How Emotionally Strong Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign

Living a life devoid of emotions and feeling nothing is not really living; rather, it is merely existing. Emotions make us who we are and they make us act or not act in one way or another.

There are many factors that affect our thinking, but the most significant one is always the emotion that prevails in our psyche at that moment.

It is never a bad thing to be emotional, but allowing our emotions to control us is not the best thing to do. Our emotions, especially when strong, can make us forget reason and do things we would later regret.

How emotionally strong are you? The answer could be written in the stars, in your astrological sign.

A person who is emotionally strong will always know when to act on their emotions and when to just step back and deal with what is going on in their head and heart alone.

How emotionally strong you are depends on your zodiac sign. Read on to find out how emotionally strong you are, according to astrology:




Aries 1

You have a crystal clear idea of what you want, and there is no way that you will accept anything less than that or do something just to please others.

You have a sense of urgency about how you live your life, which means that if you don't do what your heart really wants, you won't let time pass, and you don't care if that leads to some bitterness because you're ready to deal with everything.




Taurus 1

There are some walls that you put up around yourself, and you do so for a variety of reasons.

You don't want someone to walk into your life and bring you down because you know you're too good for all of this. You don't want anyone to bring you down.

When you first meet someone, there are many aspects of that person that you need to evaluate before deciding whether or not to let them into your life.




Gemini 1

There's a party going on in your incredible mind, and there's no way you're going to let anyone else control you. You don't like people who bring other people down by sharing their own misery.

Because of this, you make sure to keep a safe distance from people like that, and even if they do manage to get close to you, you shouldn't let them put a damper on your celebration.




Cancer 1

You have a passion for “love,” and in these trying times, I'm not sure what could be more admirable than that.

In the past, you have experienced more than your share of heartbreak and betrayal, but this has not caused a change in the way that you view the world.

You made it through everything by pushing yourself, and you never even entertained the idea of giving up.

That's what makes you emotionally strong, that ability to be vulnerable and pick yourself back up when you've fallen.




Leo 1

You want to see positive change in the world, and you work hard to make sure that this occurs through your own actions.

You give money, you help people, and you create things with and for people who are in need of your assistance and support; you don't just do these things to impress other people.

It all depends on who you are and how you interpret the world around you.




Virgo 1

A Virgo always knows that life is about all the things that happen to us while we are busy making plans, which means you can always count on them to show you what a big impact the little things have.

They are not about completing a list; rather, they are focused on having fun without worrying about others.




Libra 1

Happiness is a choice that every Libra needs to make on a daily basis because they know that if they don't focus on their happiness, no one else will.

They will keep a happy face even if they are overcome by a wave of sadness. They;ll do it until they feel it inside.




You know your value and will never put yourself down in any way, shape, or form. Since you are confident that you are correct all of the time, you don't spend a lot of time second-guessing yourself.

You know what you are doing and you know what you are doing.




Sagittarius 1

You are more worried about going against the grain, even if it means that people judge you from time to time. Blending in with the crowd isn't really your thing; you would rather go against the grain.

You have no problem judging others because there is a level of contentment you experience in simply being yourself that you would never, ever consider exchanging for anything else.

You were never bothered by certain glances anyway.




Capricorn 1

Capricorns know that the amount of time we have on this planet is limited, and they will do everything in their power to make the most of those days.

He has things to do and food to eat and places to go; rest assured he will not stop. They will never stand still. They look at each new day as a new opportunity to live their lives as if it were the last day of their lives.




With you, the rule is that you will always follow your heart, do what makes you happiest, and that is definitely a great way to live.

Since you do not owe anyone anything, you don't really shy away from doing things that aren't asked of you.

No matter what other people think or say, your life is your own, and you will live it your way.




You like to let things go because you know that holding on to things has never made anyone happy.

Instead of wallowing in the unhappiness that comes with harboring resentment toward someone, you would prefer to put the past behind you and make up.

Letting go of pain is the first step to happiness, and no one knows that better than you.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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