How the New Moon December 2022 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Whether or not 2022 was a difficult year for you, the vast majority of people agree that we all share the hope that the coming year will bring us even more blessings.

On the bright side, the New Moon occurring on December 23 is all about setting yourself up for success. The Moon has moved into Capricorn, which compels us to complete our to-do lists and make plans for the best possible 2023.

Even though Capricorn energy can sometimes be very harsh, the zodiac signs that are the least likely to be affected by the New Moon in December 2022 will be able to breeze right past it.

The signs of the zodiac that are less likely to be affected by the authoritarian energy of the New Moon will find it particularly soothing.




Aries 5

Aries, since the New Moon is in your tenth house of career, now is the time to get your long-term professional goals sorted out.

Of course, you want results right away, but if you devise and stick to a detailed, step-by-step plan, there's a good chance it'll be even more impressive than you could have hoped for.




Taurus 5

Taurus, since the New Moon is in your eighth house of connection, now is the time to let your guard down around a significant other. It's possible that establishing some new boundaries could help you feel more at ease.




Gemini 5

Gemini, the New Moon is located in your eighth house of intimacy, so you should not be afraid to be vulnerable with a significant other. Establishing new boundaries is something you should do if you want to feel more at ease in your environment.




Cancer 5

Cancer, due to the fact that the Moon is in your seventh house of partnerships, there's an emphasis on the one-on-one connections you have.

You are able to launch an exciting and possibly unique new endeavor, particularly with the assistance, inspiration, or tangible inputs from a partner, who can be a friend, a significant other, or a colleague at work.




Leo 5

Leo, during the New Moon in your sixth house of wellness, it is a wonderful time to focus on a self-care or health-related habit you've been wanting to start but haven't had the opportunity to do.

If you set your mind to it, it will eventually become a consistent part of your routine, so long as you keep at it.




Virgo 5

Virgo, the encouragement you receive from your fellow earth sign (Capricorn) serves as a reminder to appreciate the little things in life.

Do you have a creative project that is currently on the back burner? You should give your activities your complete attention and dedication.




Libra 5

Libra, as the New Moon is in your fourth house of home life, you have the opportunity to initiate new family rituals or perhaps even make a significant change that brings about a shift in the atmosphere of your home.

Be sure to treat your own needs with the same degree of consideration that you give to those of your family.




Scorpio 5

Scorpio, you are being encouraged by the New Moon to take a step back while the world around you appears to be changing at this very moment.

This lunation encourages you to engage in calm introspection, evaluate your growth, and make an effort to view situations more rationally and less emotionally.




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius, since the New Moon is currently in your house of earnings, you may feel compelled to launch a new business.

If the way you are currently making money does not entirely correspond with the values that you hold dear, it may be time to investigate other opportunities.




Capricorn 5

Capricorn, you will feel inspired to make significant progress toward completing a project that you are passionate about now that the New Moon is in your sign.

You can achieve even better results by paying attention to your instincts and taking care of your mental and emotional health as you move through the process.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius, as this New Moon occurs in your twelfth house of spirituality, you are being urged to abandon logic in favor of letting your imagination run wild. It's possible that what you come up with could serve as a surprising rock-solid foundation for an action plan.




Pisces 5

Pisces, you are going to feel tremendously encouraged after this New Moon. As you move forward into the new year, it is an excellent opportunity to be reminded to lean on the support of your personal network.

There is a possibility that new friendships are developing right now. Make an effort to rein in your feelings and keep a level head.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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