How Many Partners Will You Have In Your Life Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever thought about how many different partners you will have throughout your life before you meet your true love?

Since life is unpredictable, we can never know how lucky we'll be in love. Also, just because you haven't been able to find that person just yet does not mean that they don't exist.

According to many studies, the average number of times a person falls in love in their lifetime is 4.

Astrologers, on the other hand, say that the stars can reveal way more about our romantic relationships than any other source due to the typical character traits of each sign.

Some zodiac signs are only interested in having one-night stands and casual relationships, while others have a small number of partners and are searching for their one true love.

Read on to find out how many times we will fall in love throughout our lives and how many partners we will have:




Aries 1

Aries love themselves, their partner, their friends, and their families. They will do anything to make sure their significant other is happy.

However, once the relationship becomes routine, they seek variety, so most of the time they will have multiple partners until they find the one person they can spend the rest of their life with.

They are confident and focused on achieving their goals, so they won't stop until they find the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

Number of partners: 5-6 partners




Taurus 1

Since Taureans are hopeless romantics, they fall in love with someone new every day. They are reliable, honest, and trustworthy so they won't have more than 3 steady partnerships.

And when they do find the person who is right for them, they will spend the rest of their lives with them.

They will first fall in love when they are young and naive, and still later when they are ready to open their hearts again to a new love.

Number of partners: 3 partners




Gemini 1

Geminis have the attitude of a child in a candy store when it comes to romantic relationships; they simply can't get enough of it.

They are not necessarily looking for a long-term relationship because they shy away from responsibility and obligations. They are considered true masters of flirting.

They have big hearts just itching to give away some love, but because of their split personalities, they have a hard time committing.

When it comes to love, they can be picky and inconsistent and are much better at starting something than finishing it.

When they say “I love you” to their partner, it doesn't necessarily mean they can imagine staying with that one person forever.

For this reason, it is highly likely that you will fall in love multiple times throughout your life.

Number of partners: 10-20 partners




Cancer 1

Cancers are hopeless romantics who spend their entire lives daydreaming about the moment they will finally find the person they will spend the rest of their lives with.

This water sign is highly sensitive and wary, which makes it hard for them to quickly trust others. As a consequence, they don't engage in one-night stands or affairs very often and are very selective when it comes to dating.

You'll most likely fall in love only once in your life if you are confident that the person you are with is your partner for life.

When this sign finally finds their true love, they become the most compassionate and devoted partner anyone could hope for.

Number of partners: 1 partner




Leo 1

When Leos are young, all that matters to them is having a good time and making memories that will last a lifetime. They also want to meet many new people and go out on as many dates as they can.

They enjoy being the focus of attention and can enchant others through the combination of their charisma and confidence. Although they enjoy their single life to the fullest and love to try new things and let off steam, they still believe in true love.

There is a good chance that your first love won't last as long as you had hoped, but over the course of your lifetime, you will experience love at least three or four more times.

With each subsequent relationship, they will be more mature and know exactly what they are looking for in a partner, so nothing will stand in the way of a solid and loving relationship.

Number of partners: 4-5 partners




Virgo 1

In their lives, Virgos don't do things by halves, and this includes their love lives and relationships. Once Virgo makes a commitment, they are extremely loyal and caring, and they won't give up easily.

They want a partner who can be relied upon, who will support them, and who will be loyal to them. They are also ready to open their hearts and give insight into their emotional world.

They have extremely high standards for the people they choose to share their lives with, making it challenging to win their love.

Number of partners: 5 partners




Libra 1

Even though they have generous hearts and a lot of love to give, Libras still have a lot of life lessons to learn. This sign is characterized by balance and harmony.

The Libra woman is all about love and romance and they long for true love. They avoid arguments at all costs and choose to adjust their behavior to match that of their partner. This ensures that their first serious relationship will be successful.

You can only experience true love twice in your entire life, and even if you do, there is no guarantee that the second time will be the charm.

Number of partners: 1-2 partners




Scorpios are known for their mysterious and secretive attraction that makes them irresistible.

They want to love and be loved, but they have a tendency to be pessimistic about the future of the relationship, to the point where they have convinced themselves that it won't last.

You will experience love at least three or four times in your lifetime. The very first time that they will be able to express themselves freely.

They will rush into the next relationship after their first one ends in failure, even though their heart is still broken from the previous one.

The third time they are a little more cautious, but they want to prove that they can love again, so they get to four partnerships in their lifetime.

Number of partners: 4 partners




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius are scared by the idea of falling in love and devoting a significant portion of their lives to a single partner for a long time.

However, this does not mean that they have completely given up on romantic love. In fact, they love fiercely; however, because they don't know what you're doing, they often break off relationships.

Despite the fact that they crave variety and excitement in life, they will find love an innumerable number of times throughout their lives.

Number of partners: Countless partners




Capricorn 1

People born under Capricorn know exactly what they want out of life, and they are willing to do anything to get it.

You make the most of every moment because life is so short. But since they have difficulty showing their feelings for their partner, especially their first relationship will not last long.

This indicates that throughout the course of her life, this sign will have a total of three different romantic relationships.

They need to learn to focus more on their partners rather than on their careers and goals, and this may work best with someone who isn't as driven or emotionless as you are.

Number of partners: 3 partners




Aquarians have daydreamed about falling in love and being in a committed relationship before, but that thought was probably too scary for them.

They have a strong desire for total autonomy and independence so they are more interested in having one-night stands than they are in a committed and loving relationship.

As a consequence, they will have at least seven partners before they find someone who could be their potential life partner.

Number of partners: 7 partners




A Pisces longs for the day when they will meet their soulmate. When it comes to love, they may play it cool and steady, and they'll listen to their gut and realize that their partner is the one they will be with forever.

The thought of having everything you could want in a partner, being perfectly happy, and looking forward to their future together is like a fairy tale come true for them.

Number of partners: 6 partners


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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