How The December Full Moon in Gemini Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

When the sensitive Full Moon in Gemini occurs on December 7 and 8, you will be compelled to communicate your innermost thoughts, feelings, and yearnings before the end of the year.

As the last month of the year begins, ushering in a festive season, driven by the Sun in Sagittarius, you'll want to sweep the past and settle the issues, make the most of the present, and look to the future.

The Sun is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, which signifies that the holiday season is about to begin. And what better way to accomplish that than to tap into the power of introspection that the last Full Moon of 2022 has to offer?

This emotional Moon will compel you to express your most passionate and understated feelings. It will rise in Gemini, which is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.

On the other hand, you may feel that the time has come to put your anger or pain to rest so that you can move forward into the new year feeling emotionally lighter and more motivated.


This Full Moon is about communication and questioning

Full Moons, which occur when the Sun is opposite the Moon, always present a monthly opportunity to finish up projects that you started either six months or even two weeks earlier.

These are the peaks, the breaking points, and the opportunities to let go of everything that isn't serving you anymore. You'll be challenged to perform at an extremely high mental level as a result of the Full Moon occurring this month in the sign of Gemini, which is known for its extreme sociability.

The experience of anticipating an avalanche of information and emotions can very often go hand in hand. The Gemini approach, in which one does their best not only to talk but also to listen, is, of course, the most effective way to deal with everything.

You might find yourself heading for one particular thing, and then the next, only to realize that the third or fourth thing you stumble on is the actual crux of the matter. This could happen to you if you aren't paying attention.

Again, relying on Mercury, the most significant planet of this Full Moon, and discussing it with a reliable person can assist you in recognizing all of the details, allowing you to then concentrate on what is most deserving of your time and effort.



The Full Moon Aligns with Mars Retrograde, Bringing our Emotions to the Surface

Mars, the planet of aggression, anger, action, energy, and sex, will return to the same degree of the sign of Gemini at the same time that the Full Moon falls at 16 degrees Gemini.

Mars, when combined with this Full Moon, has the potential to both trigger and inspire you to engage in conversations relating to challenging emotions that have been swept under the rug.

Consider the more frustrating forms of anger, such as passive-aggressiveness, resentment, and displeasure; all of these tend to have a way of bubbling to the surface when Mars is in retrograde motion.

It's possible that you'll even shock yourself with how abruptly and vehemently you let out feelings that you had repressed in the past.

Therefore, whether you've felt constrained in some way by a superior, annoyed that your partner isn't doing their best, or you're tired of a toxic friendship, you'll be more likely to address this problem head-on now.

Because the energy of Gemini can be both hot and cold and ignite powerfully, it is possible that you will surprise even yourself with the sudden and forceful expression of feelings that you had previously repressed.



Venus square Jupiter

On Friday, December 9, the planet of relationships, Venus, will be opposite Jupiter. As if it wasn't already abundantly clear that this Full Moon will be all about clearing things up with your partner, friend, co-worker, or loved one, consider the fact that this opposition will also take place.

If Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has the ability to magnify anything it comes into contact with, then that has the potential to significantly improve the chances of having a good time over the weekend.

However, it will form a square with Venus and this can only serve to amplify any pre-existing tensions, leading you to either party too hard or commit too much, eventually wearing you out to the point where you are unable to effectively navigate the challenging emotional terrain of this week.

Having said that, it may be most effective to make use of the power of Mars in order to confront the conflict head-on earlier in the week.

According to astrology, here is a rundown of how the Full Moon in Gemini will influence your zodiac sign.




Aries 5

You'll want to talk about the underlying tensions with a friend, or possibly even a sibling or partner because the Full Moon is currently illuminating your third house of communication and is associated with your ruling planet, Mars. If you do this, you'll be able to resolve the issues at hand.




Taurus 5

When the Full Moon occurs in your second house of income, it will be time to resolve a conflict at work that has been going on for some time, possibly concerning the amount of money you have earned in comparison to what you bring in.




Gemini 5

You will feel motivated to champion a cause or a project that is close to your heart because the Full Moon will be in your sign at the same time as Mars.

This can be a project that you are passionate about or another issue that is important to you. Be sure that what you say and the information you provide are both accurate.




Cancer 5

This Full Moon, which is located in your twelfth house of spirituality, is intended to provide you with some downtime to help you reset, recharge, and clarify the next steps you need to take in order to accomplish a long-term objective.

Be aware that a lack of self-care can fuel resentment, which you should keep in mind if you feel the temptation to rush through this moment without stopping.




Leo 5

Your eleventh house of networking is where the Full Moon will fall, putting pressure on you to be a team player and contribute to an overall goal along with your peers, colleagues, and friends.

Now is the time to talk about it if you've been feeling frustrated about the fact that you're not on the same page as everyone else.




Virgo 5

With the Full Moon in your tenth house of career, you are likely to be at an exciting high point professionally and eager to have your efforts recognized.

Even though you might be tempted to put off sharing your thoughts for a later time, doing so now can save you a lot of stress that you'll otherwise have to deal with over the course of the holiday season.




Libra 5

Because the Full Moon will be located in your ninth house of adventure, you may experience feelings of restlessness and anxiety, as well as a sense that you are somewhat trapped. Communicating with your loved ones about how you are feeling can be a catalyst for creative thought.




Scorpio 5

The Full Moon is currently in the eighth house of your chart, which represents emotional connections and shared resources, which means you will need to have a conversation with your significant other or a loved one about the things that make you feel the safest and most at ease, such as your sexual life or the responsibilities that you both share financially.




Sagittarius 5

As the Full Moon occurs in your seventh house of partnerships, you will become acutely aware of the degree of reciprocity, or lack thereof, that exists within each of your individual relationships.

You are going to feel compelled to talk about it now, whether you failed at it or there were other things that did not go as planned.




Capricorn 5

As a result of the Full Moon occurring in your sixth house of health, routine, and daily activities, you will feel inspired to improve the level of organization and harmony in your day-to-day life.

Take a break from your typical routine and feel free to voice any concerns you may have regarding any aspect of your life that you believe has held you back.




Aquarius 5

As the Full Moon is currently in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you may become irritated if you are unable to free yourself from work in order to have a little bit more fun now.

It is acceptable to act in a manner that is most beneficial to you at this time in relation to your crew, and it is especially important to make your most fundamental needs known.




Pisces 5

The Full Moon that occurs this month will fall in your fourth house of family life, putting pressure on you to find a better way to balance the demands of your professional life with those of your personal life.

A fantastic first step can be having a conversation with someone about how to set new boundaries in one aspect of your life.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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