How Mercury Retrograde April 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Every zodiac sign will be on alert given that Mercury retrograde is coming soon. Even though this cosmic event can be incredibly frustrating, it is also a brief period of review, reflection, and revision.

This time, Mercury will go retrograde in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, prompting everyone to reconsider the things in their lives that bring them stability, comfort, and safety.


When will Mercury go Retrograde?

Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus on April 21 at 4:34 am Eastern Standard Time. Every sign will be given the opportunity to reorganize its foundations in the Taurus-ruled house of their chart.

Making changes might not be easy as it's the sector of the chart most resistant to change. This retrograde will help to make things run more smoothly and make them more resilient.

Since Mercury will be moving slowly through an already slow sign, you should expect that important information, plans, and essential details are gradually processed and even placed on a temporary hold.

It is important to not rush into anything at this time; especially if you are experiencing delays. You will be able to move forward with your ideas, plans, and intentions once the Mercury retrograde is over.

Here's what to expect from Mercury's retrograde for each zodiac sign:




Aries 2

After an eventful Aries season, your focus shifts to your financial situation and resources as Mercury goes retrograde in your second solar house.

Aries, the time has come to put your personal assets and financial matters in order. This can be accomplished in many ways, including revising your budget and rearranging your closet.

You want this area of your life to be stable, and even though things might appear to be a little uncertain up until May 14, you'll be glad you spent the time to gain a stronger sense of control over it.




Taurus 2

Taurus, you are the focus of this retrograde, and it couldn't come at a better time. On April 21, you will be encouraged to embrace ideas that question the ways in which you establish stability.

Usually, as the sign of the zodiac that is most concerned with safety and security, you are pretty resistant to venturing outside of your comfort zone.

This may manifest itself in the way that you present yourself to the outside world as well as in the way that you express yourself to others.

Be prepared to have your way of thinking tested, and try to keep an open mind to ideas and viewpoints that may appear to be out of the ordinary.




Gemini 2

On April 21, your ruling planet, Mercury, will go retrograde in your twelfth house of withdrawal and isolation. This will usher in a time of deep introspection and inner analysis.

Since you're born under a mutual air sign, you are usually eager to share your thoughts and ideas with the rest of the world.

However, during this retrograde, it is recommended that you take some time to reevaluate your message. If you have been getting the impression that you are being called to do some studying or learning in private, right now is the ideal time for you to do so.




Cancer 2

This month, Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus, ushering in a time when you will need to reevaluate friendships and alliances.

Cancer, you are the type of person who places a high priority on maintaining steady and secure friendships.

Although this retrograde may momentarily disrupt the dynamics of your friendships, it will give you the opportunity to have some crucial conversations about the longevity of your connections.

It will be much easier to have productive conversations with your peers so long as you keep an open mind during this retrograde.




Leo 2

On April 21, Mercury will go retrograde through your tenth house of career and professional life. This is an invitation to rework some of your current ideas, plans, and thoughts.

It's okay if things are moving at a slower pace than expected; however, the time has come for you, Leo, to reevaluate the way in which you are implementing stable, long-term intentions.

Don't try to get ahead of yourself and focus on going with the flow instead of rushing the process. You'll thank yourself at the end of the retrograde that you had a little bit of extra time to get your affairs in order.




Virgo 2

This month, the ruler of your chart, Mercury, will go retrograde, ushering in a time when you will be forced to reevaluate your personal philosophy as well as the foundations upon which your beliefs are built.

Mercury's retrograde motion will have an effect on you because you're a communicative sign. However, it will give you the opportunity to rethink your perspective on the world.

You will come to the realization that some of your typical ways of thinking may be keeping you stuck in a mentality that you've outgrown, despite the fact that you may be reluctant to make some changes in this area.




Libra 2

As Mercury enters its retrograde phase, you will be asked to rework your shared resources, finances, and boundaries.

During this time period, you may find yourself reviewing important paperwork or filing your taxes, Libra; however, you should make sure that you are prepared for some delays.

It is a good time for getting your affairs in order; however, it may take a little longer than expected to iron out some of the kinks.

As long as you keep an open mind and are willing to adjust to new circumstances as they arise, you should be able to make some headway by the time the retrograde is over.




Scorpio 2

On April 21, Mercury will go retrograde in your seventh house of romantic relationships. This will usher in a time of reevaluating and reassessing your relationships.

You place a high level of importance on the stability of your relationships, Scorpio, and despite the fact that this retrograde is likely to cause some disruptions, it provides insight into what aspects of your relationships could be improved to make them more sustainable.




Sagittarius 2

This month, as Mercury goes retrograde in your sixth solar house, you will be asked to review your routines, practices, and responsibilities.

Sagittarius, you should look for new ways to be productive, whether or not they fit into your routine.

As the open-minded sign of the zodiac, you'll enjoy the opportunity to break out of any outdated mindsets, particularly in regard to how you take care of yourself and your body during this retrograde.

This is a moment to experiment with different ways of thinking so you'll enjoy this opportunity.




Capricorn 2

On the 21st of April, Mercury will slowly start its retrograde in Taurus, prompting you to take a closer look at the ways in which you enjoy yourself through pleasure and leisure activities.

Since you are an earth sign, this retrograde won't feel as out of the ordinary for you because you're used to moving at a more methodical pace.

However, since it will force you outside of your comfort zone, it will present you with a challenge to rethink the way you seek fulfillment in your life.




Aquarius 2

On April 21, Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus, which means that your home life and family life will undergo some changes and revisions.

You, like all other fixed signs, are not the biggest fan of change; however, the purpose of this retrograde is to reorganize things in a way that will continue to bring you comfort and security in your natural habitat.

Utilize this time to reevaluate your current living situation as well as your relationship with your family, even though you're likely to experience some discomfort. Change might turn out to be for the better in the long run.




Pisces 2

Mercury will go retrograde through your third solar house, causing a gradual change in the way you think about things and how you express yourself to the people around you.

This is an area in which you are not as open to change, which means that you might not immediately accept these new perspectives; however, they are guaranteed to expand your mind in a way that is comfortable and pleasant.

Pisces, just try to keep an open mind, even if this new information goes against your way of thinking.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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