Choose a Symbol and Find Out What Your Soul Wants To Tell You

The soul is an immaterial entity that is said to reside in and function through the physical body.

A body that is devoid of a soul is analogous to a lamp that does not have electricity, a computer that does not have software or a spacesuit that does not have an astronaut inside of it.

The soul is always communicating with us and sending us messages, most of which we are not conscious of receiving.

Find out what your soul is currently trying to tell you by intuitively selecting a symbol and analyzing its meaning.

By doing so, you will gain access to new understanding and insights into why certain things are happening in your life right now.

Each symbol has a unique spiritual energy and contains messages that can help to awaken dormant parts of the soul.

Allow yourself to become tuned in to the subtle but powerful messages of the soul and embrace its words of wisdom.

Choose a Symbol and Find Out What Your Soul Wants To Tell You

If you have chosen:



Symbol N.1

Have you ever noticed that just as you start to develop and make progress in your life, as well as just as you have the extra money in your bank account, you are hit with an unexpected expense, and you begin to run out of it again? It is a direct consequence of your actions in the past.

This is the lesson you are currently working on. The key to finding a solution is to not let the fear of failure prevent you from taking risks and to trust the voice inside your head when making decisions.

Trusting your inner voice doesn't mean that you should ignore common sense and take every risk possible.

It simply means that you should listen to your intuition and find the courage to make decisions that come from within you.

As you work on this lesson, it is important to remember that progress does not happen overnight and that setbacks can be a natural part of personal growth.

When dealing with these difficult times, stay focused on your goal and have faith in yourself.

Remember that you have the power to control your own destiny and that the Universe will provide you with everything you need to achieve your desired outcome.

Recognize that this is simply a reminder that you are responsible for your own success and to never stop striving for your dreams.



Symbol N.2

When you are the center of attention, do you experience any feelings of unease? Do you prioritize the requirements of others over your own requirements?

Is it possible that you are engaging in these behaviors unconsciously and unintentionally as a result of the strong correlation that exists between your identity and the approval of other people?

It is the goal of your soul to learn more about who you are as an individual so that you can better contribute your talents to the world.

You tend to put the needs of others ahead of your own, and the only way you can do a good job of serving the world is if you take care of yourself first, then give yourself permission to figure out what it is that you want and do what it takes to get it.

Supporting other people is a good and important thing to do.

Even though it can be hard to step out of the spotlight once in a while, it’s ultimately important to ensure that you give yourself the same amount of attention and care that you give to others.

Put yourself first and take the time to invest in what you need to do in order to reach your full potential.

Remember that when you love and honor yourself, you will also be better equipped to show love and compassion to those around you.

It is only natural to feel a strong connection between your identity and others' opinions, but it’s important to remember that the most important opinion is your own.

Don't let anyone else determine your worth or your happiness – develop a healthier relationship with yourself and allow your soul to thrive.



Symbol N.3

Do you tend to prolong the duration of relationships and situations beyond what is necessary? Do you find that you frequently find yourself in relationships that are unhealthy and interdependent, whether they be personal or professional?

There is a good chance that your soul is trying to tell you that you should not be afraid of being alone.

It's not that you're ignorant of their potentially harmful effects or that you don't realize they're not in your best interests; rather, the problem is that you're unwilling to adapt to new circumstances.

It’s important to remember that you don't have to stay in a situation just because it's comfortable.

Adaptability is key – life throws a lot of surprises at us and we must be able to assess the situation and respond accordingly.

Face the fear of being alone and trust that whatever the outcome may be, you will be able to handle it.

Take some time to think about why you might be keeping yourself in a bad situation and work on understanding and breaking any underlying patterns.

Being honest with yourself is the best way to make sure that you are truly taking care of your needs, so don't be afraid to leave a situation that isn't benefitting you.


Choose a Symbol and Find Out What Your Soul Wants To Tell You Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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