Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma From Your Past Life

Have you ever been confronted in your life with challenges that you just couldn't find a solution to, no matter how hard you tried?

The reason for this is most likely because you have some unresolved karma from a previous life that your soul has decided to work through in this one.

This is the reason why you are finding that you are having difficulty in these aspects of your life.

If we are able to determine what our karmic theme is, not only will we be able to comprehend the factors that have led to the difficulties we are currently experiencing, but we will also be in a position to find a solution to these issues.

Using this straightforward test, you can determine whether or not these karmic themes apply to you. Pick the crystal that appeals to your sense of aesthetics the most without giving it too much thought.

Your decision will help determine whether or not you have any unfinished business with Karma from a previous life.

Choose a crystalline form to gain insight into your unresolved karmic issues from a previous life.

Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma From Your Past Life



If You Chose Crystalline Shape 1

Your unresolved karma is to cut ties with people who are toxic to you and move on with your life.

You probably spent most of your previous life alone, ignored, and deserted by the people you cared about the most.

Therefore, in this life, you want to look for the best in other people, despite the fact that they may take advantage of you quite a bit.

You make an effort to maintain your connection with them despite the harm it may be doing to you in the process.

However, those relationships do not function properly. At the end of the day, you are always left hurt and alone.

Understand that no matter how much you love someone, they can still cause you pain and that you cannot control the attitudes of other people. This is a crucial realization for you to come to terms with.

You are required to have faith in your instincts and acknowledge the danger signals. You could do it with your family, with your friends, with your partner, or even with your coworkers at work.

Therefore, to get past this unresolved karma, it is essential to set up boundaries. If someone is always taking advantage of you, don’t be afraid to set limits.

Learn to say “no” and recognize when it is time to cut ties, no matter how difficult it may seem.

As long as you can stay true to your values, you can free yourself from the people who are damaging your mental and emotional well-being.



If You Chose Crystalline Shape 2

Your unresolved karma consists of having self-doubt and derailing your ambitions.

You've probably made some poor choices in the past that have resulted in significant negative consequences for you and the people around you, whether those consequences have been financial, physical, or even mental.

So, in this life, you struggle with a lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. We all make mistakes. There is no problem with doing that at all.

Understanding how we are going to deal with them is the most important thing right now.

Give yourself some time, and think about all of the good things you've accomplished in your life so far. Maintain your organization, and make an effort to develop continually.

Don't bother asking too many people for their opinions and suggestions.

At the same time, build up your self-esteem and focus on yourself. Invest in activities that make you feel better and help you grow.

Don't hesitate to take risks and make decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Learn what it means to be courageous and confident without relying on other people's approval.

Make peace with those who have wronged you in the past, and know that the only way to get rid of the baggage from your past life is to forgive and move forward.

Prioritize self-love and don't be afraid of failure, as everything can be used as a learning opportunity for personal growth. Choose to be optimistic and don't let yourself be derailed by negative thoughts.

By working on yourself and your own goals, you can break free from the chains of your unresolved karma.



If You Chose Crystalline Shape 3

Your unresolved karma is that you have trouble trusting other people.

In a previous life, you placed your trust in other people who later betrayed you. Because of this knife in the back, you now have trust issues with the people you interact with in this life.

You have probably come across individuals who are in need of your trust but to whom you have been unable to extend it.

Be patient. Keep a close eye on the individual for at least three to four months. You might not understand at first, but there will be signs appearing fairly quickly.

First, pay attention to your gut instincts, and then decide where this thing should fit into your life.

Slowly but surely, when you observe the action and behavior of the person, you will get an idea of their trustworthiness.

Put yourself in their shoes, and you may be able to empathize and understand where they are coming from.

Additionally, start to act more transparently and share your thoughts and feelings with people in a sincere and honest way – this will help foster strong relationships with the people around you.

Moreover, the ultimate goal is not to simply trust someone, but to create meaningful connections based on mutual understanding, love, and respect.

Being mindful of how you interact with others helps to build a foundation of trust over time.

In order to break free from the cycle of unresolved karma, taking small steps toward trusting others can be a powerful way of healing.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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