How Aries Season 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The dreamy Pisces season is almost over, and the fiery Aries season is about to begin. Since Aries is all about being direct and brave, which are also Aries' personality traits, this will be a time of passion and decisiveness.

People may lose their patience more quickly during this time, but on the bright side, it also means that we will be more willing to let go of grudges.

This article provides you with all of the information regarding the Aries season that you need to know.


When does the Aries season start?

The 20th of March marks the beginning of the Aries season, which continues until the 20th of April, when the Sun moves into Taurus.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac wheel, and its dominant themes are those of youth and new beginnings. After going through a period of decline, it encourages us to blossom.

For many people, now is the time to take some risks and make some significant changes. Here's what each zodiac sign can expect during the Aries season:




Aries 2

Aries, this is your time of year, and you are going to experience every emotion. The reason for this is that on March 25, just as Aries season begins, your ruling planet, Mars, moves from Gemini to Cancer.

Cancers are known for their sensitivity to other people's feelings, their intuition, and their ability to sit with their feelings.

You might experience deeper feelings during this month and you might also feel compelled to spend more time with the people in your life who are closest to you rather than mixing with other crowds.

The key to success is listening to your instincts and going with them. It is also a good time to reflect on the ideas of rebirth and development.

With Chiron, the asteroid that symbolizes our inner wounds, also in Aries until 2026, you are being invited to be radically honest with yourself about what you've outgrown, as well as honest about the new beginning you're ready to embark on.




Taurus 2

It's important for you, Taurus, to remember not to take life too seriously during the Aries season. This season has a way of bringing out the spirituality in Taurus, but this soul-searching doesn't have to be intense.

Especially now that Uranus is in Taurus, laughing and playing can be wonderful ways to reconnect with oneself. During this season, there will be a plethora of chances for spur-of-the-moment fun and carefree enjoyment.

When Taureans stop taking themselves and life so seriously, they begin the process of healing themselves.




Gemini 2

The Aries sun brings out your best features, Gemini. Since the Sun will be in Aries during this time, Geminis will experience an increase in their sense of confidence and attractiveness.

This is due to the fact that the Sun will be activating its social sector. During this time, you will most likely experience an increase in your desire to interact with others, and you might even make some new friends.

Your social and intellectual pursuits will benefit from Aries' characteristic focus, directness, and confidence during this season.




Cancer 2

This Aries season is about your professional endeavors, Cancer. Even though, as a sensitive and intuitive water sign, you aren't always the most assertive person, Aries season is here to encourage you to speak up for yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

Cancers feel more confident during the Aries season, and they are reminded that “closed mouths don't get fed.”

If you've been playing it too safe at work, it's time to stop and start asking for what you want in a direct way. You can do this!




Leo 2

Leo, now is the time to pursue your most audacious goals. Since the Aries season will activate your house of travel and long journeys, you might find yourself daydreaming about traveling to a new place and hopping on a plane to get there.

During this season, it will feel like anything is possible, but it is important to remember to pace yourself. Leo will want to participate in every activity this season, but that doesn't mean you have to. If you do, you might end up worn out or agitated.




Virgo 2

Virgo, Aries season will not only help you become more confident and prepared to step into the limelight, but it will also center on matters pertaining to your finances.

If you want to assert your dominance and negotiate long-term contracts at work or with financial partners, now is an excellent time to do so.




Libra 2

It looks like romance is in the air for you, Libra! Your house of partnerships is activated during the Aries season, so if you are unsure if the person you have a crush on likes you back or if you have been considering asking someone out, now is the time to do so.

You need to be daring in order to be successful.




Scorpio 2

During the Aries season, you should focus on developing yourself further, Scorpio. Now is a great time to put your mental and physical well-being at the forefront of your priorities.

You will develop what is known as a “warrior mindset” and a sense that you are in control of the situation. Mars rules Aries and you, so you will feel the influence of this sign and act more like it.

Scorpios will also command even more attention by flirting, dancing, and playing. Some people might find this very alluring, while others might find it very frightening.

During the Aries season, Scorpio will come into their own and reorganize their lives in a way that is for the better.




Sagittarius 2

Try your best to maintain your focus throughout this season, Sagittarius. You, like Leo, will benefit from the Sun in a fire sign and feel energized as a result of it.

During the Aries season, all aspects of exploration, creativity, love, and adventure will be brought to the forefront. You'd like to begin new projects, get to know new people, or experience new places.

Even though everything is very exciting, it is important to keep your feet on the ground and not lose sight of the reason you are doing what you are doing.

Your mission is to find ways to ground yourself in the midst of all the movement that will occur this season, so in order to accomplish this, taking things at a slower pace is absolutely necessary.




Capricorn 2

Capricorn, you should remember that this time of year, home is where the heart is. The emphasis will be placed on making significant adjustments at home or in situations involving the family.

Examples of this would be making clear boundaries regarding what worries them or communicating to others when they need additional help if they feel they need it.

If you have a problem at home that needs to be addressed, the Aries season might be the best time to do so. Please try to have a little more patience with yourself, Capricorns.

The traits of Aries can make Capricorn feel awkward and out of place, which can lead to some behavioral inconsistencies on their part. Experimenting with new things, on the other hand, is the best way to learn more about who you are.




Aquarius 2

This season, Aquarius, you do not need to be perfect in any way. During this Aries season, you will experience an increase in feelings of liberation, passion, communicativeness, and creativity.

You don't need to wait until everything is perfect before you begin; you can just get started right away. This is an inspiring and invigorating time of year for Aquarians because it brings to their attention the fact that if they believe in themselves and their abilities, they can achieve anything.




Pisces 2

Even though the Sun will soon be moving out of your sign, Pisces, the Aries season will still be all about you.

Pisces will be able to notice a significant shift in their ability to prioritize their own needs during the Aries season, even though becoming more selfish may not be an overnight process for them. This is the main lesson that you will learn during this season.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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