Choose a Heavenly Symbol and Read the Message From Your Spirit Guide

Our spirit guides are non-physical assistants who accompany us on our trip and provide guidance and support along the way.

They frequently share information with us and leave us signs as a means of guiding us in the right direction.

On the other hand, those indications and messages can be somewhat difficult to interpret at times.

Choose the heavenly symbol that stands out most to you at this point in time so that you can hear what your spirit guide has to say about how you should proceed with your journey.

By tuning in to your chosen heavenly symbol, you'll be able to gain deeper insight into your spiritual path and receive guidance on how to move forward.

Pick a Heavenly Symbol, and Listen to What It Has to Tell You About Your Spiritual Path.

Choose a Heavenly Symbol and Read the Message From Your Spirit Guide

If you have chosen:



Heavenly Symbol #1

Your spirit guide has a message for you. They are urging you to take better care of yourself by getting some vitamin D.

These days, many of us spend most of our time indoors, glued to our screens, and disconnected from nature. Your mind, body, and soul are craving some much-needed fresh air, sunlight, and earth connection.

Your mind, body, and soul are all in desperate need of some time in nature, some sunlight, and a significant amount of time spent connecting with the earth at this very moment.

For the next two weeks, make a conscious effort to spend at least 20 minutes outside each day, if possible.

Take a walk in the park, sit in your backyard, or simply bask in the sun's rays. By doing so, you will improve your overall health and well-being, while also clearing the stagnant energy in your aura.

If you have been feeling stuck or uninspired, this symbol is encouraging you to take action and move forward.

Use its energy to set new goals, pursue your passions, and make positive changes in your life.



Heavenly Symbol #2

Your spirit guides are urging you to trust yourself and to think independently. 

There is a possibility that you will find yourself in one or more circumstances in which your ideas, points of view, and convictions are entirely dissimilar to those of the majority of the crowd.

The existence of divergent points of view is not sufficient evidence to conclude that either camp is in the wrong.

Trusting ourselves, paying attention to the inner motions of our higher wisdom, and following that inner path can sometimes be a challenge for us.

You have reached a point in time where you are able to see everything in its proper light.

Remember, you are the only one who knows what is best for you. Trust yourself, follow your heart, and keep moving forward.

The universe has your back, and your spirit guide is here to support you every step of the way.



Heavenly Symbol #3

Your spirit guide may have suggested that you consult with a person whose judgment you admire, who is unwavering, and who has a good deal of life experience relevant to the issue that you have been having trouble resolving.

For instance, if you are having problems with your finances, it would be in your best interest to seek the guidance of a person who has successfully navigated similar obstacles in the past, both in terms of overcoming the issue and establishing themselves as successful in the relevant field.

This symbol reminds us that we must rise above the mud and seek the light of wisdom and knowledge.

It is of the utmost importance to get knowledge from a person who has been in a similar situation and has triumphed over the obstacle in question, as well as information regarding that person's own behavior and belief systems in relation to the topic at hand.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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