How the June 2023 New Moon in Gemini Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The New Moon that occurs in June of 2023 is an excellent time to begin the summer season.

Gemini season is the time of year when the astrology aligns with our need to socialize, converse, and connect with new and old friends alike.

If you've been feeling extra flirtatious and frisky recently, you're definitely under the influence of Gemini season. This is the time of year when the astrological corresponds with our need to be social.

There is always a dual quality to this sign because Gemini is symbolic of ‘The Twins,' and that is exactly how the New Moon in Gemini that is occurring this month is manifesting itself.

This is due to the fact that the constellations are converging to present us with twice as many possibilities while simultaneously prompting us to rethink our innate reactions.

The Sun and the New Moon in Gemini will come together in the sky to create a powerful New Moon that is ripe with the possibility of fruitful new beginnings and clean slates.

On the other hand, due to the fact that the New Moon that will occur in June 2023 will make an almost exact square with hazy Neptune, emotions of uncertainty and unease may begin to permeate what would otherwise be a transparent and illuminating route forward.

Therefore, your need for change may motivate you to come up with new and creative ideas, only for you or others to question the likelihood or potential perils of pursuing those ideas.

When using your cosmically aligned wisdom, try to steer clear of negative thinking and feedback loops. Instead, keep in mind that the new moon is never the right moment to seek answers.

Now is the moment to try something dangerous. It is a message to have faith in oneself as well as in the universe. Lean into the direction in which your mind is taking you and let your interests to guide you to the logical conclusion of what they imply.

You won't end up missing out on what is destined for you unless you give up and decide you're not interested in pursuing it at all.

If you want to get the most accurate assessment possible of how the New Moon in June 2023 will effect you based on your zodiac sign, you should look at your sun sign or rising sign below:





When the fresh Moon in 2023 is in the third house of communication for you, you may find that your mind is racing with fresh ideas.

This is likely to coincide with a significant increase in the number of notifications and messages that are accumulating on your mobile device.

During this lunation, Aries, you'll be the center of attention, and you'll have a lot on your plate. Instead of allowing everything to make you feel overwhelmed, follow your curiosities.

Attend to the voice in your heart, figuratively or literally, and take note of the person or thing to whom you feel drawn to respond.

Pay attention to the places where your thoughts take you because they will show you the way to the next step in your journey.





Taurus, you have been keeping an eye on something, and the New Moon that will be occurring in the second house of income on June 20, 2023 is likely to make you want to splurge on it.

This lunation has a “add to cart” vibe for you, and while it's active, your task is to explore what you're driven to buy and then question why you feel compelled to make that purchase.

Maintain an open mind with regard to the things you want. It is not about making yourself feel bad about things; rather, it is about determining what it is that you want.

The more you investigate why you do the things you do, the closer you will get to finding out what it is that you really want. And other times, it's just “that thing,” which is perfectly acceptable.





Your sparkling wit, which makes everyone you encounter want to be your friend? Focus on getting to know the most interesting person in your life, which is likely you.

Get to know yourself. On June 20, 2023, the New Moon will be located in the first house of your natal chart, which represents your unique identity.

This New Moon encourages you to keep exploring who you are, what you like, and what you aspire to become. Know that you haven't met everyone who will love you in this life – at least, not yet.

There are still people you will love in this life. Realize that you do not, by any means, know everything there is to learn in this life. There is so much more for you to discover.

You do not need to be completely knowledgeable; in fact, you have never been required to be. You only need to keep working and asking questions in order to get what you want.





You are being prompted to pay attention to yourself and to trust what your instincts are trying to convey to you, despite the fact that your inner critic may be trying to convince you otherwise.

Consider all the ways in which you can be nicer to yourself in June of 2023, when the New Moon will be in the twelfth house of the subconscious for you.

In doing so, you will become a greater friend to yourself. The reason why your friends come to you for guidance is because of the gentle support and open-minded attitude that you consistently demonstrate.

They do so because they feel that you care. But are you like that when it comes to the perceived shortcomings and faults that you have in yourself?

This lunation is encouraging you to put an end to the voices in your head that stop you from viewing yourself as the divine being that other people aspire to be like.





Due to the fact that the New Moon is currently shining in your eleventh house of groups and networks, you should get ready for some exciting new developments in your social circle.

And Leo, you are cordially invited to take part in the excitement. In addition to this, it serves as a cosmic reminder that if there is one thing on which you can always count, it is the inevitability of change.

Therefore, rather than fighting against it, you should lean towards it. Now is the time to develop and maintain a sense of curiosity regarding new opportunities that may present themselves.

Even if you've always completed a task in a particular manner or with a particular individual, it doesn't mean you can't bring in a different person or try a different strategy.

In addition, the energy indicates that not only are you capable of doing it, but that you ought to do it.





You, Virgo, are at a pivotal juncture in your professional life. You just don't recognize it yet.

You are being challenged to explore all of the ways in which you are ready to take the next step, but may be holding yourself back, as the New Moon is currently located in the tenth house of vocation for you.

It is possible that you are afraid of failing or that you are afraid of change, yet the stars are aligning right now to bring you new possibilities to do more of what you enjoy doing.

To spend more time engaging in activities that feed your creative and inquisitive spirit. Follow your instincts and have faith that the journey will bring you to your destination in one piece.





Libra, where do you think your sense of adventure will take you?

Since the New Moon that occurs in June 2023 falls in the ninth house of your chart, which represents exploration and learning, it is important that you listen to your gut feelings regarding the areas in which you would like to develop and learn.

Are you itching to see the world but afraid to take the plunge? Have you ever contemplated venturing into uncharted territory?

Now is the time to bring your thoughts and your desires into physical form through the power of your words.

There are auspicious new beginnings taking root in your perspective of the world and your role in it, so do not be frightened to live the life you've always longed to live.

There are new beginnings taking root in your perception of the world and your place in it.





You have a lot of depth and intelligence, Scorpio.

Because you have a naturally inquisitive mind, this New Moon in the eighth house of intimacy and secrets is encouraging you to rethink the way in which you connect with other people.

The most essential thing is that you are being given the opportunity to rethink your connection to yourself. Being vulnerable is never going to be simple, but it's always going to be worth it.

This New Moon is all about engaging in conversation with other people by posing questions to them and then attentively listening to what they have to say, without passing judgment.

And it always boils down to providing answers to the same challenging issues. It is not about putting oneself out there; rather, it is about letting people know who you are and what your goals are.

Your needs are legitimate; all you need to do is determine what they are.





When you believe you've learned everything there is to know about love and passion, a New Moon in the seventh house of partnerships reveals you how much more there is to learn about partnerships and how they work.

It's not hard to get into a rut, and sometimes the familiarity of an established routine can even feel soothing.

Nevertheless, as a Sagittarius, you are aware that the purpose of relationships is to challenge you and assist you in maturing.

This lunation serves as a gentle reminder to keep an eye out for circumstances – not necessarily new romantic partners, but they may be – that present opportunities for you to modify both your mindset and, more significantly, your feelings.





Make impromptu activities a top priority on your to-do list, Capricorn.

It may be the only way to ensure that you pay attention to what the stars have in store for you as you begin this new chapter in your life, so you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

Because the New Moon has just entered the sixth house of routines for you, now is the perfect time to reorganize your routines so that they bring you more delight and interest.

If you open your mind to the possibility, you may find that even the most routine activities include elements of awe. Bear in mind that you are known to be a sign that takes responsibility seriously.

You will, of course, complete everything that must be completed; therefore, you should consider having fun to be a part of your own responsibilities.





You're in luck, Aquarius. Your fifth house of pleasure is ruled by Sagittarius, and the New Moon that occurs there in June 2023 gives you with a wealth of opportunities; the challenging part may be picking which one to pursue.

This lunation is all about growth and expansion for you; you might get a visit from the proverbial muses, who will shower you with creative genius and imaginative new ideas or solutions you hadn't thought of before.

You could be seduced by lovers, and if you want to establish a family, you could be blessed with a child. If you wish to create a family, you could be blessed with a child.

Pick the option that strikes you as most congruent with who you are.





Pisces, your private life is about to undergo significant transformations in the near future.

The New Moon that occurs in June 2023 in the fourth house of your horoscope, which represents your home and family, couldn't come at a more opportune time if you've been considering moving or making other significant life changes.

During this period, those who invest in real estate will have a greater degree of success.

You might also find that your connections with members of your family are shifting, which might make it simpler for you to communicate and connect with them in the years to come.

Put those seeds in the ground now, and we'll see what kind of harvest they bring in the next chapter.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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