How the June 2023 Full Moon in Sagittarius Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The end of spring and the beginning of balmy summer days will be heralded by the appearance of the strawberry moon in June of 2023.

The full moon, commonly referred to as the strawberry moon, is a symbol of richness and success.

It will be fully illuminated on June 3rd and 4th, 2023, at 11:41 p.m. Eastern Time and 5:41 a.m. GMT, and it also symbolizes blossoming flowers, fruits, and a plentiful natural world.

According to astrological tradition, full moons present a window of opportunity for self-examination and personal development.

That possibility could feel both exciting and terrifying to you at the same time, depending on where you are in your own personal path.

The following is a description of the influences that will be exerted onto each zodiac sign during the Strawberry Full Moon that will occur in Sagittarius in June 2023:




Aries 1

The time has arrived for reformation and regeneration to take place.

Take some time to formulate a workable strategy if it seems as though your thoughts are scattered all over the place.

Develop routines that you can keep up with without leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

You need to give yourself permission to get out of your thoughts and start living more in the here and now.




Taurus 1

After witnessing the strawberry moon, Taurus needs to get a grip on their procrastination.

Your manifestations are significantly closer than you may know at this time.

It is time to make that initial move and commit one hundred percent. You should also take this opportunity to examine how you feel about falling short of your goals.

If you do not even attempt something, you will never be successful. Don't be afraid to jump in!




Gemini 1

It's time to stop relying on rationality and start paying attention to your instincts.

Your brain has been your primary focus for far too long, but now is the time to put it aside and follow your true love.

Put an end to dismissing your gut instinct and start having faith in yourself.

It's time to show the world how confident you are in your decisions because you already know what's best for you.




Cancer 1

Focus on tending to your own needs and nurturing yourself during the strawberry moon.

You are always being generous to other people, and now it is time to be generous to yourself.

Put aside some time on your calendar so that you may treat yourself to a date with self-care and really concentrate on what it is that you desire.

Focus on the ways in which you can love yourself as much as you know you should.




Leo 1

This month, try not to put any restrictions on yourself, especially when it comes to the things you've accomplished and the confidence you have in yourself.

It is possible to help other people while simultaneously helping yourself.

It is quite necessary to put your energy into those who will also put their energy into you.




Virgo 1

This is the month for Virgos to start purging themselves of the self-doubt and negativity that they have been harboring.

You should start by changing your thinking and including positive affirmations in your everyday routine.

Realize that your bad ideas do not define you, and that you are not the same thing as they are.




Libra 4

Libras will have the option to focus intensely on their own well-being under the strawberry moon.

You are not obligated to carry out the requests of each and every person. Put your attention on achieving your goals, and you will soon see them materialize.

As you progress toward becoming the kind of person you see for yourself, more possibilities will present themselves to you.




Scorpio 4

During the time of the strawberry moon, you Scorpios should be prepared for your defenses to be breached.

We are aware of how challenging it is for you to articulate how you are feeling, but please know that it is OK to not be OK.

Be willing to put yourself out there and ask for assistance when you feel you need it.

It would be beneficial for you at this time to keep a journal so that you have somewhere secure to vent all of your negative feelings.




Sagittarius 1

If you have been thinking about taking a trip around this time, you should go ahead and do it.

It is a wonderful time to make travel plans or to organize a staycation for some time in the near future.

Changing your surroundings might be an effective step toward altering your thinking.




Capricorn 4

It's the perfect time to congratulate yourself on a job well done, so do it during the strawberry moon.

Put an end to feeling like a fraud and accept the fact that you are worthy of having everything your heart could possibly desire and more.

Stop letting your own self-doubt to take over your life and start rewriting the story you tell yourself on a regular basis.




Aquarius 4

Try to get in touch with your imaginative self this month so that you can accomplish what you set out to do.

You'll find that naturally creative thoughts come to you.

Keep a dream notebook, and pay close attention to the thoughts that are running through your head at the moment.

Now is the time to turn your hopes and wishes become reality.




To get their energy levels back up, Pisces should spend some time by the water.

Give yourself a break, and then concentrate on establishing a pattern for the morning and the evening that works for you.

This is also a great time to make plans for the future and give yourself permission to fantasize.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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