How the New Moon November 2022 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Due to the arrival of the New Moon in November, the start of the holiday season will be much easier and joyous. This fortune-filled lunation is full of optimism, abundance, and a taste for adventure.

It will rise on November 23, just one day after the start of the Sagittarius season, and it is packed with fortune. You'll definitely want to know how the New Moon in November 2022 will affect your zodiac sign, as this is the best opportunity for manifestation that we've had in months.

The Sun and the Moon are in the mutable sign of Sagittarius during this lunation. Sagittarius is an enthusiastic sign that enjoys being spontaneous.

This zodiac sign's energy is all about reaching for the heavens and aiming for the stars, as it is armed with a cosmic bow and arrow. This New Moon inspires us to broaden our personal horizons, seek higher knowledge, and branch out into exciting and heart-expanding adventures.

It is brimming with fiery optimism and an insatiable thirst for life. Now is the ideal time to venture into uncharted territory and expose yourself to fresh perspectives and ideas.

The Sun and Moon will both be in the sign of Sagittarius when a beautiful trine aspect is formed with Jupiter, Sagittarius' ruling planet. This aspect bestows good fortune, significant opportunities, and a great deal of the ability to manifest one's desires.

Jupiter's expansive influence is supercharging our intentions, and any New Moon rituals will feel especially potent and powerful now that eclipse season is finally over with.

Jupiter will also be finishing up its annual retrograde on the same day as the New Moon, which will bring about a sense of liberation and help us all embrace a reviving new perspective on life.

This will add to the magic that will be occurring during this time period. I can't think of a better way to kick off a holiday weekend. Here's your horoscope for the New Moon in November:



Aries 4

Aries, even though your ruling planet, Mars, is in retrograde motion right now, this fiery lunation will give you a newfound sense of vitality. Your mind is being stimulated, which motivates you to concentrate on the more expansive aspects of your interests and beliefs in general.

You might find that you have a craving for new experiences or different points of view that can help you break out of your daily routine and expand your way of thinking.

This could be a sign that you need to broaden your horizons. Step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.




Taurus 4

Taurus, the past month was likely filled with eclipses that rocked your world and shook up your relationships. As a result, this New Moon is an especially good time to boldly face all of the inner truths, fears, and demons that you have been avoiding.

We may experience feelings of vulnerability as we adjust to significant life changes; therefore, it is important to perform an energy check on yourself and establish some stronger boundaries where they are required.

Allow yourself the time, space, and energetic protection that you require in order to work through your emotions.

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Gemini 4

Gemini, your romantic life is about to take an exciting new turn, and you can be sure that your talkative, air sign personality will have ample opportunity to convey precisely what it is that you want from your relationships.

A new dynamic within a romantic partnership has the potential to infuse your love life with a renewed sense of excitement, and other aspects of your life, romantic or otherwise, can benefit from an adventurous approach as well.

Maintain an open mind as you investigate the many ways in which people connect with one another.




Cancer 4

Cancer, don't you find that your regular schedule is starting to become mundane? Keeping up with the same routine day in and day out can become tedious, but the upcoming New Moon will motivate you to challenge the way things have always been done.

You might want to experiment with rearranging your daily routine in order to make room for more spontaneity and whimsy in your life.

Try going to work via a route that you don't normally take, sign up for a fitness class that you've never attended before, or make plans to have coffee with a friend who you haven't seen in a while. Changing your routine will result in significant improvements to your life.




Leo 4

Leo, you can bet that things are going to get more intense for you now that the New Moon has moved into the domain of another fire sign.

After a challenging eclipse season, this lunation is finally re-igniting the sparks in your life and bringing you an exciting burst of inspiration, romance, and joy.

It's possible that your dating life will take some interesting and thrilling new turns, and that you'll find yourself feeling more creative than usual as a result. Follow these lunar rainbows all the way to some exciting new experiences.




Virgo 4

Virgo, even though the New Moon is rising in the house of your chart that deals with home and family matters, you shouldn't assume that the next few days won't be eventful.

You should make it a priority to inject more joy into your home and family life by doing things like inviting people over for an impromptu get-together at your place or preparing a delicious and unique homemade meal for a treasured friend or member of your family.

It is also a good time to spruce up your living quarters with some new decor, so a trip to the stores on Black Friday may be astrologically justified if you choose to do so.

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Libra 4

Libra, under the light of the New Moon, give voice to your aspirations and make them a reality. This lunation is bringing some sass, spontaneity, and magic to your house of communications, and as a result, you will have the confidence to say exactly what it is that you mean.

Either engage in some thought-provoking discourse with the people around you or simply make a note of your own New Moon intentions in private; in either case, allow your ideas to flow freely.

When you speak your truth, you'll begin to attract people whose energy is similar to your own. The more you do this, the better.




Scorpio 4

Scorpio, your season his past month was particularly difficult, and the eclipses brought out a particularly intense side of your personality.

To your great relief, the radiant New Moon is ushering in such an abundance of blessings into your life right now that it just might make up for some of those challenges.

Since you currently have the chance to significantly increase either your income or the amount of money in your bank account, you should not be afraid to ask for what you believe you are entitled to receive. To solidify the deal, you should perform a money manifestation ritual.




Sagittarius 4

Sagittarius, I hope you have a wonderful birthday season and a wonderful New Moon. Because of this mystical lunation, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus are all congregated in your sign at the same time.

This indicates that your vitality is likely to be at an all-time high and that numerous opportunities are knocking on your door.

This is one of the most powerful moments of manifestation that you will experience all year, so now is the time to get to work with your crystals, candles, and other tools for vision boarding. You have every justification to have a positive outlook on things.




Capricorn 4

Capricorn, your work life is important, especially to an earth sign like you; however, this joyous lunation serves as a reminder that you also deserve to fully enjoy your free time.

You have worked hard, and you deserve to reward yourself by having fun. The time is ripe for spiritual awakenings, but in order to make the most of them and cultivate their potential, you must first make room in your life for the exploration that is required.

Make room in your schedule for some quiet time during the New Moon so that you can give your batteries a chance to recharge and give in to your more carefree side.

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Aquarius 4

Aquarius, this fortunate lunation will make you feel like your free-spirited and energized self again after eclipse season was especially difficult for you and your fellow fixed signs.

It is a great time to get out there and connect with other people because there is an exciting breeze of change blowing throughout your social groups and the community as a whole.

It's a great time to make new friends and start working together on projects, so welcome the opportunity to work together and keep an open mind about potential new connections.




Pisces 4

Pisces, it just so happens that the benefic planet Jupiter is finishing its retrograde motion in your sign and it is also providing support to this New Moon by way of a mystical trine aspect.

You are in luck because an increase in auspicious energy almost certainly indicates prosperity for you. Remember, you are the one who will steal the show once you take the stage in the spotlight.

Your public-facing talents are bursting at the seams, and you should stop playing it small and start making yourself visible in order to take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you professionally left and right.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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