Better Not Have Them as Friends: These Zodiac Signs Think Only of Their Own Interests

With friends, we experience moments of sharing and lightness. They deliver us from the loneliness so specific to humans and they are also the ones who best satisfy our desire for connection.

But life is not so rosy and bad friends exist in abundance. Among them, are those who are not ready to adhere to the principles of genuine and sincere friendship.

To better identify them, let's take a look at their own zodiac signs.

It is true that although friendship is a beautiful thing and deserves to be nurtured, not everyone sees it with the same eye.

Some people just can't follow the rules; although the word seems categorical.

The desire to support the others, to listen to them or try to understand them,  is not always shared by them.

These zodiac signs in this case, because of their character traits, do not seem to want to make a friendship last and will tend to focus only on their own interests.



Gemini 1

The analogy made between Gemini and the two-faced is not hazardous in the case that interests us.

Because even if friendship is an important thing for the natives of Gemini,  they still have a rather skeptical or even cynical vision of friendship.

They do not understand that one can give so much sacredness to this form of intimacy and camaraderie. This doubt could also find its origin in their innate problem. That of trust in others.

They cannot conceive that one can give oneself unconditionally to a friend. And when they try to do so, the process is most laborious.

They don't despise the idea of ​​friendship, which they find attractive, but because of their questioning, they are rarely available to shape it and make it last.




Representatives of Aquarius do not make an effort to interact with others in accordance with friendly values. They are far too focused on their own situation and their own interests.

Aquarians are often selfish and it's not just about friends. We may even be surprised at the ease with which they can be so cold towards their friends and so little understanding.

Not all Aquarians are of this order, but there are many. If this attitude happens to be recurrent, it may be better judgment to capitulate to their lack of consideration for you.




Libra 1

Libras will often prefer to honor themselves rather than give a little consideration to the others.

In a friendship, they are the ones who must receive favors and if they feel that they do not receive enough,  they gradually lose interest in the friendly relationship.

They are not against the concept of friendship because they appreciate the idea of ​​sharing offered by this kind of relationship. Libras also don't deny that it's nice to share things in common with each other.

In absolute terms, however, friendship does not seem made for them. It is indeed possible that it is only a matter of time before they abandon the other or they betray them.




Sagittarius 1

The friendship offered by a representative of Sagittarius is rather special and has the merit of being presented as such from the start. 

Indeed, it is the sign which, despite its non-availability,  has the merit of making it known to those who would like to have it as a friend and as a confidant.

He has the knack of warning the other about his mode of operation before the two engage in a few moments of friendship. 

Some Sagittarius people might even put it theatrically and dramatically by stating clearly, “I'm not a good friend, so you better not rely on me.”

Some take him at his word. Others do not take this statement seriously because it seems too frank to be true.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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