December 2022 Will Be Full Of Hope For These 4 Zodiac Signs

Get ready for a significant rise in your levels of bravery, self-love, and resilience. When Neptune's retrograde period in Pisces comes to an end on December 3, it will be much simpler to trust the unknown.

When Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 6, make an effort to keep things straightforward and break down difficult tasks into a series of steps that are more manageable.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 8 will highlight things that are frustrating, and you may find that you need to revisit a conversation or task that you had previously handled with too much carelessness.

As Venus travels through Capricorn on December 9, you will feel more mature, more motivated, and better able to set boundaries as a result of this transit.

On December 20, Jupiter will move into courageous Aries, which will usher in a wave of confidence. Take advantage of this energy to propel you to even greater heights of ambition.

On December 21st and 22nd, the Sun will move into the sign of Capricorn, which will usher in an atmosphere that is more realistic and business-oriented.

Be responsible, and work on building your resilience. Now is the time to show that you have the grit and determination to pursue your highest aspirations. There is a good possibility that you will realize your goals.

On December 23, the asteroid Chiron, which represents repressed emotions and feelings of inadequacy, will complete its five-month-long retrograde motion and move into the sign of Aries.

At the end of this time spent healing, you will most likely have gained new courage, increased self-esteem, and increased resilience. Finally, the retrograde motion of Mercury will begin on December 29 in the sign of Capricorn; use this time to engage in some helpful moments of reflection and reconsideration.

Ask yourself if the standards you've set for yourself are high enough, and get ready for unexpected challenges that will put your patience, preparedness, and endurance to the test.



Gemini 5

In December, a new source of motivation may cause you to fantasize about new opportunities in your field of work. On the other hand, the Full Moon that will occur on December 8 will encourage you to refresh both your perspective on life and the strategy you use to work toward achieving your objectives.

You should brace yourself to face obstacles that will force you to be more specific about what it is that you want to accomplish. It will soon be time for you to invest more in your future by making your intentions crystal clear and acting in a manner that is consistent with those intentions.

Gemini, you shouldn't feel disheartened if you and your partner have different opinions on a particular subject. On the other hand, if there isn't enough harmony within a relationship, it will shift your perception in ways that you weren't anticipating.

It could be a course of professional study that piques your interest, or it could be a figure of authority with whom you collaborate and/or rely on. The bright side is that you have improved your creative capacity so you better put that to work.




Virgo 5

Getting some clarity on what you're looking for in a life partner and how you want that person to be for you can help you meet the person of your dreams.

Take things easy and steady, and give yourself (as well as the person you're seeing) the opportunity to grow in love and trust without feeling any pressure to do so.

Get ready for new challenges that will put your ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance and the number of responsibilities you can reasonably take on at the same time to the test.

Setting your boundaries and rearranging your priorities can help you cope better with the situation. If you truly want to find happiness, Virgo, you have to make the conscious decision to prioritize yourself above everything else.

These energies will be brought to your attention at the beginning of the month if there has been a lack of balance between the aspects of your life that are personal and the aspects that are professional.

The same is true for those of you who are working on developing a new plan, but you frequently find that you have to succumb to the wishes of a higher-up.




Capricorn 5

If you are able to tackle challenges at the beginning of the month and resolve or finish projects that have been causing you undue worry, you may find that life appears to be less stressful during the month of December.

On December 21 and 22, when the Sun revitalizes your zodiac sign, you will feel a renewed motivation to steer your life in a new direction by laying the groundwork for new personal goals.

This motivation will last until the Sun leaves your sign on December 23. If you find yourself feeling confused during this time, be patient with yourself and try to picture the version of yourself that you need to work towards rather than focusing on the ways in which you fall short.

Relax, Capricorn. Because your birthday season doesn't begin until the winter solstice, and because the cosmos will also give you the green light to rest when it's clear that you've earned it, you can wait until then.

Given that Neptune will end its retrograde at the beginning of the month, which influences everything from your day-to-day inspirations to your creative thoughts, you can anticipate an improvement in the quality of your life.

The same goes for those of you who have recently lost hope or faith in something, so you can take comfort in the fact that things will work out even if you don't believe it right now.




Pisces 5

On December 3 and 4, Neptune will finish its retrograde motion, which may give you a newfound sense of optimism. There is nothing inherently wrong with making the decision to look on the bright side of life; however, you must be careful not to ignore the facts.

When the Capricorn season begins on December 21 and 22, you will experience an increase in both your self-confidence and your motivation, both of which will assist you in taking methodical steps toward realizing your goals.

Keep in mind that you should have reasonable expectations, as success does not come overnight. In addition to the fact that your ruling planet Neptune will go direct, the Sun will illuminate the most visible house of your chart.

This will bestow upon you a heightened awareness of the general public as well as a sense of authority that is focused on the future. What do you hope to accomplish in 2023?

What steps can you take to make your dreams a reality? If you are feeling inspired to take a risk in your professional life, let your intuition and the things that drive you passionately serve as your guide.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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