Choose a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message for Better a Future

Today, we're going to use symbols to dive deep into our subconscious minds and see what messages are waiting to be uncovered.

Symbols have been used for centuries to convey meaning and tell stories. They can represent anything from a simple idea to complex themes or emotions.

By choosing a symbol, you are allowing yourself to tap into a rich history of symbolism that is present in every culture around the world.

The process of choosing a symbol is simple, yet powerful. It involves setting your intention and trusting your intuition to guide you towards the symbol that resonates with you the most.

When you choose a symbol, you are essentially selecting a key that unlocks a door to your subconscious.

Once you've chosen your symbol, it's time to decipher its meaning and apply it to your life.

The symbol you choose can reveal hidden fears, desires, or motivations that you may not have even been aware of.

It can also provide you with clarity and insight into your current circumstances and offer guidance on how to navigate the future.

So, without further ado, let's explore the six symbols and discover what messages they have in store for us.

Remember, trust your instincts and don't overthink your choice.

Let the symbol come to you naturally and allow its meaning to unfold as you read on. Your spirit message for a better future is just a symbol away.


Choose a Symbol to Reveal Your Spirit Message for Better a Future



If you picked Symbol no. 1:

It is time to simply let everything go and put your faith in the greater good of the universe.

Take a step back and give yourself permission to go with the tempo and flow of life rather than wasting your energy trying to fight against what already exists.

You are being prompted right now to refrain from forcing your way forward and instead to accept the current moment as well as what already exists.

When you are calm, still, and focused on your genuine purpose, the next step that you need to take will become clear to you.

You should try to avoid making any rash choices, meditate, and listen to what the silence has to teach you.



If you picked Symbol no. 2:

If they are constructed consciously and with the intention of guiding you, boundaries are not necessarily a negative thing.

It is time for you to establish some of these boundaries because too much of you is currently dispersed in different directions.

Your life could use some structure and direction right about now, and setting clear boundaries is one way to provide it with that.

This is exactly where your attention needs to be right now.

You have to make it a priority to accept responsibility for things that are not going according to plan, and you have to refrain from dispersing your time and energy among people and circumstances that are no longer contributing to your larger purpose.

It is time to take inventory, and despite how intimidating it may sound, doing so will be your greatest ally at this time.

It is also the ideal time to declutter one's home by going through old belongings and giving them away.



If you picked Symbol no. 3:

You are heading in the right direction! This message is meant to reassure you that everything is going to be all right, despite the fact that some things might not always be clear to you.

Even though you might have a lot of questions right now, the Universe wants you to know that you are being guided and looked after.

You are currently on the path that leads to your highest potential. Have faith that everything will work out beautifully and in accordance with the divine plan.

There is no need for you to worry about the past or the future; all you need to do is remain present in each moment, and you will see the magic of your life begin to unfold before your very eyes.

If you have a significant choice to make, you should be aware that the solution to your dilemma will come to you in the form of a synchronistic message today.



If you picked Symbol no.4:

It is time to move on from the mistakes of the past. You spend far too much time dwelling on the past rather than paying attention to the here and now.

While it is necessary to allow yourself time to heal and to grieve the loss of a loved one, it serves no purpose to continue to rehash the same old stories to yourself over and over again.

Put the past in the past and concentrate on the here and now.

You are being asked to seize the moment that is happening right now and make the most of it in whatever way you can.

You hold the power to alter the course of events to come, and the only way you can do this is by bringing your attention to the here and now in the here and now.

You can let go of the past by journaling about it or discussing it in confidence with a close friend.

After giving yourself one final opportunity to relive the old feelings, you can then let go of the past. Until you take that step, you won't be able to make any further progress.



If you picked Symbol no.5:

Things are progressing quickly, and now is the time to formulate some fresh objectives and targets for yourself.

Your life has been moving at a breakneck speed, and it appears that things are finally picking up steam; now would be the ideal time to formulate some fresh objectives for the next phase of your life's journey.

Get in touch with your inner self and ask yourself what it is that your heart really wants. Jot down the things that bring you joy, and then make them a priority in your life.

Even though the results might not show up right away, try to picture your thoughts as a boomerang that is flying upwards toward the heavens.

Continue to think positively and direct your attention toward achieving your goals while you wait for it to come back to you.

The directive from the cosmos is crystal clear: the time to set your goals and dreams is now because they will be realized.



If you picked Symbol no. 6:

You have an unhealthy preoccupation with the world around you rather than looking inward.

The solutions to all of your problems are buried deep within your heart, but you won't be able to access them until you learn to quiet your mind first.

Clear the thoughts that are currently occupying your mind for a brief moment and turn your attention inward; you have a lot of mental clutter to sort through.

You can reestablish your connection with the Divine by calming your mind through practices such as meditation and walking.

You are being prompted by Spirit to search within yourself for the answers rather than looking for hints or signs in the outside world.

The time has come to get in tune with the Universe and everything it has in store for you, and the only way to do that is to look inward and reflect on what you already know.

Monitor your thoughts today, but make an effort not to engage with them or pass judgment on them.

Instead, focus on reconnecting with your essential self and being aware of when your ego is at work.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

1 Comment
  1. Reply
    Christina Manning June 21, 2023 at 3:41 am

    Great website and free love it

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