How the March 2023 Full Moon in Virgo Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Spring is almost here. Even though the primary focus of the most recent few months has been on preserving order, consistency, and boundaries, the trees gradually beginning to bloom is a sign that the cold and dormant season is finally drawing to a close.

Pisces season is a time when things gradually begin to change in a manner that is idealistic, optimistic, and assured, and as the upcoming Full Moon prepares to light up the sky, you might want to get a head start to prepare for what's to come.

The Full Worm Moon in March 2023 will encourage every sign to buckle down and be attentive as every aspiration you have for the months ahead requires logic and practicality to help it actualize.

On March 7, the Full Worm Moon will rise in Virgo at 16 degrees, prompting everyone to put logic, information, and efficiency at the top of their priorities.

This Full Moon is an excellent opportunity to find solutions to problems that can only be identified by paying close attention to detail, in particular those details that play a significant part in assisting you in realizing your goals and ambitions.

The focus of every sign will be directed to the house in their birth charts that is ruled by Virgo.


What's a Worm Moon?

The last Full Moon of Winter, also known as a “Worm Moon,” marks the end of Winter and officially brings an end to the season's colder months.

The nickname “Worm Moon” refers to the time of year when earthworms, food that birds eat after sheltering from the bitter cold, start to appear in the soil again.

This event is also known as a “Sugar Moon” because it occurs around the time of the year when the sap of sugar maple trees begins to accrue.


When's the March 2023 Full Worm Moon?

The Full Worm Moon for this year will occur on March 7, 2023 at 7:42 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), and it will appear to be particularly large this month due to something known as a “Moon illusion.”

Take advantage of this opportunity and take some pictures of it. Read on to discover what you can expect from the Worm Moon of March of 2023:




Aries 1

Your sixth house of work, routines, and habits will be illuminated by the Full Moon on March 7, inviting you to take a detailed look at how you are keeping up with your tasks and rituals.

It would be wise to focus on putting things in order here, particularly if they haven't met your expectations. When everything is in order and running smoothly, especially the small and routine aspects of life, you feel positive.

You'll experience a significant improvement in how you feel as a direct result of the changes, no matter how small they may be.




Taurus 1

You're encouraged to be more productive in your creative passions and hobbies by the Full Moon, which is calling for you to acknowledge important details and information related to these areas.

This may take the form of rearranging things in your art studio or making adjustments to a creative project that you have been working on.

Today, you will be able to notice details that you may have previously missed, so it is a good time to direct that energy toward your fun and pleasure-seeking endeavors.




Gemini 1

On March 7, the Full Worm Moon will be illuminating your fourth house of home and family. This is an invitation for you to evaluate significant information and details.

It is the ideal time to finish a project about improving your home or to examine something in your home that requires careful attention.




Cancer 1

The Full Moon in Virgo highlights your abilities, academic pursuits, and other educational endeavors, making it the ideal time to read, write, and engage in research to learn something new.

When you are participating in conversations with others or doing research, make sure to pay close attention to what is being said because this could be the time when you learn something vital that you were previously unaware of.

If you think something might be important in the future, now is the time to write it down so you won't forget it.




Leo 1

The Full Moon in Virgo will highlight your money and personal resources and bring awareness to important details regarding your financial situation.

You're feeling compelled to rework your budget or look through the history of transactions on your bank account. You should make good use of today to put things that have been causing you stress or disorganization in order.




Virgo 1

The Moon shines a light on your desire for efficiency, information, and practicality Virgo, and you feel you're the main character.

On this day, you will be encouraged to embrace these innate qualities, so make sure to put your analytical nature to productive use.

Just make sure not to overwork yourself by taking on too many responsibilities at once; doing so is a surefire way to become unmotivated.




Libra 1

Your twelfth house of isolation and loneliness is being illuminated by the Full Moon, prompting you to investigate and evaluate the state of your private world.

Normally, social interactions and making new connections are what motivate you to get things done, but today, you'll find that you're more inclined to get things done when you're by yourself and behind closed doors.

This is a good day to keep your activities relatively low-key.




On March 7, the Full Moon will draw attention to your social groups and the community at large, prompting you to evaluate how you can be of service to your relationships with friends and allies.

On this day you'll be confronted with a challenge that calls for an in-depth solution or you'll feel compelled to share helpful information with a friend in need.

You'll experience a sense of being useful and productive today, particularly in your social life.




Sagittarius 1

When it comes to your career and professional pursuits, you are going to be encouraged to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Today is the kind of day on which you should work on a project that requires a trained eye or give a presentation where you present others with useful information.

Today, Sagittarius, you will undoubtedly be the center of attention and you will have a strong desire to share your wisdom with others.




Capricorn 1

Your studies, beliefs, and quests for higher wisdom will be illuminated on March 7 by the Full Moon. This will encourage you to engage in discourse or research that broadens the mind.

As the zodiac sign associated with self-discipline, you are all about participating in conversations that test your abilities, and now is the ideal time for discussions.

You have a lot of knowledge that could be helpful to others, and now would be a good time to share some of that knowledge with the people around you.




The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7 is prompting you, Aquarius, to take a look at your shared resources and finances. Be sure to pay close attention to how you are splitting responsibilities with others during this time.

Now is the ideal time to review any important receipts, bank statements, or anything else that may require a trained eye. If you've been meaning to get more organized in this area, the time to do so is now.




Your romantic relationships and partnerships are being illuminated by the Full Moon in Virgo. As a result, you must pay close attention to small yet significant details in your relationship.

This could be a time when your partner is looking to you for guidance or support, or it could simply be a time for you to analyze the nature of the relationship as a whole.

In either case, you will be challenged to think about ways in which you can refine the way in which you communicate with others.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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