Bad Luck Will Befall These 3 Zodiac Signs In 2023

The end of the year is always an opportunity to take stock. Whether positive or negative, we all hope deep down that the next year will be better. In this sense, 2023 will be the scene of several changes. 

Indeed, Jupiter will pass from Aries to Taurus, when Saturn will enter Pisces in March, and from June, Uranus will come to ally itself with Pluto. Movements, which will be far from being financially beneficial, for these 3 signs of the zodiac!

2022 is far from over, which should not prevent us from projecting ourselves towards 2023. A new year that will be far from radiant from an economic point of view for all the signs of the zodiac.

The end of the year is approaching, the moment to make some projections and to adopt new resolutions for the new year which is announced. Indeed, only a few more months before officially welcoming 2023.

A year that will undoubtedly bring its share of changes as Jupiter moves into Aries and Taurus, and Saturn and Pluto move into Aquarius. Unfortunately,  these transitions will not be favorable to all signs of the zodiac.

For good reason, three of them will experience some financial difficulties during this coming new year, and will therefore have to be more vigilant in managing their resources.




The year 2023 does not look very auspicious for the natives of this Water sign. Indeed,  this new year will be somewhat complicated to manage for Scorpios. At work, first of all, they will find it difficult to manage their human relations.

A situation that should encourage them to show more humility. For this, they will need to make some effort to which they are little or not at all accustomed. In addition, they will have to be particularly cautious in their financial investments by avoiding giving in to certain financial transactions which promise to be risky.

Moreover, in order to respect the balance of their budget, they will have to avoid thinking too big because this would risk generating more and more unnecessary expenses, which could lead to heavy financial losses.

Recommended: 4 Zodiac Signs Could Get Rich in 2023. Are You One of Them?





The year 2023 promises to be surprising from a sentimental point of view for the natives of the Capricorn sign. Indeed, love will come knocking on their door during the first months of this new year.

A situation that will be emotionally rewarding and that will give rise to some important announcements, including a marriage proposal. Unfortunately,  this period will also be marked by some cash flow problems that are of great concern to them.

They will therefore have to put their finances in order and be extremely vigilant about their spending. Indeed, the debts will not fail to accumulate and their refunding will be more painful than they thought, in particular in the event of a subscription of a personal loan of long duration.





For the natives of the Virgo sign, 2023 will be an opportunity to start a new chapter in their lives. A year that promises to be promising and generous, especially sentimentally.

Rid of the weight of the past and its traumas, they plan to rebuild themselves by multiplying the meetings, which allows them to envisage the future more serenely.

A respite that will seem short-lived to them, since they will be tempted to give in to some substantial expenses that will not fail to dry up their bank account. A relationship with money, which the least we can say, promises to be tricky.

Indeed, they will find it difficult to sustain their finances, which will not fail to worsen their financial situation. By opting for the easy way, they risk going into considerable debt and bank overdrafts can quickly accumulate, enough to give them a few cold sweats!

Recommended: 2023 Will Be an Exceptional Year for These 5 Zodiac Signs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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