Choose The Image You Resonate With To Find Out What Your Unresolved Karma Is

Karma is the universal law of cause and effect that governs our lives. It is the sum total of our actions, both good and bad, that determine our present and future circumstances.

Often, we are not aware of our karmic debts, but they manifest themselves in various ways in our lives. These challenges can be emotional, physical, or spiritual, and they require us to learn specific lessons to overcome them.

The images available in this test represent different aspects of our karmic journey, including healing, growth, forgiveness, and transformation.

By choosing the image that speaks to us, we can tap into the energy and wisdom it represents and gain valuable insights into our lives.

By tapping into the power of our intuition, we can allow our subconscious mind to guide us to the right image. Our intuition is the key to unlocking our inner wisdom and understanding the deeper meaning behind our experiences.

Our karmic challenges are not meant to break us but instead to help us grow and evolve into our highest selves. By embracing these challenges and learning the lessons they offer, we can transcend our past and create a brighter future.

So, take a moment to choose the image that resonates with you and explore what your unresolved karmic challenge may be.

Choose The Image You Resonate With To Find Out What Your Unresolved Karma Is

If you chose:



Image #1: Separation from unhealthy relationships

If you resonate with Image #1 in this article, it may be an indication that your unresolved karmic challenge is related to separating from unhealthy relationships.

In a past life, you spent most of your time alone, isolated, and feeling abandoned by others.

This isolation has made you extra sensitive to the importance of nurturing relationships, and you will do anything to prevent the breakup of any relationship.

As a result, you may struggle to let go of a relationship even when it has become toxic or out of balance.

You can see only the good in a person or their potential, making it hard to accept that a relationship may no longer be healthy or beneficial for you.

You fear being alone or not having the approval of others, which leads you to hold on to relationships longer than necessary or healthy.

To overcome this karmic challenge, it's essential to learn how to recognize red flags and warning signs in a relationship. Pay attention to your intuition, and trust your gut instincts when something doesn't feel right.

Don't ignore or dismiss your concerns when it comes to the health of a relationship. Trust that if a relationship has run its course and it's time to move on, something better will come along.

The challenge of separating from unhealthy relationships can appear in any or all of your relationships, including family, friends, romantic partners, and business relationships.

Recognize that cutting ties with people who no longer serve your highest good is not a reflection of your worth or value as a person.

It's okay to prioritize your own well-being and happiness above anyone else's. Remember, sometimes letting go is the most loving thing you can do for yourself and others.



Image #2: Self-doubt and sabotage of yourself and your goals

In your past life, you made reckless decisions that had unfortunate consequences, putting yourself and others at risk, both financially and physically.

These mistakes have caused you to develop a deep sense of disbelief and lack of trust in yourself, which has persisted into this lifetime.

To overcome this karmic challenge, it's essential to take the time to think carefully about your decisions. Avoid making impulsive decisions without considering all the possible outcomes.

Instead, take some time to weigh the pros and cons of each choice before making a decision.

Additionally, documenting all the successful and wise decisions and actions you have taken in the recent past can help boost your confidence and reinforce a positive self-image.

It's also important not to rely too heavily on other people's opinions and advice. Seeking guidance is helpful, but if you look for too much advice outside yourself, it can cause confusion and reinforce your self-doubt.

Trust that you have the wisdom and knowledge within yourself to make wise decisions, and learn to listen to your intuition and inner voice.

Finally, try to let go of any guilt or shame from past mistakes. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and experiences failures at times.

Use these experiences as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than allowing them to define you or hold you back in life.

By recognizing and addressing your self-doubt and learning to trust in yourself, you can transform your life, achieve your goals, and live with greater confidence and positivity.



Image #3: Distrust of others

In a past life, you were a victim of deception and dishonesty many times. These painful experiences have left you feeling guarded and uncertain about who to trust.

In this lifetime, you may attract people who will test your faith and trust in them.

To overcome this challenge, it's essential to pay attention to your intuition and trust people when they show you who they are. While the signs may not always be apparent at first, they will eventually emerge.

Take the time to get to know people before making any decisions about whether to trust them or not. Building relationships over time can help you gauge someone's integrity and determine whether they are worthy of being in your inner circle.

It's also important to let go of past hurts and not allow them to inhibit your ability to trust others.

Recognize that not everyone is out to deceive or harm you and that there are people who genuinely care and have your best interests at heart.

Be open to giving people a chance, but also trust your gut feelings and instincts if something doesn't feel right.

Remember that trust is something that is earned over time, and it's okay to take your time in building meaningful and trustworthy relationships.

By balancing your natural tendency towards caution with openness and willingness to give people a chance, you can overcome the karmic challenges of distrust and create meaningful connections with others.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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