How Pluto in Aquarius 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Even though Pluto is the smallest and most distant of all the major planets in astrology, you shouldn't underestimate its power and influence.

On March 23, this tiny but powerful planet made its once-in-a-lifetime transition into Aquarius, which is responsible for some of this year's most life-altering astrological themes.

For this reason, it is extremely important to understand how Pluto in Aquarius will impact your zodiac sign.

This month marks the beginning of a cosmic story that will continue to develop and progress over the next twenty years, revealing truths and bringing change on a personal as well as a societal level.


Pluto symbolizes depth, intensity, mystery, and the great cycles of death and rebirth

This planet's name comes from the Greek god of the underworld. This tranformational planet can completely change us from caterpillars to butterflies.

On the other hand, it can also bring shadowy obsessions and power struggles. This is how Pluto operates; it pushes things to their limits and attracts intensity.

Since Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn since 2008, the planet experienced its first sign change on March 23, when it entered Aquarius.

This is the first time Pluto has changed sign in nearly 15 years. Since the late 18th century, this is Pluto's first entry into the revolutionary water-bearer sign.

However, in typical Pluto fashion, it will take some time to finish this transition. Pluto's slow orbit and annual retrograde periods will cause it to return to Capricorn on two separate occasions.

The first time will be from June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024, and the second time will be from September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024.

After that, Pluto will continue to reside in Aquarius until 2043 and 2044, providing the planet with a solid two decades during which of transformative magic.



Pluto in Aquarius March 23

Pluto is the planet in Astrology that is located the farthest from the Sun. Because of this, it is often referred to as a generational planet or a transpersonal planet.

Astrologers believe that Pluto's presence shapes things over a longer period of time and has a more noticeable influence on society as a whole.

With Pluto in Aquarius, we'll likely see this power change technology, innovation, and how we see the future. Since Aquarius rules communities and groups, we can expect many changes and revelations occurring within the larger too.

Pluto will only spend a few months in Aquarius in 2023, but this will give us a taste of the energy that is still to come, as everything that happens during this preview will show some of the changes that lie ahead.

This transit brings about many personal changes for each zodiac sign, but it also ushers in a new era for society over the next few decades. Read on to find out how Pluto in Aquarius will affect your zodiac sign:




Aries 2

Since Pluto is currently transiting Aquarius, you, Aries, are about to experience a profound change in both your expectations for the future and the way in which you interact with others.

You will find that you relate to your peers in an entirely new way as you progress through the longer-term twists and turns of this transit, and you may even try building a new community for yourself.

Since you'll make new and strong connections with others, the social groups to which you currently belong are likely going to experience significant changes as a result.

It will ultimately help you better clarify your personal beliefs, making it possible for you to imagine (and possibly even contribute to building) a world that you never before considered to be a possibility.




Taurus 2

Taurus, your professional and public life are about to take on new levels of intensity, so get ready to advance to a new professional level and own your ability to shine.

Since Pluto will spend the next two decades transforming your house of lifelong image and legacy, you should be prepared to do some in-depth personal digging in order to perfect your inner authority.

What is it that has always prevented you from standing tall and taking charge of the way things are going? Pluto will highlight your ambitions, prompting you to pursue your long-term goals with strong and unwavering focus.

The journey may not be easy, but it will be worth it.




Gemini 2

Gemini, you have a flexible mindset. However, over the course of the next twenty years, you should get ready for paradigm shifts of enormous proportions.

Your personal belief system is about to undergo a complete overhaul as a result of Pluto's transit through Aquarius, which will free you to venture into completely new spheres of thought and experience.

The next few years may bring about life-changing revelations for you; therefore, you should welcome this transformation by continuously broadening your perspective and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

You will be in a position where you must question your dogmas and reconstruct your personal ethics.

There is a good chance that you will face existential dilemmas and crises of confidence; however, working through these mental and spiritual challenges will ultimately assist you in aligning with deeper philosophies of life.




Cancer 2

Cancer, if you want to make the most of the powerful new chapter that Pluto opens in your life, you shouldn't be afraid to do some serious shadow work and dive deep into your psyche.

You are going through a process that is completely transforming your ability to understand uncomfortable truths and to be vulnerable to your desires; as a result, your close relationships will have a great deal more depth.

Things from your past that were difficult will be brought to light, and at the end of this long transit, you will look those things straight in the eye without any fear.

Pluto will give you the strength you need to deal with the monsters under the bed, even though it won't be easy. Despite all the difficulty, you will emerge feeling more satisfied.




Leo 2

Leo, you are about to set out on an entirely new path in the realm of personal connections; as a result, you should get ready to change your expectations of yourself and the people around you.

Those around you might become a mirror, reflecting back to you aspects of who you are that you either don't want to acknowledge or are actively working to hide.

Instead of trying to avoid these reflections, use them as a motivation to work on improving yourself and being more genuine in your relationships with others.

It is time to let go of all of the power-hungry love games of the past, and it is time to begin dismantling the control issues that are preventing you from having the relationships and life that you deserve.




Virgo 2

As a Virgo, your work and wellness routines are especially important to you, and Pluto's transit through Aquarius will take you on a journey of self-transformation through these habits.

You will face the challenge of breaking away from old practices and beginning to create new rhythms in your life as the way you've always structured your schedule and carried out your tasks will begin to change over the next few years.

You will become even more powerful as a result of your productivity. Having said that, it is possible that you will also need to let go of old habits and get to the bottom of what keeps you stuck.

When everything is said and done, you will have the impression that you are the ruler of your own reality.




Libra 2

Libra, you have moved into a new period of your life that is characterized by passion and inspiration. For signs like you, which are ruled by Venus, there is never a shortage of creative ideas.

However, in the years to come, you may find that you start to take your endeavors even more seriously, and you may develop a strong desire to take control of your visions.

Your idea of a passion project will take on a new meaning. During this time, Pluto will also work its mysterious magic in your love life, as you will require more intensity and depth in your romantic conquests than ever before.




Scorpio 2

Scorpio, Pluto is your ruling planet. Your everyday life will go through significant changes over the next two decades, and your idea of “home” will have an entirely new meaning.

This is an important time to address any underlying tensions or resentments that may exist among your loved ones, as they are likely to emerge more strongly at this time.

You will likely begin to take on a new role in your family or change the dynamic in some way. Do not be afraid to dig into your past and focus on healing your inner child.

As you continue to put in the effort, you will gradually create a more solid foundation, which will serve as the basis for the rest of your life.




Sagittarius 2

Sagittarius, as Pluto starts its journey through your house of communications, you can expect a transformation in the way you express yourself.

As this new phase begins, you will find that you are searching for a more profound meaning in the mundane activities of daily life and attempting to connect with the world around you.

Pluto will encourage you to question even the most fundamental things you've learned about life, which will give you the opportunity to rebuild your mindset from the ground up.

You are by nature a dreamer, but you will find that the power lies in simply being in the moment. People will want to listen to what you have to say as your words carry more weight.




Capricorn 2

Capricorn, since Pluto has been in your sign for the past 15 years, you have experienced a significant transformation in your identity.

On the other hand, you will discover that during the next twenty years, you will also gradually improve your own personal values and resources.

You will be taking control of your financial life in a new way, which means that it is time to start really dismantling any deep-seated issues you have with yourself regarding money and self-esteem.

You take control of your financial life in a new way. The years to come will encourage you to overcome your obstacles and begin to appreciate what you have more.




Aquarius 2

Aquarius, since this is the first time in your life that Pluto will be in your sign, you will feel this cosmic alchemical shift more palpably than anyone else.

Since you are a true free spirit at heart, you have no problem standing out from the crowd and doing things differently.

However, the transformative influence of Pluto over the next twenty years will force you to accept the fact that you have no control over how others perceive you.

As a result of your increased focus on your personal power source, you should not be surprised if, over the course of the next few years, you undergo significant transformations in both your physical appearance and overall presence.

Your identity is entering a truly new era, and you should welcome this change with open arms.




Pisces 2

Pisces, the journey that Pluto will take over the next twenty years is going to be one that is very introspective and subtle for you. However, this does not mean it's not important.

You are about to enter a new phase of your life in which you will battle the demons in your subconscious while also delving into your past, your shadow self, and the deepest parts of your psyche.

Be aware of your actions when you are acting impulsively to see if you can unearth a hidden motive because now is the time for you to learn how to more effectively differentiate between your emotions and your intuition.

Your dreams may also become more intense and vivid if you take a mystical practice seriously, it'll help you sharpen your senses.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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