Do You Want To Know More About Your Past Life? Choose a Clock to Find Out

Our latest test offers you a remarkable opportunity to not only gain insight into the hidden facets of your being but also unearth the impact these past encounters have had on your present life.

Beneath the surface lies a treasure trove of forgotten memories and lessons learned, waiting to be rediscovered.

Within the image below, three clocks stand as gateways to your personal history. Each one holds the key to a unique past life experience, illuminating the struggles you faced and the wisdom you gained along the way.

By choosing one of these clocks, you will uncover a wealth of knowledge, shedding light on the intricate interplay between your former self and the person you have become today.

Prepare yourself to traverse through time and space, as we unravel the enigmatic relationship between your past and present. Discover how your past life experiences have shaped your character, influenced your choices, and ultimately steered the course of your destiny.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery? Choose a clock from the image below and prepare to delve into the captivating realm of your own history.

Do You Want To Know More About Your Past Life Choose a Clock to Find Out

If you chose:



Clock Number 1: Limiting Beliefs

If you've been drawn to clock number one, it's highly probable that you harbor deep-seated limiting beliefs linked to vows you made in a previous life. These lingering beliefs could signify a past existence as a clergyman or within a religious community, where strict vows were taken.

The echoes of these old commitments may manifest in your current life as a struggle with financial scarcity and a perceived lack of abundance. Additionally, you might find yourself grappling with unresolved emotional issues, unable to fully embrace the joy and fulfillment that life has to offer.

Moreover, it's important to consider the possibility that you may be compensating for past deprivation by engaging in excessive behaviors such as overeating or seeking excessive sensual pleasures.

This stems from a profound sense of longing for the pleasures and gratifications denied to you in a previous life.

However, by consciously recognizing these outdated vows and acknowledging that they no longer hold power in your present existence, a transformative shift can occur.

As you release these self-imposed limitations, you free up the flow of energy within your being, paving the way for profound growth and liberation.

Embrace the power of self-awareness and conscious choice, for it is through this intentional acknowledgement that you can break free from the constraints of limiting beliefs.

Dare to let go of the shackles that bind you, and witness how the barriers in your path crumble before you.



Clock Number 2: Unreturned Love

If you find yourself irresistibly drawn to clock number two, it is highly probable that remnants of unrequited love from a past life still reverberate within your being. The echoes of the emotions experienced in that previous existence continue to shape your relationships in the present.

Perhaps you struggle with maintaining healthy connections with others, feeling unworthy of love or perpetually overlooked by those you hold dear.

These deep-seated beliefs rooted in a past life can unknowingly influence your present reality, drawing you towards relationships where respect and kindness might be absent.

The consequences of these unresolved echoes are multi-fold. They may manifest as patterns of self-sabotage or instances where the desired relationship remains elusive, slipping through your grasp despite your best efforts. Yet, rest assured, these challenges are not insurmountable.

By delving into the depths of your soul and acknowledging the imprint of past experiences, you can unveil the source of these unreturned affections.

Through self-reflection and healing, you have the power to untangle yourself from the webs of unworthiness and release the grip of unrequited love forever.

As you shed light on these inherited beliefs, a tremendous opportunity for growth and transformation arises. Embrace the journey towards self-love and acceptance, for in doing so, you will pave the way for the creation of nurturing and fulfilling relationships.



Clock Number 3: Financial Restrictions

Imagine, in a past life, you thrived as a revered shaman within your tribe. The community showered you with abundant provisions as an expression of gratitude for your healing prowess. Oh, how different those days were, filled with the embrace of a reciprocal exchange.

Yet, in this present existence, you may find yourself grappling with financial constraints. Why is it that as a healer, despite offering invaluable services, you face challenges in being appreciated and financially rewarded?

People seek your guidance and support, but their hesitation to compensate you adequately creates an imbalance.

It is crucial to recognize that times have changed. The dynamics of the world we inhabit have shifted, and the barter system of yesteryears has transformed into a structured trading system.

As a healer, it is not only acceptable but essential to value your time, skills, and education. You deserve compensation commensurate with the wisdom and energy you impart to others.

Release any lingering guilt or hesitation you may have about seeking financial abundance. Embrace the understanding that your livelihood should not be compromised by poverty or deprivation.

By acknowledging your worth and confidently asking for fair compensation, you empower yourself to thrive in all aspects of life.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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