How the July 2023 New Moon in Cancer Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

New Moons, in the grand cosmic theatre, serve as the universe's very own 'emotional reset' switch. These lunar events – presenting themselves approximately every month – occur when the Moon snuggles close to the Sun, making only a thin crescent of its surface visible.

Consequently, we on Earth perceive a seemingly Moon-less sky – a pristine, dark expanse, akin to an unblemished canvas, ripe for inscribing our next life chapter.

Come July 17th, at precisely 2:32 p.m. ET or 8:32 p.m. CET, this lunar tableau is set to be adorned with the New Moon in Cancer, the primordial water sign.

Known for its nurturing disposition, sentimental leanings, and an occasional dash of crustacean grumpiness, Cancer promises an intriguing lunar narrative.

Each year, Cancer season – kicking off on June 21st and concluding on July 22nd – prompts us to nest, nurturing our bonds with cherished ones.

With Cancer governing the fourth house of domesticity, it's not surprising if we find ourselves embracing a touch of domestic bliss or some well-deserved sofa slumber.

And once a year, the Cancer New Moon presents an opportunity to gain profound insights into vital aspects of our lives – our emotional core, our roots, and our kinship ties.

While every New Moon's darkened canvas invites introspection and self-nurturing, the New Moon in Cancer intensifies this calling.

We may find ourselves drawn to cocoon within our metaphorical shells, tuning into our individual needs. This lunar pause enables us to identify and act consciously to fulfill our emotional requirements.

Regarding the Zodiacal Impacts of the 2023 Cancer New Moon: Particularly, the cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn – will feel the impact of this July 17 New Moon more distinctly.

To pinpoint the influences further, examine if any of your natal chart placements hover near seven degrees of a cardinal sign. If so, get ready for a cosmic jolt! Now, let's explore what each sign can anticipate. (And remember, check your ascendant sign too!)




Aries 2

It's possible that you're conflicted between spending time with the people you care about and heading out on an adventure now that the new moon is in your fourth house of home life.

If you go with the second option, you might want to think about how you can make the most of both worlds by bringing along some of the people you care about.




Taurus 2

Because the new moon is located in the house of communication, you are likely to be more sociable and curious than usual, not to mention somewhat overbooked.

Just bear in mind that you need to arrange some rest time in order to continue operating on all cylinders.




Gemini 2

Because the new moon is located in the second house of income for you, Gemini, it is essential and prudent to investigate new options and consider taking action that could improve your flow of cash at this time.

If you want to improve your chances of becoming successful, you should think about cooperating with other people, such as friends or people you work with.




Cancer 2

This is the new moon in Cancer's sign! Now that the moon is traveling through your first house of self, it is time to concentrate on and take responsibility for your long-term objectives.

There is no possibility or goal that is unattainable at this point. Just keep in mind that acknowledgment is coming your way because you have earned it and it won't be long until it does.




Leo 2

Because the new moon is located in the 12th house of spirituality for you, Leo, you may have the impression that you are in the wings getting ready for the limelight the following month.

While putting an emphasis on your own growth, plant the seeds for the things you desire to see mature.




Virgo 2

The new moon is occurring in the 11th house of friendship and networking for you, which is significant since working together is necessary to achieve an objective that has been pursued for a long time.

You'll find that being emotionally open and vulnerable with other people can go a long way toward building a sense of community among you all.




Libra 2

Because the 10th house of career is activated by this new moon, Libra, now is an excellent time to contemplate your long-term professional objectives.

Perform an act of ritualism, present your wonderful concept to higher-ups, or make a cold call to a possible new client in order to bring your ideal work into existence.




Scorpio 2

Due to the fact that this new moon is located in your ninth house of higher learning and exploration, you are being prompted to push yourself beyond of your comfort zone and improve your skill set.

It is time to acquire new knowledge and exercise some faith in order to progress.




Sagittarius 2

Since the new moon is occurring in the eighth house of emotional relationships and shared resources for you, Sag, now is a great moment to consider sharing finances or what you require more of in bed.

It may be really empowering to speak up for what it is in either of these spheres of your life that gives you a sense of being protected and at ease.




Capricorn 2

Because the new moon is currently located in the seventh house of partnerships for you, Capricorn, now is the time to formulate a goal about your one-on-one connections.

This moment was intended for being in sync with one another and carrying the ball ahead as a pair, and it doesn't matter if you're thinking about a platonic, romantic, or professional connection.




Aquarius 2

You have the opportunity to start over with your wellness strategy as the new moon is located in the sixth house of routines and habits in your horoscope.

Even though we have a tendency to believe that strenuous exercise would enhance our health, you may find that you are pulled to a kind of self-care that is less strenuous but just as caring now, such as making therapy or meditation a priority in your life.




Pisces 2

This new moon, which falls in the fifth house of romance and play for you, Pisces, has the potential to be quite fanciful, mystical, and artistically satisfying for you.

Make it a habit to take a break from your work for a little while so that you can take in the good energy and find out the most productive creative outlet through which you can explore the feelings that are closest to your heart.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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