How the March 2023 New Moon in Aries Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

If you are someone who enjoys springing forward, then you will be just as excited as usual to learn about how the New Moon in Aries of March 2023 will affect each zodiac sign.

After all, in addition to the collective rebirth taking place after a period of darkness, we are also getting ready to welcome a new astrological year.

The Spring Equinox occurs on March 20 at exactly 5:24 p.m. Eastern Time. This event coincides with the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and also marks the beginning of the Aries season.

There is an undeniable sense of revival that energizes and inspires us during this season This season is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.


What does all of this have to do with the New Moon?

Well, the New Moon in Aries will take place on March 21 at 1:23 p.m. Eastern Time, which is less than 24 hours after the Equinox. This makes the energy even more fertile, auspicious, and celestially potent!

However, it gets even better, as the Moon will be renewing itself via zero degrees of this cardinal fire sign. In astrology, zero degrees is considered to be a critical degree point.

To put it another way, not only are we beginning a new season, lunar phase, and astrological year, but we are also doing so via the earliest degree of the zodiac's first sign, the most fundamental.

This is an Equinox portal. It is safe to say that this new beginning will be unlike any other because during the month of March, two planets, Saturn and Pluto, will be changing signs.

It's not just a new adventure; it's also a truer version of who you are coming out from the inside. The Aries New Moon takes place on March 21 at 1:23 a.m. ET.

It is essential to take into account the ruler of this lunation, which happens to be Mars in this instance. Mars in Gemini highlights the duality of your sacred masculine and divine feminine energies.

When you think back to the beginning of this transit, which was in October 2022, what do you see as the most significant accomplishment in this sphere of your life?

Have you experienced any healing or opening of your throat chakra as a result? Have you had an honest conversation with your shadow self?

Venus, the planet of love, relationships, pleasure, and values, will be transiting its home sign, Taurus, and will be in conjunction with the North Node.

This points to a newly discovered sense of comfort and self-reliance that may be making itself known during this New Moon.

The upcoming New Moon will shake things up significantly for these zodiac signs. Find out why:




Aries 5

Since this New Moon is occurring in your cardinal territory gives you an abundance of good fortune, Aries.

It may sound cliche, but the universe is giving you this opportunity to remind you to dream big because the Sun and the Moon will join together in your honor as you embark on this new journey around the zodiac.

Mars in Gemini brings continued emphasis and momentum to your communications and immediate surroundings. However, as Pluto finishes its transit through Capricorn and reaches the top of your chart, you are reminded to affirm your strength and newly discovered sense of authority.




Taurus 5

Taurus, you need to find a way to make peace with who you used to be. The Sun and the Moon will join forces in Aries through your 12th house of endings, dreams, inhibitions, and things behind the scenes.

Remember that in addition to Mars lighting up your second house of comfort, finances, and value systems since October 2022, your ruling planet, Venus, is now transiting through your sign and forming a productive sextile to taskmaster Saturn.

It is time to let go of whatever it is that has been holding you back from starting over, whether it be a financial responsibility or an identity that has provided you with a sense of safety in the past.




Gemini 5

Gemini, you are in the process of freeing yourself from attachments that do not serve your current or future aspirations and goals.

This is especially significant when taking into consideration the fact that Pluto will finish its 15-year journey through Capricorn and your eighth house of partnerships on March 24.

The New Moon will take place in the midst of Mars' passage through your sign and through your 11th house of associations, communities, and individual liberties.

You are experiencing your main-character energy but at the same time, you are contemplating the complexities of your connections and friendships.

Since Venus is currently aligning the North Node in Taurus, you are being encouraged to place a high priority on your values and your loyalty to others.




Cancer 5

Cancer, you are starting to find yourself and taking the lead. After all, Pluto has been in Capricorn for the past 15 years, and it is also transiting your committed seventh house of agreements at this time.

Nevertheless, because the Moon is currently renewing itself in Aries while transiting through your 10th house of authority and reputation, there is fertile ground and forward movement with regard to your professional endeavors and public persona.

Mars in Gemini lighting up your 12th house of unconscious patterns may cause you to have conflicting thoughts about the next step you should take.




Leo 5

You, Leo, have a strong intuition that points you in the direction of a prosperous future. This New Moon is providing you with inspiration and forward momentum as it renews itself in your sister fire sign.

This New Moon is also activating your expansive ninth hous of travel, wisdom, and uncharted territory. Since October 2022, Mars has been moving through your 11th house of future visions and community affairs.

As a result, you may be experiencing a conflict within your beliefs, particularly in regard to the friendships you have and the ideals you hold.

Since Venus and the North Node are currently illuminating your 10th house of authority, you are not only supported in the idea of moving forward, but you are also confident in your ability to do so.




Virgo 5

During this lunation, your approach to close relationships and collaborative endeavors will be in the spotlight, Virgo.

Keep in mind that it is essential to take into account everything that has occurred in your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, ever since Pluto first moved into Capricorn in the year 2008.

What has changed for you in terms of the things your heart desires, the way you express yourself, and the love language you speak?

Mars will soon reach the end of its journey through Gemini and your 10th house of authority. As a result, there is a greater emphasis on the dual nature of your endeavors and the people with whom you assert yourself in your relationships.

Venus in conjunction to the North Node in Taurus, on the other hand, shines a light on the reliability and significance of your accomplishments.




Libra 5

Do you and the person(s) you consider to be your significant other(s) hold similar worldviews, Libra? Your seventh house of agreements, compromises, and other people, is being highlighted by the Moon in Aries, your opposite sign.

At this time, every aspect of your behavior, from the way you approach others to determining whether or not you feel confident in your expression, is unde review.

You are being encouraged to consider the duality of your philosophies as Mars, is currently transiting through Gemini and your ninth house of self-discovery and higher learning.

In addition, Mars is the ruler of this particular lunation. You are fortunate in that your astrological ruler, Venus, is currently conjunct the North Node, which provides you with the support and stability you need in order to build a reliable connection.




Scorpio 5

Do you have something new in the works, Scorpio? You could be incorporating a new health regimen into your world even if you don't take the lead when it comes to your day-to-day routine.

In either case, the Moon will transit through your sixth house of responsibility while its ruler, Mars, ignites your eighth house of close relationships and shared resources.

Since Mars is also your traditional ruling planet, it is essential for you to think back on everything you've learned since October 2022, the month in which it first started retrograding through Gemini.

What did you learn about your everyday life, particularly with regard to giving and receiving?




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius, your heart wants what it wants; you just have to listen to it. The Moon will renew itself in Aries through your fifth house of love, passion, authenticity, and self-expression.

This will take place as Mars is nearing the end of its journey through Gemini and your seventh house of agreements, compromises, and significant others.

In light of this, take some time to consider what you've learned about your significant others, as well as your idea of a connection.

You are not only transitioning into a completely new identity, but you are also becoming aware of the mental roadblocks that may have hindered the development of your relationships in the past.

It is also important to reflect on what has transformed and regenerated, whether in terms of your finances or values, as Pluto is about to complete its transit through Capricorn.




Capricorn 5

Capricorn, the proverb “home is where the heart is” is more relevant than ever in light of the recent New Moon.

The Sun and Moon will join forces at zero degrees of Aries, which will bring emphasis and fertility to your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. However, there is more.

Your sixth house of health, daily rituals, and due diligence is ignited by Mars in Gemini. This highlights everything from the logistics surrounding your family dynamic to your thought process and inner dialogue on a personal level.

Since Venus is currently in conjunction with the North Node in Taurus, you are more confident and stable in your communications.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius, speak your mind. This is an especially important point to consider as the Moon is currently renewing itself at zero degrees of Aries, while also passing through your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings.

Mars has been moving through your fifth house of authenticity, love language, and self-expression since October. This has highlighted everything from your outlook on love and romance to the conflicting desires of your heart.

There is a new identity and energetic aesthetic being birthed from within you as Pluto is days away from making its debut in your sign.




Pisces 5

Pisces, your beliefs are something that should be fought for. Mars will continue to move through your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations until October 2022.

You are being encouraged to reflect on everything you've learned since the previous Autumn as the Moon continues to renew itself in Aries and your second house of comfort, finances, and value systems.

Which aspects of your upbringing or family dynamics do you want to maintain and further develop in the future? What are the things that you truly want in your home, and are you willing to have these conversations with the people who are important to you?


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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