Discover Your Hidden Magical Power By Choosing A Mandala

The mandala in the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, is used as a spiritual and ritual symbol, and it is meant to represent the entire universe.

It represents the myriad aspects of the cosmos through the use of vibrant colors and symmetrical geometric patterns.

The mandalas, with their eloquent symbolism and chaotic harmony, are used to illustrate the qualities of the universe as well as the qualities of the human spirit.

There are a lot of books that are worth reading if you're interested in mandalas. You will be able to paint the patterns on your own in some of the editions. This is something that can be very meditative to do.

What aspects of your personality does your mandala highlight? Choose a mandala to uncover the magical potential that lies dormant within you.

In the quiz that we are going to give you today, you will have the opportunity to choose one of the mandalas that are shown in the image that is located below.

Your decision will reveal what kind of power determines you and how you might put that power to use for the greater good.

Discover Your Hidden Magical Power By Choosing A Mandala




1. The Destroyer

The ancient symbol of the swastika, unfortunately, carries a heavy burden of controversy and dark history due to its misuse by the Nazi party.

However, in its original form and meaning, it represents the concept of destruction for the greater good, which is what the first mandala in this quiz depicts.

The inverted swastika in this mandala is rotated counterclockwise, suggesting a destructive force at play.

But don't let the negative connotations of destruction fool you – sometimes, breaking down old barriers and eliminating unnecessary obstacles can pave the way for something new and exciting.

In fact, the ability to destroy can be a powerful tool in creating something completely original and groundbreaking.

This mandala reminds us that destruction is not always a bad thing and that we should embrace the power to eliminate what no longer serves us.

If you are drawn to this mandala, it may indicate that you have a natural inclination towards change and transformation.

You are not afraid to shake things up and make bold moves to create a better future, even if it means letting go of the past or tearing down existing structures.

But it's important to remember that destruction must always serve a greater purpose – it should never be used solely for personal gain or to cause harm to others.

With the power of destruction comes responsibility, and it is up to us to wield it wisely.

So if you resonate with the first mandala in this quiz, embrace your inner destroyer and use your power to clear the path for a brighter tomorrow.

Let go of what no longer serves you and make space for the new and exciting opportunities that are waiting just around the corner



2. Nature

The second mandala in this quiz celebrates the beauty and harmony of nature, constructed using the fundamental principles of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water.

These elements all work together in perfect balance and are the source of our true power. However, there is a fifth element missing – the element of Spirit.

While the other elements are tangible and easily observable, it is the spiritual connection we have with nature that truly elevates our power to a higher level.

Your power comes from your deep love and connection with the natural world, recognizing that everything around us is impermanent and constantly evolving.

By bringing mindfulness and spirituality back into the equation, you are able to truly harness the power of nature and use it to create positive change in the world.

But what does it mean to have a deep connection with nature?

It means being in tune with the subtle nuances of the environment around us, noticing the tiniest details that others may overlook.

It means being mindful of our impact on the earth and striving to live in harmony with the natural world, rather than exploiting it for personal gain.

If you are drawn to this mandala, it is a sign that you have a unique ability to see the beauty in nature and recognize the interconnectedness of all things.

Your power lies in your willingness to embrace impermanence and find joy in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for more.

So if you feel a special connection to the natural world, cherish it and use your power to help protect and preserve the environment for future generations.

Embrace the spiritual component of your being and find peace in the beauty of the earth around you.



3. Balance

The third mandala in this quiz is a stunning display of balance and symmetry, constructed with the inspiration from the mystical significance of the number six.

It features two opposing forces – femininity and masculinity – represented by two triangles, each with six sides.

The interplay between these two forces creates a dynamic equilibrium that is the source of your power.

You have an innate ability to maintain balance in all aspects of your life, whether it's balancing work and play, maintaining healthy relationships, or finding harmony within yourself.

This balance between opposing forces is not always easy to achieve, but it is a crucial element in creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.

When we find our center and maintain a sense of equilibrium, we are able to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

If you are drawn to this mandala, it may indicate that you have a unique ability to find balance in all areas of your life.

You are skilled at navigating the ups and downs of life, and you have a keen sense of when things are out of alignment or off-kilter.

But finding balance is not just about maintaining external equilibrium – it also involves finding harmony within ourselves.

By embracing the feminine and masculine energies within us, we can integrate our shadows and light and find inner peace and wholeness.

So if you resonate with this mandala, embrace your power to maintain balance in all aspects of your life.

Use your unique abilities to find harmony within yourself and to create a sense of equilibrium in your relationships, work, and personal life.

With balance comes strength, resilience, and the ability to weather any storm that comes your way.



4. Patience

The fourth mandala in this quiz is a beautiful representation of patience and the passage of time, inspired by the significance of the number twelve.

This number holds immense importance in various cultures and traditions, from the twelve Greek gods to the twelve apostles in Christianity.

But what does this mean for you? If you are drawn to this mandala, it may indicate that you have a natural ability to move with the passage of time and possess immense patience.

You are not easily swayed by the stresses and pressures of daily life, and you understand that progress takes time.

In a world that values instant gratification and immediate results, your ability to wait patiently for things to unfold is a rare and precious gift.

This patience allows you to develop deep roots and a strong foundation, ensuring that your plans will reach their full potential in due time.

Patience is not just about waiting, however – it is also about finding joy and fulfillment in the journey itself.

When we learn to embrace the present moment and appreciate the small victories along the way, we can find meaning and purpose in even the most challenging situations.

So if you resonate with this mandala, embrace your power to be patient and trust in the natural progression of things.

Allow yourself to enjoy the journey, even when the destination seems far away. With patience comes wisdom, resilience, and the ability to weather any storm that life may throw your way.



5. The Compass

The fifth mandala in this quiz is a striking representation of the compass, inspired by the wheel of wisdom and based on the number eight.

This symbol represents a crossroads, where many different paths and choices are available to the traveler.

If you are drawn to this mandala, it may indicate that you have a natural ability to navigate the complexities of life and make choices with ease.

You possess a creative mind that helps you develop numerous possibilities, ensuring that you always have options when it comes to decision-making.

But it's not just about having options – you also have the wisdom and discernment to choose the most effective path towards your goals.

You understand that the journey itself is just as important as the destination, and you approach each decision with care and thoughtfulness.

This inner compass that you possess enables you to stay aligned with your values and your purpose, even when the world around you seems chaotic and uncertain.

You have a deep sense of intuition and trust in yourself and your abilities, allowing you to navigate even the most challenging situations with grace and poise.

So if you resonate with this mandala, embrace your power to navigate the complexities of life and trust in your inner compass to guide you towards your true north.

Remember that the journey itself is just as important as the destination, so take your time and approach each decision with mindfulness and intention.

With the power of the compass within you, there is nothing you cannot achieve.




6. The Creator

The sixth and final mandala in this quiz is a beautiful representation of the creative power we all possess.

It features a swastika moving clockwise, which complements the first mandala's counterclockwise movement.

While the swastika unfortunately carries negative connotations due to its misuse by the Nazi party, it has ancient origins as a symbol of life, health, peace, and wealth.

When viewed through this lens, the swastika represents the life-giving power of the sun and the limitless potential for creation that exists within each of us.

If you are drawn to this mandala, it may indicate that you have a unique ability to harmonize originality and creativity. You are not afraid to blaze your own trail and create something new and exciting from scratch.

Your power lies in your ability to progress through time and life while simultaneously creating something from nothing.

Whether it's a work of art, a new business venture, or a fresh approach to an age-old problem, you have the creativity and vision to bring your ideas to life.

But with great power comes great responsibility – it is up to you to use your creative gifts for the greater good and to uplift and inspire those around you.

By bringing originality and innovation into the world, you can make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy.

So if you resonate with this mandala, embrace your power to create and innovate. Trust in your ability to blaze new trails and bring fresh ideas to life.

With the limitless potential of the swastika at your side, there is no limit to what you can achieve.


Discover Your Hidden Magical Power By Choosing A Mandala Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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