How the January 2023 New Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

If you found the formality of the Capricorn season too much for you, there are changes on the horizon. The beginning of the Aquarius season on January 20 will bring with it all of the anarchy that you have been wishing for.

In spite of the fact that Aquarius is still a sign that values tradition, the focus of this time of year is on cultivating inclusive environments and making room for people who don't always conform to the norm.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box because the New Moon in January 2023 is encouraging everyone to get the ball rolling when it comes to revamping outdated concepts in their lives. In fact, the New Moon in January 2023 is encouraging everyone to get the ball rolling.

After a period of structure, increased discipline, and following the rules to the letter, everyone is encouraged to go against the grain as the Sun moves through Aquarius.

On January 21, the Sun and Moon will join forces at 1 degree of Aquarius, ushering in a new conception of ideas that are in opposition to traditional ways of thinking.

On this day, you might not have the urge to take rash action, but rather, you will be prompted to do a lot of thinking and come up with new ideas.

Even though this is not a sign that you should act quickly, the possibilities are endless in terms of what you can imagine right now; therefore, you should make sure to write down your ideas.

Now is the time to experiment with unpopular opinions or ideas, regardless of how strange they may appear to others. Your one-of-a-kind way of thinking is what sets you apart from other people, so don't be afraid to be yourself.

Read on to discover how the New Moon in January will affect each zodiac sign:




Aries 5

You can expect to take part in intellectually stimulating conversations with your contemporaries and community members during the New Moon that occurs this month.

It should come as no surprise that you, as the leader of the zodiac, are the one bringing the most creative and unique ideas to the forefront.

Today is a good day for you, Aries, to not be afraid of discussing your outlandish ideas with others because they are very likely to be well-received.




Taurus 5

On January 21, the Sun and Moon will join forces in your tenth house of career and public image. This will revitalize ideas that are at the forefront of your professional life.

You are not someone who is afraid of ruffling feathers in this area, and now is the perfect time to share your genuine perspectives with your coworkers.

Taurus, speak up and let your original ideas be heard because they deserve it. If you have been looking for new ways to innovate your work, now would be a good time to start putting those ideas into action.




Gemini 5

The Sun and the Moon joining forces in your ninth house will introduce innovative ideas to your existing philosophy and belief systems.

You are someone who is always eager to embrace new perspectives as an air sign. However, on this day, you will be prompted to think outside of your normal frame of mind even more than usual.

Try something new today, Gemini, even if it's just something you wouldn't normally do, like eating something you wouldn't normally eat or reading a book you typically wouldn't read. You won't be bored no matter what you choose to do.




Cancer 5

The New Moon that occurs on January 21 will invigorate your finances as well as shared resources. However, there is no need to panic because the changes that take place are likely to be gradual and consistent.

You have a tendency to stick to what is secure and well-known because you are ruled by the Moon. However, on this day, you will be encouraged to look at things a little differently, particularly in regard to your personal boundaries and your financial situation.

Today, Cancer, give yourself permission to consider a variety of approaches to setting and maintaining firm boundaries, and keep in mind that doing so does not make you any less of a nurturer.




Leo 5

As the Sun and Moon come together in your seventh house this month, you will find that your connections with others are refreshed in some way.

It is a good time to go out and meet new people who might become potential romantic or business partners, but encounters might take place in an unexpected way.

Your social life will almost certainly offer you something new, whether you decide to give speed dating a shot or make a connection with someone through a mutual acquaintance.

Leo, right now would be an excellent time to put yourself out there, which is something you are very good at doing.




Virgo 5

Your routines, habits, and rituals are all prime candidates for fresh starts as of the 21st of January, when the New Moon will appear in Aquarius.

You are always looking for new and innovative ways to make progress because you are the zodiac sign that is most focused on productivity.

This New Moon is providing you with new and refreshing ideas that you can implement. Your normal routines are going to be revitalized in significant ways, whether it's because you're switching up your workout routine or your work schedule.




Libra 5

As an air sign, you will be grateful for the newly discovered ideas brought to you by the Aquarius New Moon, which will motivate you to rethink and revitalize your existing creative endeavors and passions.

Libra, you are entering a period of your life that is ideal for experimenting with new approaches to dating or expressing yourself, or even just changing your perspective.

This New Moon is encouraging you to rebel a little bit. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things! Maybe you're not as traditional as you believe you are.




Scorpio 5

On January 21, the Sun and Moon will join forces in your fourth house of home and family. This encourages you to experiment with new approaches in your home life.

It doesn't matter if you're just considering redecorating or if you're actually in the process of making a change, now is the time to give in to the urge you have for an unconventional private world.

Scorpio, tradition isn't as important as you might think.




Sagittarius 5

The Sun and Moon will join forces in Aquarius on January 21, bringing new ideas and perspectives to the forefront.

Since you are the type of person who eagerly embraces new experiences and points of view, this lunation will undoubtedly leave you feeling motivated.

Be sure to enjoy the shift in your perspectives with regard to your beliefs, even though now might not be the right time for you to act on impulses.

Listen to a new podcast or discuss with a friend an opinion that goes against the grain. Anything that will get your mind working in a novel and unorthodox manner is what you need.




Capricorn 5

The New Moon in Aquarius at the beginning of this month will usher in new starts with regard to your finances and resources. If you have been looking for new ways to improve your budget, now is a great time to try out some of those new methods.

In spite of the fact that you have a tendency to be more conventional, you have found that more nonconventional approaches to managing your money are more successful.

Capricorns, you shouldn't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone; doing so doesn't mean you have to abandon all forms of organization.




Aquarius 5

The Sun and Moon will align in your first house of self on January 21, ushering in fresh starts and new beginnings related to your sense of who you are as an individual.

If you've been itching to experience something fresh and unique, there's no better time than now. Get that haircut you've been putting off, or sign up for that pottery class, whatever it is that will help you feel more at ease and confident in your own skin.

Aquarius, keep in mind that it is critical to live your truth, even if doing so means you'll do it alone.




Pisces 5

On January 21, when the Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Aquarius, you will feel inspired to revitalize the mental health practices you are already engaged in.

The techniques you use to recharge your batteries look different from those used by other people, but ultimately, what matters is whether or not they are successful for you.

If you feel the need to disconnect from the outside world and enter ghost mode, do so. Everyone practices self-care in their own unique way, and the manner in which you look after yourself does not have to make sense to anyone but yourself.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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