How the Last Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Many of us probably thought the year was coming to a close. To our surprise, Mercury is going retrograde.

However, before I tell you how the final Mercury retrograde in 2022 will affect your zodiac sign, let's take a closer look at the messenger planet.

Mercury, the planet of communication and curiosity, is considered to be the ruler of the mind because it controls everything from how information is transmitted to how it is processed.

Its infamous retrograde transits take place three to four times a year, providing us with an opportunity to contemplate, evaluate, and reevaluate our next steps.

On December 29, Mercury will enter its final retrograde cycle of the year at exactly 24 degrees Capricorn. This cycle will last for the entire month of January.

On December 12, it will enter its pre-retrograde shadow phase, which will likely give you a preview of the energies that will be brought back into play during the retrograde.

Capricorn is representative of our individual and professional hierarchies, as well as our aspirations, customs, superiors, and sense of authority.

Mercury will complete its retrograde motion on January 18, but it will continue to experience the aftereffects of the motion until February 7.

This indicates that mercurial mayhem (such as former partners reemerging from the past, technical difficulties, miscommunications, and misunderstandings) could last until then, so it is best to avoid making significant decisions during this time.

Discover how the final Mercury retrograde of 2022 is likely to affect each of the zodiac signs:




Aries 5

Aries, it's time to see finish what you started. This is the same as having unfinished business, as Mercury retrograde will sit alongside Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, via your tenth house of authority, career, and legacy.

You are being called to address a change that is occurring to a specific title that you have held for some time.




Taurus 5

Taurus, because your philosophy is always evolving, there is no need for you to become attached to a specific outcome.

Through your ninth house of wisdom, belief systems, and worldly pursuits, Mercury's retrograde motion will start while it is in conjunction with Venus, your ruling planet.

You are perceiving things in a completely different manner, and as a result, you will need to make the appropriate adjustments.




Gemini 5

Gemini, the change that you're looking for must first begin with you. In addition to the fact that Mercury is your ruling planet, its current retrograde motion in Capricorn is drawing attention to the less desirable aspects of your relationships, whether they are personal or professional.

You'll have to think about what is preventing you from moving forward, and what needs to change.




Cancer 5

Cancer, if there was ever a time when you were prepared to finalize the transaction, it's highly likely that you're now taking a second look at the circumstances.

For instance, a relationship or partnership's structure is undergoing significant change as a result of Mercury retrograde's conjunction with Venus in Capricorn via your seventh house of committed one-on-one relationships.




Leo 5

Leo, have you thought out everything that needs to be done for 2023? Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, in conjunction with Venus and Pluto, is highlighting the foundation of your routines.

This phenomenon also brings attention to the darker attributes that have the potential to stifle your highest good.




Virgo 5

Virgo, are you purposefully stifling your creative musings, your unique self-expression, and your love life? Your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and individuality is being emphasized by Mercury retrograde, Venus, and Pluto.

As a result, you are being encouraged to reflect on the obstacles you have overcome and the progress you have made.




Libra 5

Libra, even though you are working on building your foundations, there are still a few things on your to-do list that need to be dealt with first.

An outdated belief system may be brought to your attention as a result of Mercury's retrograde in Capricorn alongside your ruling planet, Venus, and Pluto.

This occurs via your fourth house of home and family. However, it is up to you to make the necessary adjustments to your worldview.




Scorpio 5

Scorpio, as a gift from the cosmos, you are currently reevaluating how you perceive the actions and motives of other people.

For example, because Mercury is currently in retrograde and conjunct Venus and your modern ruling planet, Pluto, in Capricorn, you are being encouraged to reflect and reconsider the structure of your exchanges.




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius, at this time you are paying closer attention to your financial situation as well as your sense of security. This Mercury retrograde, which also happens to rule your house of relationships, will shed light on the foundation of your connection.

However, this will not result in an undermining of the more negative aspects of your relationship. Does this structure benefit both parties?




Capricorn 5

Capricorn, you might want to reconsider the words that come out of your mouth. Because Mercury is currently in retrograde, Venus and Pluto are both currently moving through your sign, making this a particularly significant point.

It's possible that both your personal and/or professional partnerships, as well as the foundations of your communication style, are going through a period of transition right now.

It is important that you do not ignore the information that is being brought to your attention.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius, your desire to retreat is not a coincidence. Mercury retrograde is conjunct with Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, via your twelfth house of closure, dreams, and unconscious patterns.

You are being made aware of something important, either in real life or in a dream. You are being prompted to examine a wide range of topics, from the inhibitions you have to your connection with the spirit world.




Pisces 5

Pisces, what kinds of opportunities have you let slip away from your grasp? You are being encouraged to take a second look at the structure of your professional network, as well as your visions for the future.

Are you making the necessary efforts to move closer to becoming aligned with your goals?


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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