school year,  Taurus will apply themselves with rigor to fulfill their tasks and obligations, while respecting deadlines.

The reappearance of Jupiter at the end of October will allow this ambitious sign  to showcase its skills and abilities. After months of hard work, it will be time for him to reap the rewards of his efforts.

He will have the chance to formalize a sizeable partnership, with very high financial stakes. And that's not all. The month of October will also be the occasion for Taurus to earn large sums of money, thanks to investments, or even speculations, which were only the result of chance.

The energy of Jupiter will allow this Earth sign, in November, to focus on the implementation of a single project. By maintaining their concentration, Taurus will be able to quickly benefit from the financial benefits of this winning project,  and thus ensure their financial security.





During this autumn, the energy of Venus, coupled with that of Jupiter favors the projects of the native of this sign.  He will be very inspired, and the ideas will not dry up. Libra will also be able to expand their professional network, and make contacts  that will help propel their career forward.

Mercury in Libra from October 11 will put on the path of this Air sign a golden opportunity, which will allow it to earn large sums of money. Mercury also allows this optimistic sign by nature to have more confidence in itself, and to believe in its potential. Partnerships fuse and Libra can generate good profits.

Recommended: New Moon in Libra September 25, Will Be Best for 4 Zodiac Signs.





During this fall, the Gemini native will not have time to rest on his laurels. The trio Mercury, Mars and Jupiter  promotes professional exchanges.  The native of this sign will thus be able to find interesting avenues of work, which will help him in his career.

Jupiter in Aries until October 28 will allow him to expand his professional network  and increase his notoriety.  Gemini will be endowed with more responsibilities, but they will be able to live up to the trust placed in them.

The benefits that this Air sign will generate from his projects allow him to improve his financial situation, and to spend a season in opulence and prosperity.

Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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