February Is A Month Of Changes And New Beginnings for These 3 Zodiac Signs

February is the month of change and new beginnings. Since the beginning of January, the cosmos has been supporting all of us as we move into this completely new reality.

On February 3, the Sun will be squaring off with Uranus. The Sun will also travel through the sign of Aquarius, which symbolizes our community and our sense of place in the world.

This square aspect could result in sudden and unanticipated changes, primarily concerning the stability of our social networks. For some, changes could be regarding a future goal.

On February 4, Mars will square off with Venus. Mars in Gemini is motivated by evidence and information, whereas Venus in Pisces would rather give in to the fantasy of the world.

These changes will appear ambiguous and confusing at first. On the other hand, a Full Moon in Leo will occur on February 5 and we will have the opportunity to reconnect with our inner child and be more genuine.

3 signs of the zodiac should make the most of this month. Read on to find out why.




Leo 1

The month of February ought to be marked by an abundance of drive and aspiration for this fire sign. Leos will be able to accomplish their professional goals and make significant decisions.

This month is also favorable for their personal relationships. It's a good month to undertake challenging endeavors and to experiment with new approaches in their professional lives.

At the beginning of February, your desire for authority and rebellion could easily cause problems in your relationships. Your ruling “planet”, the Sun, will square with Uranus.

It is imperative that you strike a balance between your individual identity and the things that you want, especially if you are thinking of making an important decision regarding your professional life.




Libra 1

This air sign should be in a state of equilibrium and peace during February. People born under Libra will be able to settle disputes and negotiate agreements.

Their financial situation will also become more stable during this month. February is favorable for Libras to attend to matters pertaining to money and to concentrate on maintaining a sense of equilibrium in their lives.

You may have been caught off guard recently by sudden upheavals in your intimate relationships and businesses, but the Sun in Aquarius inspires and motivates you to use your inner genius.

Even though the influence of Mars square Venus is likely to cause friction between your day-to-day reality and the belief systems, it will be absolutely necessary for you to honor the energy of your own divinity.




Scorpio will have a very passionate and intense month. This water sign will be able to realize their wildest ambitions and have life-changing experiences.

They'll also have positive experiences in their romantic connections during February. It is a good time for them to focus on their personal lives and try out new things.

The Sun squaring off with Uranus is not for the faint of heart, but the tension that has been building up between your unconventional relationships and your desire for something solid will soon be resolved.

The Full Moon in Leo that will occur this month will be significant, as it will bring an emotionally intense high point, possibly in relation to your career and relationships.

Around the middle of the month, Mercury will join forces with Pluto, bringing intensity and liberation to your house of communications. This will most likely be the result of the important information you'll receive.

This is going to be one of those months in which you will feel compelled to act on the desires of your heart, despite the challenges. Because the Sun will soon be entering Pisces, there is no better time.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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