How Much Time Does Each Zodiac Sign Take To Forgive

It is a commonly held belief that in order to successfully move on from the past, one must forgive and forget. But is that true?

Can anyone do this? The reason that we ask these questions is because it takes a great deal of courage to forgive someone for something that they did that deeply hurt us.

It is in our nature to hold on to pain. On the other hand, this only causes us to experience negative emotions and makes us resentful.

You don't really understand why some people can hold grudges for such a long period of time until you've been in the same position.

Everyone struggles with forgiving. In fact, there are a lot of people who have no idea how to forgive at all, especially when they themselves are in the wrong.

And just like most of our characteristics, astrology may be to blame for your ability (or inability) to forgive. There are some zodiac signs that will hold a grudge against you until the day they pass away.

These are the zodiac signs that absolutely hate being in the wrong or when someone tries to pick a fight with them.

They have a tendency to be particularly unforgiving, even when it's an accident or a misunderstanding, or at least, they can forgive but never forget.

Then there are other zodiac signs that cannot hold grudges for very long. They would rather enjoy life and have a good time with their friends than think about an argument that happened years ago.




Aries 2

It is natural for Aries to harbor resentment toward those who have really upset him, but this usually does not last for a very long time.

On the other hand, they are quick to become angry and might hold a grudge against you for a couple of days.

If, on the other hand, you're important to Aries, he will not let a petty disagreement prevent him from talking to you. Aries is realistic and understands that there are challenges in romantic relationships.

They can quickly snap and let their temper get the best of them, but unless the problem was absolutely horrible, all they need is to get their feelings off their chest and then blow off steam.

After they have calmed down, a lovely gesture toward them that demonstrates how much you care for them will soften their heart to the point where they'll come back to you.




Taurus 2

Taurus will hold their grudges until the day they pass away, and there's a chance they won't forgive you even then.

This is the least forgiving zodiac sign. If it were up to him, he would probably even write in his will that he holds a grudge against you and so you remember it for the rest of your life.

Because he is so stubborn and hates being proven wrong, he will often harbor resentment toward you simply for disagreeing with him about whether or not he is always right.

If he realizes he was in the wrong, he will be mature enough to apologize, but if he is convinced that he was in the right, he will never waste his breath trying to make up with you.




Gemini 2

Geminis are known to be very talkative, and it is through this medium that they prefer to resolve disagreements.

If you are able to sit them down, explain your point of view, and apologize without defending yourself, they will probably forgive you.

Although you recognize that things aren't always as black and white as they appear and are willing to consider other people's points of view, this does not completely exonerate you.




Cancer 2

Since Cancer is one of the more emotionally sensitive zodiac signs, it's not uncommon for this sign to get bogged down in its feelings and allow those feelings to dictate how they respond to disagreements and other things that irritate them (rather than trying to deal with them logically).

If he harbors resentment toward another person, it may take him years to let go of that resentment, especially if he doesn't feel as though he's resolved the issue.

Cancers don't like holding grudges, but if they feel it is necessary, they will continue to do so. Cancer really just trying to show himself some self-care by not giving in to those who hurt him.

I am not saying that he does not want to forgive you; however, the fact that he is unable to forget what happened is what makes him harbor resentment.




Leo 2

Leo's social circle is carefully selected. If someone were to hurt them, they would be very frustrated. They are angry at both the person they love for hurting them and at themselves for not being able to see what was coming.

When it comes to less significant issues, they are willing to let things slide. However, in order to be forgiven for a big problem, you have to demonstrate that this is a one-time situation that is not worth destroying your relationship over.

Although Leo will ultimately decide, this is your only opportunity to influence his choice.




Virgo 2

In spite of their reputation for being critical, Virgos do not have a cold heart. When it comes to forgiveness, they would prefer to work things out rather than end a relationship altogether.

On the other hand, they have zero tolerance for justifications. The only way to win them over and earn their forgiveness is to demonstrate that you have grown or that you are working on the problem.

They won't trust you if they can't see the change in you.




Libra 2

Conflict is something Libras try to avoid at all costs and would much rather just ignore.

It can be challenging to forgive when the situation cannot be ignored, especially knowing that this sign is always the one forgiving.

The fact that you have taken the initiative to talk about the issue demonstrates that you want things to be made right.

Libras are likely to forgive you as long as you don't act like an idiot.




Scorpio 2

Forgiving others is not something that comes easily to a Scorpio. Since they are inherently wary of others trying to hurt them, there is no easy solution to this.

When it actually happens, their worst fear is reinforced, and it may take a very long time to repair the damage (if at all).

You must profusely apologize to them; however, you should also understand that it is highly unlikely that they will accept your apology right away.

It is going to take a lot of patience and effort on your part to prove to them that they can once again put their trust in you.




Sagittarius 2

Sagittarians are very positive people, but they are not doormats. They will not tolerate anyone hurting them, especially when there is no reason for it.

They have a tendency to respond angrily and defensively when someone causes them pain, and they need space to calm down after these responses.

However, in order for you to actually receive their forgiveness, they require an honest apology from the bottom of your heart. Sagittarians are outspoken and open people and expect the same from others.




Capricorn 2

Although Capricorns are very stubborn and do not believe in second chances, it is not impossible for them to change their minds.

They don't leave much room for explanations or excuses because all that matters to them is the fact that they were hurt, and they want you to admit that you were the one at fault.

If you can't swallow your pride and do that, they won't waste their time.




Aquarius 2

Aquarians care a lot about their relationships. Since they are a little picky, it really cuts them deep when someone hurts them.

You can be understanding and have the desire to move on from the past, but not knowing why isn't enough to make the hurt go away.

Apologizing to them, giving them some space, and making it clear that you will be there for them whenever they are ready are the three most important steps you can take toward receiving their forgiveness.

They need time to heal and decide if they can move forward with you, and you must not put any pressure on them.




Pisces 2

People born under the sign of Pisces are compassionate and understanding, much like Aquarius. They usually give people more than one chance because they try to see things from the other person's perspective.

The fact that Pisces feel so many emotions at once makes it difficult for them to decide whether or not they should truly let someone back into their lives.

An apology is a must, but they also need some time to reflect on how they truly feel about the situation and not just about the other person's feelings.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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