Choose One of the Cards Intuitively and Receive an Important Message!

Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, as you select one of the cards that resonate with you the most.

As you choose your card, remember that the universe has a way of delivering messages to us when we need them the most.

Perhaps you are facing a difficult decision, feeling stuck or unsure about the future, or simply seeking guidance and inspiration.

Whatever your current circumstances may be, trust that the card you choose will hold an important message for you.

Each card in this deck is imbued with unique energy and meaning, representing different aspects of our lives and the challenges we face.

Through your choice, you will receive a personalized message that speaks directly to your heart and soul.

The message may inspire you, comfort you, challenge you, or invite you to take action. Whatever the message may be, it will be exactly what you need to hear at this time in your life.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, it can be easy to lose touch with our own inner guidance.

By choosing a card intuitively, you are taking a step back from the noise and tuning into your own intuition.

This simple act of self-care can have profound effects on your life, as you learn to trust your own instincts and connect with your deepest desires.

So, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and allow your intuition to guide you as you choose your card.

Remember that the message you receive is a gift from the universe, and trust that it will lead you on the path toward greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

Choose One of the Cards Intuitively and Receive an Important Message

If your choice was:


Card no. 1

It is time for things to start getting simpler for you. It is time to walk the path of divine grace with self-assurance, simplicity, and acceptance of what comes your way. It is not required to make an effort to accomplish something.

You are able to behave gracefully without any attachment or trust, which will ensure that everything works out as it should.

The law of efficiency motivates us to work harder and smarter, but not necessarily for longer periods of time.

Instead of swimming all the time by yourself or even against a current that would make the journey even more difficult, you learn to let a wave take you ashore so that you don't have to do either of those things.

Consequently, you need to acquire the skill of listening to the universe. Even though you have the ability to use your intuition, there are times when you just want to keep going.

The path of least resistance is another name for the law of efficiency.

We need to find the power that comes when we believe that the universe already knows what it is doing and let go of our grip on things.

Believe now. Have faith that everything will occur as it should in due time.



Card no. 2

When you meditate, it is important to remain consistent with the things that move your heart and help you become more powerful.

You are not just here to exist; you are here to live your life and be true to the things that are truly important to you.

Listen to what your heart has to say. What is it that you enjoy doing so much that you would be willing to face any challenge in order to continue doing it?

What drives you and makes you want to keep going?

It is not what appears to be feasible or achievable, but rather what actually is the case. When we pay honest attention to what our hearts have to say, we fortify ourselves.

When we have a clear idea of who we want to be, it is much simpler for the universe to show us the way.

You will begin to have a higher vibration once you have realized and come to terms with who you truly are.

Because the universe is so kind, it will undoubtedly offer its assistance and affection, and because of this, it will give you everything you require to make your goals a reality.



Card no. 3

Card no. 3 holds a powerful message about the role of karma in our lives. It reminds us that the experiences we have and the lessons we learn are not random or arbitrary, but are part of a larger spiritual journey.

If you have chosen this card, it may be a sign that there is karmic purification taking place in your life.

This purification may be the result of past actions or beliefs, or it may be part of a larger spiritual plan that is unfolding. Whatever the case may be, this card invites you to let go of the past and embrace the present.

Karma is not a form of punishment or retribution, as some may believe. Rather, it is the sum total of all the lessons our soul has learned in its previous incarnations.

We carry this karma with us into each new lifetime, and it serves as a guidepost for our spiritual growth and evolution.

Sometimes, our karma manifests as difficulties or challenges that test us and help us to grow. Other times, it manifests as blessings or opportunities that allow us to shine and fulfill our purpose.

But whatever form it takes, it is ultimately for our highest good and serves the greater good of all.

So, if you are experiencing karmic purification at this time, know that it is an opportunity for you to heal old wounds, release negative patterns, and step into a new level of consciousness.

Embrace the lessons that life is presenting to you, and trust that everything is happening for a reason.

Remember, too, that karma is not set in stone. We have the power to change our destiny through our thoughts, words, and actions.

So, as you move forward on your path, be mindful of the energy you are putting out into the world, and strive to live in accordance with your highest values and purpose.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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