Choose a Door and Find Out What is Your Main Obstacle in Your Life

Pick a door to explore, and you'll learn what might be the biggest barrier to action in your life.

The passage from one world to another, from the known to the unknown, is symbolized by the doors.

The door may also represent a change in one's surroundings or in one's stage of life.

Choose one of the four doors to find out what keeps you from acting the way you really want to.


Choose a Door and Find Out What is Your Main Obstacle in Your Life



1. Red Door

The fear of failure prevents you from trying new things in your life every time.

You either lack the courage to leave your comfort zone because you are afraid of not reaching your goals, you don't feel sufficiently prepared for change, or both.

However, if you want to succeed, there are times when you have to face your own fears.

Numerous factors can contribute to fear of failure. For some people, having critical or unsupportive parents can be a contributing factor.

If you experienced ridicule or humiliation frequently as a child, those negative emotions follow you into adulthood.

A traumatic event that happened to you can also be a contributing factor.

Let's take the scenario where you gave a crucial presentation in front of a sizable audience years ago and it went horribly wrong.

It's possible that the experience was so awful that you were worried about failing in other areas. And even now, years later, you still harbor that fear.

It's critical to understand that there is always a chance we will fail in anything we attempt. Not only is accepting it brave, but it also makes life richer and more rewarding.

Building your confidence and moving forward one small step at a time will help you avoid becoming overtaken by thoughts of your ultimate objective.



2. Brown Door

You often let the opinions of others stop you from acting. Your decisions frequently reflect what other people think so heavily that you would rather forego your deepest desires.

You don't want to sacrifice a lot and cause conflict with your loved ones. Attempt to occasionally trust your gut feelings, regardless of what other people may say.

Fear of other people's opinions can prevent you from performing to the best of your abilities and at a high level.

Consider a time when you felt incredibly nervous, such as before speaking in front of a large group of people, raising your hand in a significant meeting, or even entering a room full of strangers.

Because you were concerned about receiving negative social feedback, you probably felt small, scared, and tense.

In the modern world, our irrational and counterproductive obsession with other people's opinions can have negative effects that extend well beyond performance.

In the future, ask a select group of people you value for their opinions. Self-mastery requires honest reflection as a crucial component.

Everyone on your list ought to have a solid understanding of both who you are and what you want to become. Respect their opinions and allow the clamor of the crowd to go away.



3. Green Door

Despite your desire for change, the mundane or the unknowable frequently keeps you from taking the first step.

You want to travel new roads and experience new adventures, but you are unable to do so because you feel “trapped” by your routines.

The decisions we make will not be good ones if we decide to live with our fear of the unknown. Any choice we make in life won't be successful if it is motivated by fear.

Because all of the emotions and thoughts associated with the fear of the unknown originate in our minds, it can be challenging to describe.

Mental blocks are brought on by these unfavorable thoughts and feelings.

Because of these mental obstacles, which can negatively affect us and prevent us from fully experiencing life, we are unable to live it to the fullest.

You must be a little bit fearless and prepared to venture into the unknown if you want to live your dreams and embrace life. Living your life to the fullest extent is the only possible option.

If you give in to your fear of the unknown, your life will only be filled with discomfort and dissatisfaction.

Why not start with a few modest but long-lasting adjustments? Make your objectives a priority and create space for them over time.



4. Blue Door

Your acute sensitivity, which might make it difficult for you to take any action that might result in change.

According to Dr. Susan Biali in Psychology Today, everyone is afraid of change. Even positive change exacerbates stress. The issue appears when resistance to change creates a blockage.

Additionally, you feel uncomfortable and frequently appear to be paralyzed by your fear of circumstances and individuals that could harm you.

You would rather do nothing instead because of this. If you want to change your life, you must have more courage to face these challenges.

We are more likely to fear change as we get older.

According to scientists, part of the explanation is that things like people, institutions, organizations, and even works of art are more likely to be positively viewed the longer they have existed.

Another factor is that older people are more likely to have gone through the situations that cause change-related anxiety. Less plasticity exists in older brains.

According to relationship and family therapist Roger S. Gil, children adjust to change better because they don't have as much “inherited material” to change.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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