How the February 2023 Full Moon in Leo Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Not only are the temperatures dropping in February, but other things are also getting frigid. As the Aquarius season continues, there is a strong desire to keep boundaries, rules, and structure in place, while at the same time seeking to innovate and think outside the box.

Aquarius is a sign that is known for being a little bit unconventional, that encourages you to think for yourself while not desiring the attention that can come along with it.

This may sound like a contradiction, but it is true. When the Full Snow Moon occurs in February 2023, every sign will be eager to be recognized and appreciated for what sets them apart from others, rather than hiding in plain sight.


What's a Snow Moon?

A Snow Moon takes place every February. Because this is the time of year in the United States when snowfall is typically at its heaviest, the Full Moon has been given the nickname “Snow Moon.”

Saturn, the coldest planet in our solar system, rules over the Aquarius season, which coincidentally takes place during the coldest time of the year.



When does February's Snow Moon take place?

This lunation will take place in the fixed fire sign of Leo and will illuminate the night sky on Sunday, February 5 at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. It will encourage all signs to embrace what it is about them that sets them apart from others. 

Not only will it shed light on each sign's desire to be seen, heard, and acknowledged, but it will also serve as a reminder that you bring something to the world that is unique and it is worthy of being acknowledged.

Respecting your desire to be appreciated for your gifts and talents is of the utmost importance, even if doing so means you have to be a little self-centered.

Because this Full Moon will be exactly square Uranus, you are being asked to step outside of your comfort zone in a way that you have never done before.

If you want to make the most of this opportunity, you must do something that you have never done before. People will view you in a way that is different from how they have in the past, but despite this, you should find that it's very rewarding.

Read on to find out what to expect from the 2023 Snow Moon for each zodiac sign:




Aries 1

Aries, your fifth house of creative pursuits will be illuminated by the Full Snow Moon, bringing awareness to your artistic gifts and passions.

It is the ideal time to demonstrate anything that you have been working on in the recent past. This lunation couldn't be more perfect for someone like you, who is always eager to take the lead and make things happen.

On this day, you should get ready to feel inspired and validated, and you shouldn't be afraid to let your hobbies and talents take the spotlight.




Taurus 1

Taurus, this month, the Snow Moon will shine a light on your house of home and family, encouraging you to shine a light on yourself and your activities within your private world.

It is a good time to dress up and throw a fancy party in your living space, or to go all out with the decorations in your living space. Taurus, no matter what you're up to, everyone will be looking at you.

You can't help but put on a show as Venus is your ruling sign.




Gemini 1

Gemini, as the communicator of the zodiac, you are always eager to share your thoughts and ideas with others, and during the February Snow Moon, you'll be inspired to showcase what you know.

This lunation is an excellent opportunity for you to make use of your voice, which is one of your greatest gifts, and to have conversations that will enable you to lead with authority and confidence.

Your comments are certain to be well received today, no matter when and where you say them.




Cancer 1

Cancer, your ruling “planet”, the Moon, will enter your second house of money and resources on February 5, illuminating it and encouraging you to show off the results of your hard work.

You'll be reminded of your worth today, whether it's in the form of a raise at work or treating yourself to a new fancy piece of clothing that you buy for yourself.

Now is not the time to settle for less than you deserve, so don't be afraid to ask for more. Since you put in a lot of effort, you should be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.




Leo 1

Leo, this month you are the protagonist. When the Full Moon in your sign shines its light on your first house of identity, you will receive an invitation to share your talents and skills with the people and communities around you.

Because you are ruled by the Sun, it is essential that you do not hide your light from others, despite the fact that doing so may make them feel uneasy.

You are in charge, so it is imperative that you listen to your instincts. Even though receiving acknowledgment can be gratifying, you will never feel as validated as you do when you believe in yourself and forge your own path.




Virgo 1

Virgo, your twelfth house of withdrawal and isolation will be illuminated by the February Snow Moon, inviting you to embrace your confidence and pride.

You are not usually interested in getting attention from outside sources because you are the zodiac sign that represents performing acts of service.

On this day, you will be prompted to give some recognition to yourself for your accomplishments. Be sure to give yourself a pat on the back on a regular basis, whether it's by treating yourself to a day of self-care or by throwing a celebration.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with congratulating yourself, regardless of how big or small the accomplishment may be.




Libra 1

Libra, this month the Snow Moon will illuminate your eleventh house of friends and social groups, encouraging you to embrace the leadership role that you embody and to take advantage of the opportunities that this attention brings.

Being ruled by Venus makes it easy for you to navigate your social circle, and the current Full Moon is the ideal time for you to either host a networking event or attend one.

Anything that puts you front and center among your contemporaries is almost certainly going to be beneficial to you.




Scorpio, your tenth house of career and professional life will be illuminated by the Full Snow Moon. This will encourage you to show off any projects or endeavors you've been working on.

Since your sign tends to be more reserved, you aren't always as quick to display your talents, but the present moment is the ideal time to grace the world with your abilities.

You have done excellent work that should be recognized, but in order for that to occur, you must first make yourself visible to others.




Sagittarius 1

Sagittarius, the Full Snow Moon will illuminate your desire to share knowledge and wisdom. Now is the ideal time for you to share what you know to be true.

Because you are known for being among the most truthful zodiac signs, you are always eager to share the knowledge that you have with others.

Now is an excellent opportunity for you to discuss your beliefs and ideas. If you want your message to be understood by others, you should discuss it only with those who regard what you have to say as important and respect your judgment.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn, your eighth house of shared resources and boundaries will be illuminated by this Full Moon, inviting you to pay attention to how you show up for others and define your boundaries.

You are very proud of your ability to help others, but it is essential that the people in your life who care about you do not take you for granted.

It is a good day to voice these feelings if you have been feeling like your efforts haven't been properly acknowledged.

You may also find that you are taking on new responsibilities with regard to your finances; however, you should avoid becoming overburdened.




Aquarius, your seventh house of romantic relationships and partnerships is illuminated by the Full Moon, which is drawing your attention to the various ways in which you seek validation from the people you care about.

This is not something you usually do as Leo is your opposite sign; however, this lunation serves as a reminder of how important it is for you to feel seen and heard in your relationships.

Do not be shy to express your desire for attention, Aquarius; there is nothing embarrassing about wanting others' focus.




Pisces, your sixth house of work and routines will be illuminated by the Full Snow Moon, which will prompt you to consider how you prioritize yourself on a day-to-day basis and how you can do better.

It is essential that you make the effort to take care of yourself, even in the smallest of ways. Be sure to set aside some time on a regular basis to celebrate yourself, and keep in mind that you do not necessarily need to work hard to deserve it.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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