Choose Your Celtic Symbol and Find Out Your Hidden Power

Celtic symbols have always had great magical potential.

They hold virtues and possibilities for us, and they can also help us to see what gift we really have to change this world.

We all came into this world with a purpose and we all have a very important mission to change it for the better according to our own concept.

No one can change the world like we can with the gift we are given and that is our power.

When we also discover what our true power is, we have embraced our mission to serve a higher purpose.

We also learn more about our own selves and the ways in which we are different from others.

Our power is our center and drives us through life toward our goals.

Choose the Celtic symbol that you are more attracted to so that you can discover your hidden power:


Choose Your Celtic Symbol and Find Out Your Hidden Power

If you chose:



1. The Tree of Life

Your hidden power: The power of love.

Why don't we give enough love to others so they have a brighter day?

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel so much love for a man, woman, or being?

It simply means that they are spreading the love for no particular reason, because they are filled with it and feeling it, and nothing more.

So, in this person's company, you feel beautiful, happy, dignified, hardworking, and ready to give that love to others as well.

But today we witness boldness at every turn, rudeness, dishonesty, primitivism, greed, jealousy, and all those negative human traits.

Many also do not express love because they have not felt it themselves, so they do not feel the need to spread it.

But all this is not an excuse and people need to reject everything bad and negative in themselves and love others.

After all, everything was created out of love so that love would be preserved.

So many don't understand the true meaning of love because they've never had enough of it.

But even if they do, once they start spreading them themselves, they will find them.

Thus, the person who has chosen the Celtic symbol, the tree of life, has the power to spread love no matter how much or little they get in return.



2. The Dara Knot

Your hidden power: The power of honesty and empathy.

Honesty is both destructive and healing, and it depends on our empathy.

The power of honesty is healing when used for the right cause and when combined with empathy.

By cultivating honesty with yourself, getting to know yourself, and facing your fears and weaknesses, you are on the path to becoming the best version of yourself.

Because any self-deception is contrary to your growth and development and will never benefit you.

But in being honest with yourself, you must expose and forgive those self-deceptions in order to learn to love yourself with all your flaws, wrong choices, and omissions

In being honest with yourself, you develop acceptance and love for yourself and the many positive qualities that come with it.

When we are also able to express empathy for ourselves while embracing the truth, we find it easier to adapt to any changes in life and recover faster from difficult experiences.

So both honesty and empathy go hand in hand for the person who has chosen the Celtic symbol of the Dara knot.



3. The Eagle

Your hidden power: The power of ambition.

Ambition usually means competition, but also the willingness to create change.

It also implies evaluating the things that need to be changed and improved.

Gaining “deserved” benefits or recognition in terms of self-image and even recognizing the weaknesses of the system.

Ambition always takes place in the interaction with a system that has some shortcomings in terms of the human factor.

So the ambition consists in negotiating with obviously imperfect, i.e. usable, circumstances.

There is almost no difference between the ambition to get a job and the ambition to become someone's lover.

Ambition can also be a weakness as one sacrifices much of one's life to make things better.

As a rule, it is well used by those with an excess of power and ambition, but not by those who choose the Celtic symbol of the eagle.

You have the ambition to change many lives for the better and you never doubt yourself and this gift.



4. The Doe

Your Hidden Power: The power of goodness and kindness.

Unfortunately, kindness and friendliness are treated by many as evidence of weakness, lack of initiative, and lack of fighting spirit.

Some think you're stupid and naive if you're kind, and even if you're good things are worse.

In theory, people appreciate it, but in practice, it is different and mostly leads to the exploitation of the individual.

If you don't know how to set a boundary, you will be “devoured” by others.

Still, it's interesting how most of the time when virtues like kindness and goodness are mentioned, people see them as something that should be given to them by the environment.

Perhaps it would be good to ask ourselves how many of certain virtues we ourselves possess and how much we can give to the environment.

And if we sincerely and willingly offer them, then there is no need to emphasize this in order to rise up, to adorn oneself with colorful peacock feathers.

It might be good to direct one's kindness and goodness to those who lack it, so that they may recognize for themselves that they have the same virtues buried deep within that they can offer to the world around them as well.

If you have chosen the Celtic symbol of the doe, then you have been blessed with this power, so use it to influence others for the better.



5. The Hounds

Your hidden power: The power of perseverance and patience.

Perseverance is a uniquely human virtue and without it, there is no success on an individual level.

A persevering person is one who voluntarily persists in goal-directed activities in spite of obstacles, difficulties, and discouragements.

To be able to overcome the difficulties and disappointments on the way to a goal requires perseverance.

Difficulties and obstacles, problems, frustrations, and inconveniences often stand in the way of big and important things.

Giving up at the first hurdle is not difficult, anyone can do it, but not those with stamina.

Patience and persistence are two key factors to achieve any goal. 

You have to be patient all the way because the results don't come overnight but they do come if you work on your goals day by day.

Also, there's nothing wrong with starting small and dreaming of growing up.

All great people started out small, just like the person who chose the Celtic symbol of the hounds, who thanks to their perseverance have the potential to make it big.



6. The Deer

Your hidden power: The power of wisdom.

Wisdom isn't necessarily about education, it's more of a gift.

For it is possible for exceptionally talented people to attain the highest knowledge and apply it for the benefit of all and themselves without being educated.

Also, I think that life experience can be helpful but is not essential.

It is known that there are people who have a large number of different experiences and yet do not have much wisdom.

Some argue that wisdom is the recognition of our own ignorance or sadness as an insight into the state of human existence.

However, if we have agreed that wisdom is liberating, then mere understanding of our condition will not make us wise.

That's why I think true wisdom is a rare gift that follows those who have something important to do in the world.

Wisdom is also given to these people as a guide to learn and feel things that others do not understand.

A wise man is also one who knows how to be wise in silence.

Perhaps we could say that a wise man is one who is silent at the right time and speaks at the right time, just like the person who chose the Celtic deer symbol.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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