How The 2023 Fall Equinox Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

As a cardinal sign, Libra fills the atmosphere with energy centered around sociability, creative collaboration, and building new relationships.

With Venus, the ruling planet of this sign, finally direct, this time of year offers an opportune opportunity to socialize with others.

It encourages combining forces and putting individual activities on hold, as Libras are great at maintaining balance – putting others first while taking care of themselves.

Now let's answer the question: when does the autumnal equinox occur in 2023? Mark your calendar for September 23.

This momentous event marks the official start of autumn when day and night are graced with equal parts of daylight. It serves as a symbol of the transition to shorter days and the imminent arrival of the colder months.

Additionally, the Sun's entry into Libra during this equinox sets the stage for every zodiac sign to enjoy fun, artistic creativity, and romantic relationships in the coming month.

However, it is important to recognize that Libra is considered a sign that the Sun's power is waning. This can cause you to constantly seek external validation and love from others.

There is a tendency at this time of year to avoid conflict or confrontation, which can lead to a desire to keep the peace at all costs.

While maintaining relationships is preferred during this time, it is important to stay true to yourself and not lose sight of your originality when it comes to pleasing others.

Curious about what effect the autumnal equinox will have on each zodiac sign? Read on to find out what impact it has on your individual astrological journey.





As the fall equinox arrives, Aries prepares to embark on a journey through the realm of relationships.

With the sun gracing your seventh house, which governs romantic partnerships, this season calls upon you to prioritize interdependence, even though it may challenge your independent nature.

Though personal projects might temporarily take a backseat, now is an opportune moment to deepen your connections with others.

Embrace socializing and dedicate time to nurturing your bonds. Remember, taking a break from individual pursuits can be profoundly beneficial.





During the fall equinox, Taurus, the spotlight falls on seeking balance in your day-to-day routines and habits.

Being a lover of Venus, harmony holds great significance for you, and this season underscores the importance of fostering pleasant rituals.

Additionally, you may feel a strong desire to prioritize your overall well-being and health, making it the perfect time to embrace new self-care practices.





Prepare to embrace your creativity during the autumnal equinox, Gemini. With the sun lighting up your fifth house, you'll experience a heightened thirst for pleasure, satisfaction, and entertainment.

It's a fabulous period to engage in activities that bring you pure joy.

From exploring a budding romance to discovering a captivating new hobby, relish every moment throughout the entire month.





On September 23, as the sun enters your fourth house, it whispers of the need to beautify your home and private sanctuary, dear Cancer.

With the autumn equinox in full swing, immerse yourself in the pleasures of domestic life, and nurture the intimate relationships that enrich your world.

Feel free to retreat into your cocoon during this time, as venturing beyond your sacred space may not hold much appeal this month.

Indulge in the comforts of home, and let the tranquility of solitude rejuvenate your spirit.





In the coming month, Leo, your planetary ruler, the sun, will journey into Libra, shining a light on your desire for connection through communication and intellectual exploration.

Your focus will be on acquiring new knowledge from your surroundings and engaging in stimulating conversations.

Fortunately, you won't need to search far to learn new things this month, as opportunities for growth abound.





As the autumnal equinox draws near, your attention will shift towards your financial situation, possessions, and resources, Virgo.

You may find yourself seeking ways to increase your income or leverage your natural gifts and skills.

However, be cautious of indulgence this month, as the influence of Libra could tempt you to overspend. Keep a close eye on your finances and make wise choices.





It's your time to shine, Libra! With the sun moving through your first astrological house, you'll experience a surge of confidence and assertiveness.

Seize this opportunity to take the initiative and introduce yourself to new people.

Your natural charm and authenticity will attract positive attention during this season. Embrace your social nature and make the most of the connections you establish.





During the autumn equinox, Scorpio, you might withdraw further into your cocoon.

As a naturally private person, the energy of Libra season encourages reflection and introspection, which can amplify feelings of loneliness.

Embrace this time to get to know yourself on a deeper level. The period of self-discovery will prove valuable, especially when your own season arrives.





As September 23 approaches, Sagittarius, the sun enters your 11th house, igniting your desire for community and collective support.

This month, you'll find yourself drawn to group activities and projects, fostering cooperation and collaboration with others.

Whether you join an organization or simply spend more time with friends, your social life will be full of energy this fall.





In the coming weeks, Capricorn, all eyes will be on your career and professional ambitions as the sun graces your 10th house.

This is the perfect time to showcase your work and highlight accomplishments you're proud of.

Don't stop, as your efforts will be well received, allowing you to gain the recognition you truly deserve.





Prepare for an exciting adventure, Aquarius, as the autumnal equinox descends upon us.

The world calls to you, urging you to explore it from different perspectives, discover new places, and engage in a wide range of studies.

Embrace this season as the perfect opportunity to break free from the routine and follow your adventurous instincts.

The world is your oyster, and this is your time to enjoy new experiences.





On September 23, the sun moves through your eighth house, shedding its illuminating glow on your private affairs, finances, and intimate relationships.

This month you will delve into deeply personal aspects of your life. Whether it's setting boundaries in your relationships or reassessing your financial resources, important issues will be addressed.

Although the tone may seem serious, you will find relief in knowing that you are taking important steps toward organizing important aspects of your life.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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