Choose a Mandala To See What Kind Of Spiritual Cleansing Your Soul Needs

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of spiritual hygiene. However, there are moments when we find ourselves overwhelmed, feeling disconnected, and in need of a reset. This is where the power of mandalas comes into play.

Mandalas have been used throughout history as a tool for self-reflection, meditation, and spiritual cleansing. These intricate and mesmerizing circular designs hold immense symbolic power, capable of guiding us towards inner clarity and balance.

By choosing a mandala that resonates with you on a profound level, you will uncover the specific type of spiritual cleansing your soul craves.

Our journey begins by carefully studying the mandalas before you. Observe the captivating beauty and allow your intuition to guide you towards the one that captivates your attention.

Once you have made your choice, prepare yourself to embark on a transformative path toward revitalizing your spiritual well-being.

By dedicating just a small portion of your time each week over the next month to this chosen mandala and its corresponding spiritual cleansing method, you can expect to experience a profound shift in your overall energy.

And fear not, for your soul will instinctively signal when it's time to cleanse once again, ensuring a continuous state of tranquility.

Choose the mandala that attracts you the most.

Choose a Mandala To See What Kind Of Spiritual Cleansing Your Soul Needs

If you chose:



Mandala #1 – Energy Healing: Revitalizing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

When your body, mind, and spirit align, they often send subtle signals urging you to delve into the realm of energy work.

The time has come to embark on a transformative journey that nourishes your inner being and rejuvenates your entire being.

If you're feeling called towards this mandala, trust that your soul is seeking a form of energetic healing.

To satisfy this deep yearning for restoration, your soul craves an array of powerful practices such as massage therapy, Reiki, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, or any bodily modality that focuses on channeling and harmonizing energy.

Indulging in these treatments will amplify your well-being, rebalancing the delicate energies that flow within you.

While self-care is essential, this is the moment to surrender and seek assistance from a trusted individual or practitioner who specializes in energy work.

Their expertise and guidance will ensure a profound experience that resonates with every fiber of your being.

Embracing energy work not only addresses existing imbalances but also acts as a preventative measure, proactively guarding against potential ailments.

By tending to your energetic field, you create a shield of vitality, protecting yourself from potential disruptions and maintaining a harmonious state of being.



Mandala #2 – Cutting the Cord: Liberating Your Spirit from Unhealthy Attachments

Within the intricate design of this mandala lies a profound message calling you to confront and sever the unhealthy emotional cords that bind you.

These energetic ties have begun to multiply, entangling you in co-dependent relationships that harm both you and others involved. Now is the time to break free and reclaim your sovereignty.

To embark on this liberating journey, call upon the guidance and support of Archangel Michael, the celestial protector. Enlist his assistance in cutting these negative cords once and for all.

Visualize him wielding his mighty sword, severing the ties that no longer serve your highest good. With each cut, feel the weight of these draining connections dissipate, allowing space for growth and renewal.

As you untether yourself from these attachments, it is crucial to open your heart chakra, the wellspring of unconditional love. Allow the pure essence of love to flow freely within you, nurturing and healing your spirit.

Embrace self-love and extend it outward, radiating love towards others with compassion and understanding.

In this act of cutting the cord, you liberate not only yourself but also those entangled in unhealthy dynamics. Embrace the transformative power of this mandala, as it guides you on a path towards emotional freedom and harmonious relationships.

Embrace the opportunity to let go, heal, and thrive, paving the way for a life filled with authentic connections and boundless love.



Mandala #3 – Invoking Archangel Michael's Protective Shield

Within the sacred geometry of this mandala lies an invitation to embrace an added layer of protection, lovingly bestowed upon you by the mighty Archangel Michael.

As you embark on this journey, let the powerful presence of Archangel Michael envelop you in his celestial shield, warding off any negative energies that may seek to entangle your mind, body, and spirit.

Imbued with the wisdom and strength of Archangel Michael, envision him wielding his divine lightsaber, skillfully cutting through layers of low-frequency energy that may be attempting to bond with you.

Release the grip of these twisted energies, allowing them to dissolve and dissipate, freeing you from their burden. As they disperse, a profound sense of lightness will wash over you, rejuvenating your entire being.

You can rely on this protective shield anytime you feel the need for additional safeguarding. Whether you are navigating challenging circumstances or simply seeking a renewed sense of security, Archangel Michael's presence is ever-ready to support and defend you.

Embrace the power of this mandala, and in doing so, invite Archangel Michael's loving protection into your life.

Allow his unwavering light to illuminate your path, shielding you from harm and guiding you towards a state of serenity and empowered living.

Trust in this divine intervention, and let it serve as a constant reminder of your innate strength and resilience.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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